Sorath is a demon associated with the sun and it speculated that he is even more powerful than Lucifer or Ahriman as posited within the works of Rudolph Steiner. Sorath is the custodian of the secrets of black magic and he is summoned to restore order or control within one’s life. Sorath may also be invoked for motivation purposes. It is however risky to work with Sorath due to his immense power which is not for the faint hearted.
Sorath is representative of the negation of humanity whilst the other deities (Lucifer and Ahriman) represent the darker end of the spectrum of human nature. For this reason, Sorath is evidenced by radical sinning such as self harm, serial killing, sexual deviance, and nuclear weaponry. It is also thought that state sanctioned mass murders are also associated with the onset of Sorath. Rudolph Steiner posited that at the time of the Second World War, both Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin were possessed by Sorath hence the mass killings witnessed during this devastating war.
Since every planetary entity / star has its opposite darker manifestation, Sorath is the antithesis of the sun’s holy energy. He is thus the cardinal demon of the sun. It is posited that during the end times, the Sun-Genius (Christ) will vanquish this demon through the actions of Archangel Michael. His name is broken down into 666 as evidenced by the following image:
From the above image, it is evident that the summation of the individual values of the foregoing characters is 666. It is the number recognized within Christian texts as belonging to the beast of the end times. Sorath’s name is therefore read from right to left with the appropriate vowel sounds fixed to the ends of consonants to form the noun “Sorat” that is further translated to Sorath.
History of Sorath
Much of present day knowledge regarding the origins and workings of this demon are attributable to Rudolph Steiner. Sorath is thought to originate from Voudon due to his rapid pace of granting wishes as well as similarity in his energies to those of other Voudon based demons such as Bael and Claunech. Indeed, the invocation of Sorath leads the magician to feel the power of a god highlighting his highly potent nature.
Rudolph Steiner stated that Sorath is the actual sun-demon of the book of Revelations. He cited that pious people would be able to see the Sun-Genius (an etheric manifestation of Christ) at the turn of the millennium. Sorath’s response would be to possess the less holy and oppose the sun-genius through raving tongues, destructive fury in their emotions, strong natures, and their countenances will represent those of animals / beasts.
The numerical value of the demon’s name is 666 leading many to posit that he is indeed the anti-Christ himself. This is further augmented by his sigil that has two pointed ends thoughts to be indicative of his two servants – Ahriman and Lucifer according to Rudolph Steiner. Archangel Michael who possesses the key to the abyss and the chain to tie up the vanquished Sorath will be the power used by the Sun-Genius to overcome Sorath according to Steiner.
There are other accounts that suggest that Sorath comes into force every 666 years. According to this apocalyptist perspective, the first time the year 666 came around there was an influx of anti-Christian elements within the religion’s reckoning. The second time, in 1332, the Order of the Knights Templar attempted to revert Christianity to worshipping the sun although the Order was crushed in 1312 and its leader slain in 1314 in the early years of the fourteenth century.
After 666 years, it is posited that world events of an anarchic nature took place as the beast reared its head again. Events such as the First World War, the Second World War, the Cold War, and other similarly devastating wars have been attributed to the beast rising again. More specifically, the apocalyptist views world events as being separated by intervals of 666 years during which the power of Sorath waxes and wanes respectively.
Mineral: Gold
Zodiac: Ophiuchus
Direction: North
Planet: Sun
Color: Black / Dark Violet / Golden / Yellow
Number: 666 / 7
Incense: Franckincense
Shape: Hexagon
Sorath has a masculine humanly appearance with a strong build. He is also described as having light blonde hair. His skin is also reddish with a slightly golden tinge.
The “Demonic Enns” of Sorath
Surraggat Maggattor Lorrigal Harrraggor Aggathorriggal
Baruch Ha-Sorath Geber Ha-Golohab Va-Thagirion
Sorath Liftoach Sitra De-Smola
Adlaudate Sorath, Amplus Rector Thagirion
Potens Imperator Sorath Gloria
The sigil of Sorath

Attributes of Sorath
- Sorath is regarded as a risky demon to work with because of his influence on one’s mind. He controls the “id” which is the primitive part of the mind causing one’s life to spiral out of control before restoring it.
- He causes one’s personality to change once he acquires control of the id and this can be noticed by close friends and family.
Similar demons to Sorath
- Lucifer
- Ahriman
When to summon Sorath
Sorath is summoned to provide control or motivation within the life of an individual. He can also provide enlightenment as the custodian of the secrets of black magic.
Items Required:
- A protective circle to prevent Sorath’s destructive power from harming the person.
- A stone
- Solar oil
- Rubbing alcohol
- The seal of Sorath
Ritual Time: When the moon is void.
- Sorath is an extremely powerful entity and only experienced people should attempt to invoke him.
- It is preferable that the ritual is performed by a person who has an existent relationship with the demon.
- As previously mentioned, Sorath affects the id and can cause one’s life to be destroyed entirely if the demon is not handled correct.
- First of all balance your chakras and engage in power meditation.
- Open the planetary gateway of the sun by visualizing the six-pointed star with the solar alchemy symbol in the center.
- Chant “Yod he vo he Eloa Va Daarth aarrarita” respectfully.
- Make a connection between the target objective and the stone.
- Place the stone in a bowl and use the solar oil and rubbing alcohol to set it alight.
- Place the bowl over Sorath’s seal and chant his en repeatedly.
- The demon appears in the fire when the flames are at their highest.
- Give the demon license to depart after praising him and stating your wishes.
I’ve had no issues with Sorath and I have worked with him occasionally: I particularly need to be careful when looking at enns & sigils because of my autism which is a gift in-itself when it comes too summoning I suppose but I sometimes summon something I shouldn’t at times:
My mind automatically repeats the enn & subconsciously viewing the sigil however I have been able too maintain in control fairly well I have too mention: the thoughts of a sexual nature at times are not an issue now as I know I would never physically do them. . . But when he comes to me there is no conflict between me and Sorath.
He taught me to how to use language & spelling correctly as he made it possible by destruction of the old & now I’ve rebuilt those skills so much better than before; nothing compared to how my writing skills are now.
I’ve never needed any ritual items as stated; but I do not disregard them for other people nor am I advocating against them.
Hail Sorath.
Rudolf Steiner claimed Sorath being more powerful than Lucifer but VK Jehannum denies that. My personal experience with Sorath 2018 was a flash like a thermonuclear bomb, when closing eyes I could perceive a hydrogen bomb fireball rising very similar to the Castle Romeo-Test. I had almost complete shutdown of rational mind, a strong salivation and a profound sweating. There was this heat in the back and neck that seemed to last an eternity. Sorath said that he was not the demon that possessed Hitler and Himmler because they both were possessed by Krishna and his magic. This is a point that Belial told me, too. 2 days later I found the same information in VK’s blog. Sorath is, like Marinette in Vodou, a spirit of strong initiation thru fire and purgatory. EA Koetting once stated being almost destroyed by this entity. Sorath also said: you have no chance to control us. Conjuring us successfully gives you the illusion of control. He also stated that he cannot initiate any Black Magician that secretly works with Gods and Angels.
Hi, I also read somewhere that there is no way to control the demon besides keeping a positive mutual relationship with him. Treating the demon with respect is the only way of ensuring the demon is not inclined to harm you.