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SPELL: Breaking the hold someone has over you


This spell owes a lot to visualisation and the use of colour and in many ways is a learning experience in trusting your own abilities.

It can be used in emotional situations, where you feel someone is taking advantage of you, or when you are bound to someone by perhaps a false sense of duty.

This technique can be done in more than one sitting, particularly if you do not want any changes to be too dramatic.


You will need



  • A CLEANSING INCENSE(such as Frankincense, Copal or Rosemary)



Your image must be one that you feel you can relate to fully. Perhaps the easiest to see is in the form of a rope joining the two of you together.

If you are good at seeing colour then the best to use is something similar to iridescent mother of pearl, because that contains all colours.

You might see the image as a rigid bar, which would suggest that there is an inflexibility in the relationship between you which may require you to deal with the expectations of others

The incense is used to create an environment which is free from other influences; this is just between you and your perception of the link you have with the other person.

Light your incense and sit quietly, considering carefully the link between you. Become aware of the flow of energy between you and gently withdraw your own energy, seeing it returning to you and being used for your own purposes rather than the other person’s.

(This may be enough to bring about a change in your relationship which has a satisfactory outcome for you.)

Next think carefully about how the other person makes calls on your time and energy – whether these are physical, emotional or spiritual.

Resolve that you will either not allow this to happen or will be more careful and sparing in your responses.

You might develop a symbol for yourself which you can use when you feel you are being ‘sucked in’.

Preferably use one which amuses you, since laughter is a potent tool. You could use the image of a knot being tied, a cork or a stopcock.

If you decide that you no longer wish to be associated with the person, use a technique which signifies breaking the link. It will depend upon your own personality and that of the other person as to how you do this.

Visualizing the link simply being cut may bring about a more powerful ending with tears and recriminations, whereas a gentle teasing out of the link may be slower but less painful.

It is here that you must trust your own judgement with the thought that it must be done for the Greater Good. If therefore you feel that at least some links must be left in place you can do this, for instance if you would wish to know when the other person is in trouble.

Finally see yourself walking away from the person, free of any bonds between you.

Always ensure that you leave them with a blessing for their continuing health, wealth and happiness.

Now you will only become involved with them at your own wish.


You can see from the above that at all points you have a choice for your course of action. This is because each stage must be considered very carefully, and not done in anger. You must remain as dispassionate as you can and always remain true to your own principles.

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