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Spell to break up a relationship and return your partner

Preparing Your Altar

Spell to stop husband from cheating &

Get their lover out of your life.

Sometimes you don’t care what it takes or how much trouble you cause — that couple has got to break up, for the sake of your future happiness.

How to bring your husband/wife back, and get rid of their lover

This is a 3 part spell you can use to do the following:
1. Make your husband, wife understand they have made a mistake
2. Bring your husband or wife back to you
3. Get the “lover” out of the picture.


  • You must use a photo of your partner
  • Write their information on the back of the photo
  • Wrap the cord around the photo tight
  • Do this spell at midnight or when they are sleeping
  • You must contact your spirit of choice (you are asking for their help to work the spell for you on the spiritual plain)
  • Collect hair and nails, put in an envelop and meditate on the outcome
  • Make the Voodoo dolls
  • Tie the dolls back to back
  • Bind them together
  • Work your spells
  • Get rid of the dolls


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16 thoughts on “Spell to break up a relationship and return your partner

    • BWS says:

      You should write the full name. Some witches write the names backwards. Try various methods to see what works best for you. I’ve tried things many times before 1) I get it right, and 2) I find my own style of doing it. Best of luck and keep me posted. – Lady Hannah

  1. littlealice says:

    Hello BWS.. I was trying to watch/see a spell to break up a relationship but there is nothing here to see. No spell, no video. Can you help me with this? Thank you for your help.

    • BWS says:

      Make sure you cast a good spell to get the x back, before the end of the first month apart.
      Try this Black Magick Spell:
      Things You’ll need for the Spell:

      1 Chicken wing

      1 red candle

      1 sterile needle

      3 drops of your blood

      Yarn or Thread

      Matches (made out of wood)

      1 large sheet of parchment paper

      How to Cast the Spell:

      Light the red candle

      Use the chicken wing to draw your lovers name on the parchment paper. You won’t see the name, which is fine.

      On Top of the name draw your name.

      Use the candle and drop 7 drops of wax on the paper

      Use the sterile needle to get 3 drops of blood from one of your fingers and drop it on the paper

      While you are dropping the wax and the blood focus on your wish for your partner to return to you. Try to build up as much energy as you can.

      Blow off the candle and say:

      “Salima Ratiki Bustako.”

      Wrap the chicken wing in the paper and use the yarn or threat to pack it into a little package. That same day bury it.

      Light the remaining candle on the following full moon until it has burned itself out.

  2. Roberta moreno says:

    I need some kind of really good break up spell something powerful strong and fast to get the job done my ex husband left me after 21 years for his first girlfriend now that he is with her he can’t call visit or send them anything we have 8 kids together I need your help

  3. Linda Beirman says:

    Hello Black Witch S. I was trying to watch the video on. How to break up a relationship and get your lover back but there is nothing here to see. Can you help me with this? Thank you for your help.

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