The History of Ghouls 


A ghoul is a kind of ghost or insidiousness soul that originates from old Arabian old stories. As old fables expressed, ghouls lived in the cemetery where they loot the bodies from the graves so as to expend their tissue.

Ghouls can likewise mask themselves as creatures or other living creatures. A typical case of this, is the desert living demon, which changes into the hyena to draw unwary individuals into the desert so as to eat them up. After devouring its prey, the demon normally appears as its recent victim.

This sort of relationship with the dead and soul world is one that differentiates ghouls from goblin. Ghouls are evil creatures that can inhabit human and animals.

Sometimes ghouls can be controlled by mages or vampires, who may utilize the devil to occupy other living animals to do their offering.

Origin of Ghouls:

 Ghoul originates from the Arabic غول ghūl, which originates from غال ghala, signifying, “to seize.” According to some Islamic researchers, ghoul is etymologically identified with the word galla, which is the name of a class of Underworld evil spirits from Sumerian and Akkadian folklore.

What do Ghouls look like?

Ghouls maintains a canine features and hooves, yet as opposed to exhibiting a hairy exterior, they changed into pale animals with a skin that looked rubbery in appearance. These animals detest sunlight but not to a similar degree as vampires. Despite the fact that light can torment them, it can’t kill them.

Image Credit:
Ghouls by Gordon Napier

Ghouls were additionally thought to have humanoid bodies and foot like feet. These were qualities that were utilized to ascertain the movement of the demons, especially the hooves.  It was said that when a demon was close-by, the foot like engravings of the animals would be used to spot it. Ghouls are capable of walking on two feet though they prefer crawling on all fours.

Where do Ghouls Live?

Generally, they live in zones segregated from the society.  They can be found in wastelands, abandoned structures, and graveyards.

How to summon a ghoul:


A Voice and a Crystal


 “I call a ghoul to be summoned now”.

Grab a crystal, chant

Aries inmortui immortuos et oritur. Sit gravis summon Exaudi Yards

(The undead shall Aries the undead rises. Let the grave Yards Hear My Call)


A ghoul has the typical un-dead immunities to basic hits, demise enchantment, ailment, level channel, capacity channel, mind-influencing spells, toxic substance, and sneak assault. When compared with the Goblins, they appear to be more devilish.

A few goblins are detestable; others are just mischievous whereas all ghouls are viewed as evil monsters that go after the dead to devour the human flesh.


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