I’ll give a testimonial here, the practises and lessons contained on this account has absolutely come through for me. I’m not going to discuss how or why, find out yourself. All I can tell you is that it has….
testimonial name=”Doc. Kong at Conjureman’s Corner”
I decided after watching all her videos and all the things she had done for me to become a Hoodoo student.
It has been life changing! I no longer feel I have to be anyones victim.
I have a person in my life that is emotionally hurtful. I have wanted to order DUME a thousand times but because she warns if children around not to do certain things so I bought a red/black reverse candle in glass canister from her & held on to it. Finally a day came where I said ENOUGH and lit the reverse candle. It started working ASAP! The person ended up in hospital with antibiotic resistance bacteria infection. When person was put in hospital I stayed at my home. Was peaceful & gave that person a knowledge of why I didn’t want to be there. Eye opening for them.
Hi Black Witch S, Just thought I’d credit back this case to all your teachings especially on blood sorcery and revenge spells. I was really angry and pissed of at Person A for some things he’s done. So 2 weeks ago I came up with a thought to create a petition paper combined with a drop of my blood and feelings of anger and hurt that would destroy his plans to go on a vacation which is on the 9th Dec. And today, he contacted me saying he got fired from his company and was asking around for help….talk about strong magick there. I just wanted to thank you for your awesome teaching and keep up the good work. Love you youtube channel. Blessed be, Greg
Very informative, easy to understand,and feel the Magick work in your life quickly. From Her videos alone I have came far and things are working. I move from Kentucky to Virginia, have the man I love, about to open my own business, health is great, and all is well!!
testimonial name=”Chakeriah, USA”
Being a student I decided to cast a spell on THE person that had been the root that had kept me away from that family member for a long time. I swear that was the darkest & most heart breaking pain I had ever endured. It honestly felt like a part of me had died. It was years of unbearable torment. I did a candle spell for that person to experience everything I had to the depth I had & for as long as I did. ( I will attach photos)
I did what Savannah says, do the spell & forget about it. I did.
Wasn’t to long after I found put person had heart attack & needed & pacemaker. A broken heart? YES I knew what that was like! Then after pace maker had to stay in hospital because bleeding wouldn’t stop. A bleeding heart? YES I knew that feeling too. Person was back in hospital again after release with more problems. YES I know what it is like to never feel healed.
Being her student is one of the greatest thing I have ever done!
I don’t cast everyday but when I do it gets results every time. I do what she says about protection baths & cleanse of home & protection of property to keep things good.
I have several other situations I could tell about things that have happened/ worked out with results because of being a client & student of Savannah but it would be book size by now 
Sized up short & sweet is that Savannah & BWC have been there for me, helped me, protected me & blessed me in many many many ways. I have all the appreciation, admiration & love for them & always will