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occult tarot


“… is a Great Prince of Hell, and reigns over sixty legions of demons. He causes men to love women and vice versa, and can make people bare themselves naked if desired. He is depicted with the face of a leopard and the wings of a griffin, but under the conjurer’s request he changes into a very beautiful man.”

Source: Wikipedia


Goetia demons


Personally, I have given Sitri the Lovers tarot card because of his office which is to cause people to fall in love. However, in staying true to the Occult Tarot deck I will grant him the Ace of Pentacles. As always, my aim for this thread is to choose one card per day to provide inspiration and guidance on a daily basis. I also hope that one of our beloved demons will respond to me in the course of path working.

The Pentacles correspond to the element of earth. This element is a masculine one which involves the interactions which human beings have with their external or physical environments. The situations which one finds themselves in with regard to health, finances, wealth, property, work, or even family arise from the interactions which one has with the external environment. It is these which are always associated with the Suit of Pentacles.

Pentacle Archetypes are a group of people which is obsessed with material possessions. The things which occur when they interact with the external environment have more value to them compared to other existential phenomena. As a result, these individuals are always focused on their careers and work with their view of success relying on achieving milestones in these areas. In the Ace of Pentacles, they have to balance their urges with realism in order to succeed.

The Ace of Pentacles is a tarot card belonging to the Minor Arcana. When this card is upright during a tarot reading it is interpreted to mean abundance, new career or financial opportunities, or even manifestation. When it reversed however, it is taken to mean a lost opportunity or lack of planning. I call this card the “Forecast Card” because its positive reading panders to the concept of foresight and the strategizing that comes about with this ability.

This card shows a hand that is hanging from the sky whilst holding a large coin in its clasped palm. This coin is available for anyone who is willing to take the initiative and retrieve it. The landscape shown is lush and rich in foliage perhaps depicting abundance. There is a path leading to the background where mountain peaks can be seen – the implication here is that one has to take the steps to elevate themselves in order to get ahead in life.


The Demon

Sitri is another of the fallen angels that were captured by King Solomon and bound to a brass vessel. He is listed as the 12th of the 72 demons accorded to Solomon in the Ars Goetia. Sitri is ranked as a Great Prince of Hell with command over 60 legions of lesser demons. Not much else is known about this demon and this is a running theme with the majority of demons and otherworldly entities.

Given the dearth of information surrounding him, it is fairly difficult to trace the origins of this demon. He cannot be found within ancient Graeco-Roman texts or even early Middle Eastern mythology. He is however mentioned severally in major grimoires such as the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, the Dictionnaire Infernal, and the Ars Goetia. This lends credence to the idea that this demon has Jewish origins having played an important role in Solomon’s achievements.

Sitri is described as appearing in the manner of a winged leopard. His wings are said to be those of a griffin. He is decidedly monstrous when he first manifests to the conjuror. However, the demon is also capable of assuming the appearance of a very comely man upon the request of the conjuror. It is inconclusive whether this demon is male, female, or even androgyonous. Among the other titles which this demon responds positively to are Sytry and Bitru.


Note – it is impossible to know whether this demon is evil, benign, or indifferent towards human mortals. The implication here is that he should be left to the most experienced of conjurors lest he decides to deceive the magician.


The Message

Is there an opportunity that I am missing? Should I take greater care in planning?

I believe that Sitri is a demon whose power can prove very useful to the conjuror. It is no secret that several people struggle with the issues of love and can benefit from additional help. Therefore, you can also use this demon to help in resolving the issues in your marriage or relationship. In so doing, one can get ahead in life even through using their charms alone on unsuspecting people in prominent positions.

If the tarot reading was upright in my case, I would immediately be filled with a sense of optimism. This is because of the promise of new opportunities for advancement – the prospect of making more money obviously appeals even more as it indicates a desirable future. If it was reversed however, I will attempt to double my efforts within any field of interest that I am partaking in so as to prevent the loss of the opportunity in question.

Within a week or so, I should experience the outcomes of this tarot reading. If it was upright, my fortunes should change somewhat to reflect the new opportunity that has fallen in my hands. If it was reversed however, I expect some downfalls or losses in my field of interest as consistent with the reading of a lost opportunity. If I do not experience any of these then I usually assume that the opportunity has passed or is yet to come.

All the tarot readings and the symbolism contained here are open to interpretation. Let us know what you think of Sitri and the Ace of Pentacles card in the comment section below. We’d love to hear from you!


Occult Tarot by Travis McHenry

Drawing on daemons, symbols, and sigils from ancient magickal grimoires including Archidoxis Magica and the Key of Solomon, Occult Tarot presents a fully realized divination tool to finally embrace and behold the mysteries of the night.

The first tarot deck to faithfully adhere to the Solomonic principles of demon conjuration, Occult Tarot allows practitioners to discover the power of ancient demons and learn to tame the beasts that wander between the physical and spiritual worlds.

Should we be sold out, if you are in the USA you can grab this deck from Amazon.




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