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The ethics behind black magick

Using songs to prepare for spellcasting

It sounds quite contradictory, the idea that a “black magician” can be ethical. We don’t follow the Wiccan Rede, and most of us ignore the laws of “Karma.” So I will explain ethics from my own point of view on couple break up work, as I review a readers request for help to change her love life circumstances. As I cannot speak for all of us who practice left hand path magick, I only offer my specific perspective based on the circumstances of this specific case.

Although a black witch is not evil, some actions are evil (and that in itself all comes down to perspective). Let me ask you this hypothetical question as a fellow practitioner of magic.

If your husband ran away and cheated with another woman, and your spell punished the other women but reignited you with your cheating husband- is that ok? Is that ethical?

Even though and considering that it took two people to cheat and continue an affair?My guess is that you would say it is ethical, because you are taking your revenue on the bitch that put your family at risk. You are protecting what is yours. Right?

What about the perspective of the other woman – who has been with your cheating husband for 5 years, waiting patiently for him to “finally leave you”  – As she believed his stories about how you have enslaved him in this marriage – only for you to fall pregnant with another child – a child your husband says he doesn’t want, and tells her to wait until the children are at least in school so he can finally leave you. However your husband tells you a completely different story, and that he wants his family more than anything. He tells you the other woman won’t leave him alone!

Does the other woman deserve the wrath of Belal? Does she deserve to die? Is it unethical to do spells upon the other woman and not the husband?

Magic, like everything else in life, is about deciding what is ethical for you. You need to justify your actions only to yourself. But let’s look at the case and you tell me …what is the ethical decision?

The Spell Request

My name is (withheld). I am in a very sad, troublesome, hurtful, painful love situation.

The situation is very complex,due to the many negativities and obstacles that me and my love are facing.
We have been through ups and downs, what is certain is that we love each other despite everything that happened.
We have known for so long already, even before we got into committed relationships with our partners.
We eventually realized we love each other, but quite late, sadly he was already married, and i’m in a comitted relationship.
But we chose to be in love and stay in love despite the other people involved. It was too early to decide to leave them.
We have been apart for a year, he left and moved to a different country, but we survived a long distance relationship for more than a year.
 eventually he came back for me.

Now the situation became even more complex, since both parties now know about us, also the friends and people around us.
Everyone is stopping us and cursing and judging me and him for what we have done.
Most people hate me, bullied me but i didnt say anything. My only mistake is loving a person, while they did far much worst than what i did, hurting intentionally me and my family.

I love him truly. I know he loves me too, that was all what we have. They won’t understand us.

But now i do not know where we are going, he is not sure due to the complexity he is in because he is a married man with 2 children.
We are tormented by others who constantly judge us, trying everything to separate us and his wife who is controlling him every move, every call.
We barely talk now,and each time, we will just be so unhappy and feel trap.
We reached even the point that he said he doesn’t love me anymore, but after 2 weeks, he would come back because he cannot take it without me in his life.
Each time, it will go on like this, we will quarrel, because i get jealous, he gets jealous. All because he still cannot choose because he feels pitty for the wife and the kids.
No matter how i convince that we will always be there for the kids no matter what, that he can still be agood father, he still feels pity and guilty.
But he is suffering inside, because i know he loves me. He was only forced to marry the wife because she got pregnant, pressure from family and society. But i think now he found someone he really loves and that is me.
He cried each time, and i see the pain in his eyes to not being able to be free.
But he also so weak that he just lets the wife control him, that he just listens to what everybody, his friends, his family is saying, to be a man for his wife and kids, and forget his happiness for the sake of his family. Everyone is controlling him. I have no power over them.
I cannot convince him, i am already tired trying, i am also tired of hiding and pretending.
I am afraid even that he will choose again to move away to forget me and so we can move on.

I know it is only up to him, if he decides and fights for us, but it is all up to him.
I wish he will be this strong person who will decide to love me and choose me against all odds.
And i wish the wife will accept this without pressuring or controlling or punishing him or making him suffer through the kids.
And i wish the people around us especially the colleagues and friends will accept us, accept that we truly love each other
and stop being judgmental and stop manipulating stories and making our situation even worst than it is.
I wish that the world will support the love we have for each other. I am a believer of true love, it does not come often and not to everyone.
I hope to have this true love in my lifetime. I want to spend my life with him.
Please let me know if this is something you can do something about.
If you have some thoughts about my situation, let me know, what you can suggest
I am already so close to giving up on what we have for the sake of others.
But he is always there, pulling me back in, because he loves me.
But then, things get tough again, and i am already hurting so bad to see the two of us suffer like this.
I want him to be free from this negativity and control from the wife and other people and to decide to love me and choose me so he annuls his marriage from the wife and be free to be with me together.

