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Spell Series Ep.2: The Blocking Spell (Stop a “whistleblower” in their tracks)


Why cast this spell?

If you are in a position where somebody is or potentially could be a whistleblower against you, this is the type of spell you may need. When you don’t want to be busted, and you need a little more time to work out your challenge, you just need to stop somebody from sticking their nose in where it doesn’t belong.

This type of spell could come under the banner of a binding spell, or an avoidance spell. Some people would even call this a shut your mouth spell. The shut your mouth spell (hoodoo style magic) is slightly different, and known for its ability to put an end to gossip and/or slander that may be causing you problems. It’s also believed to halt any back-stabbing or misrepresentations that may be affecting your well-being or social status. Shut Your Mouth Oil is perfect for stopping gossip, preventing others from speaking ill about you, or stopping someone from communicating plans against you. So you may wish to use shut your mouth oil instead of sun oil as recommended in my video.

The purpose of this spell:

– Stop libel against you

– Protect you from whistleblowers

– Block Workplace “bigmouths” from taking their allegations to management

Important to remember

– you need to fix the underlying cause. This spell puts a temporary hold on the situation, allowing you a little more time to work out the bigger problem.

What is a whistleblower?

Some whistleblowers are just “Karens”. They love causing problems and do not validate their story before sharing it with others. This type of gossip can cause the loss of employment, your liberty, your family, your reputation, etc. A whistleblower is a person, usually, an employee, who exposes information or activity within a private, public, or government organization that is deemed illegal, illicit, unsafe, or wrong. Whistleblowers can report internally to a supervisor, human resources, compliance, or a neutral third party within the company, with the thought that the company will address and correct the issues. Externally, a whistleblower can bring allegations to light by contacting the third party outside of the organization such as the media, government, or law enforcement.



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