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Skyclad morning meditation to raise & release energy

spiritual warfare

Spiritual warfare morning meditation with Black Witch S.

BWS demonstrates a morning raising and releasing of energy.

This video is just 10 minutes in length, and you can follow along BWS, as she raises energy, forms an energy ball, and releases it.

Location:  Australia, in the beautiful Hunter Valley Region, at the end of the Australian Summer.

“Inhale through the nose. As you do, feel energy flow from the ends of the universe through your nose and body, and down and out of the bottoms of your feet to the center of the Earth. Feel the energy move through and around you. As you will learn, it is the intimate contact which is important.” – BWS


Where possible, it is best to practice Skyclad (or nude) to experience oneness with nature and feel the energy without clothing.


As this video was created for witches practicing the Spiritual Warfare Mediation Course for Witches, no verbal instructions are given. However, this is the basic concept to follow:

  1. Stand in a comfortable position. Close your eyes and ask your guides, teachers and your Divine force to assist you in this process.
  2. Take in 3 very deep breaths. With each breath, imagine the white light of divine energy entering into your body through your nose and drifting down to your solar plexus (where your rib cage meets at the bottom of your chest.)
  3. As you exhale through your mouth, imagine the gray smoke of all your stresses, anxieties and negative emotions going out into the universe where it will be dissipated and no longer do harm to anyone.
  4. Return to normal breathing. Create a ball of energy within yourself at your solar plexus. Chose a color you feel is appropriate to your working. See this ball as a container for your energy.Ask your Spirit Guides to come and assist you in your working. Imagine your Guide touching your solar plexus and moving some of their energy into your energy ball. See it as peaceful, loving and compassionate. Working “with” you to increase the energy ball and watch it grow.Next, say a prayer to your Divine force and ask that it work with you. State your purpose and intent of this ritual. Then with each breath see the divine energy coming in through your nose and traveling to your energy ball. Adding the Divine energy to yours. Continue this visualization until the ball is completely filled with energy.
  5. Now watch the energy ball grow and expand until it pushes outside your body. Pushing the stresses and anxieties out of your body and soul. Until it fully engulfs your body, your circle and so on.
  6. Now you can use this energy to create the workings you had planned for this ritual. Imagine the energy flowing from your hands into whatever form you had planned. You might see it travel through your tools, into a cauldron for instance. Where it can energize your intent and your potions or spells.
  7. Don’t forget to thank your Guides and the Divine spirits for aiding you in this process.

Buy the Spiritual Warfare for Witches Book on Amazon


 Learn Witchcraft

BWC Education Pathways & Courses

BWC & BWC Learn Spells offers you various pathways to learn witchcraft. You should choose the path in which you feel the most comfortable right at this moment.

People who are interested in learning about alternative arts and religions must be willing to take the time to understand what they are moving towards. We hope, that by offering 3 main pathways, you the student, can make interesting and stress free progress into learning about witchcraft.

Step 1:

You must learn the basics before you advance into more complex and highly emotionally charged work. Everyone must come into the BWC Pathway via learning one of these methods:

  1. Wiccan Witchcraft
  2. Traditional Witchcraft – Non Wiccan Witchcraft
  3. Hoodoo Witchcraft

Step 2:

For Wiccan Witches – Stage 3 involves starting your own coven or joining another wiccan coven

For Traditional Witches – You will take an elective course and continue. This may include studying Chaos magick or Black Magick.

For Hoodoo Witchcraft – You may wish to look into becoming a rootworker.

For more information – Contact Lady Hannah

Free Courses

Basic Magick Course – Free Course

Learn the Runes

Tea Leaf Reading – Free DIY Course

Learn Hoodoo Witchcraft  – Video Course (Non Pathway course)

Divination Courses

Palm Reading


Tea Leaf Reading – Free DIY Course

Connection & Awareness Courses

Astral Projection Course

Aura Awareness Course

ESP Course

Mediation for Witches Course

Spiritual Warfare Course – Best Selling Mediation course for witches with Black Witch S

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