At the moment he went on xmas vacation back home with the family to see his parents, he has not called me although he promised he will call me.
I guess he realized something while he is there or they talked him out to forget me.

Of course i am hurting because i miss him and i really love him and i want him back but i don’t want this hidden relationship. I want him to decide so we really are free. Otherwise we only get hurt.

I know he is falling out of love because he doesn’t call or message or sms me as often as before, and he doesn’t find ways anymore to see me. He is so different now because of what happenned.

Please i dont want to lose him, i want him to come back to me and love me, and that he ends his relationship with his wife.

I hope you will not judge me for my intention and for the fact that i am the other woman.

I will wait for your reply then.

Name Withheld

As many of you who read this blog already know, that I am a practicing witch, on the left-hand path. I perform spells not only to reignite lovers, but also to do harm to those whom I believe deserve it. I base my decisions, on my own ethical perspectives, based on 25 years of education and clinical practice as a psychologist – a couple’s therapist. Therefore I consider other variables when I’m making my decision on whether or not I should cast such a spell. Magically, it could be possible to cause destruction to the marriage, and re-ignite this poor woman with her beloved cheating boyfriend. So what do you think my advice would be?

In this specific case, I would find it unethical to do any form of magical spells that would assist in the demise of the family unit. I am not judging her lifestyle, and choice of lovers. We don’t know what is happening inside the marriage – for example, if the wife has withheld sex for 10 years and /or berates the husband at every opportunity –  the husband has the right (even if he was an introvert who could not argue his way out of a brown paper bag), to feel love. However, knowing that the husband has not left the wife, indicates that he is still connected with his family and/or wife. It means something for him to be a father. It is important that his family can rely on him – and that he provide for his children (as children cannot provide for themselves.)

If I didn’t know these facts, and these facts didn’t reveal themselves during a divination (as I ensure a divination is conducted before I do any magic), then perhaps I would have more empathy for the other woman, and would find it ethical to help her magically. The only magic I would do in this case would be to help her find her soulmate – the person that could truly love her for who she is. If this couple were to get together, the future would be problematic at best. It Is better for her to move on with the memories of the love she shared with her married boyfriend, than to be with this man who has  two women “down the garden path” for a significant amount of time.

[box] People who lead other people on with such affairs are typically narcissists, who choose relationships with women they can easily manipulate. [/box]

If you are practicing magic, you may wish to check out the site “The Ethics of Magic“. who give a non-wiccan perspective on how the magician should consider ethical practice. Quite interesting – especially for the modern witch, who shares alot of content online. One of the ethical guidelines is “Do not openly expose magic” – and it is one that I struggle with. So many people ask questions about magical practices, and I believe that we all have magical gifts to develop. But the idea behind the occult and witchcraft is to learn, study, and practice for yourself. That means one shouldn’t be spoon feed magical steps without reading the theory behind the practice. I have personally pulled much of my content behind the curtains now, and have limited my teaching videos on YouTube (sorry to those who enjoyed these free videos, but the more I give away, the more I am exposing magic – and that is unethical!)

Ultimately, only you can decide which forms of magic fall into your personal system of ethics. If you feel a particular course of action is wrong, then avoid it. If you feel it is ethically acceptable, and you’re willing to accept the results of your actions, then so be it.

I’d like your opinion now on the ethics of the case above.

Black Witch Savannah

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7 thoughts on “The ethics behind black magick

  1. Sarah T says:

    I would be willing to curse the man in that case. He is the one Harming everyone else. And pitting women against one another. Like that isn’t common .And frankly something I am feeling , at least today , extremely tired of hearing.

  2. Amber says:

    Hello and thank you for this blog, Im learning a bit abt the. Left hand path, and understand what has been said, by your situation, with the break up, in my opinion, .. perhaps no spell is needed if it wasn’t powered that way in the first place, People should not jump to magic to handle life in general, take resaponsibility for you life first.. thanks Amber

  3. lilangelsback06 says:

    I believe u are in the right garden of ethics. She should not yearn for someone that does not have her heart in mind. And though both deserve love and comfort, their means of retrieving it is not ethical or healthy for either party.
    Good investigation and reasoning behind ur choice in remedy

  4. SheeShee says:

    I agree with your take on this case above. Given the fact that there are kids involved alone would make me feel differently about causing a married couple to break up. Especially if, I’m assuming that in your divination revealed that they possibly aren’t soul mates or twin flames or something. Would your take on this situation differ if you found through divination that these two were meant to be together?

  5. ericaware1978 says:

    I have never thought about whether or not If I have magical powers. I’m wanting to learn more about magical powers that I can do. What do I do to find the powers that I have?

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