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The Kybalion Principle of Correspondence

“As it is above it is below, as it is below it is above”

 The study of the Principle of Mentalism taught us that: “With our Thought, we create a reality …” Have you ever wondered why we attract people who lie to us, cheat on us, steal from us and so on?

Kybalion’s second Principle of correspondence will allow you to understand how and why we sometimes create negative or unfavorable situations. Understanding this principle is the key to finding solutions to these problems.

According to The Kybalion, the Correspondence Principle says verbatim: “As above, so below; as below so above.” In the Universe everything corresponds to each other: as it is below, it will be up there. When you get to understand everything that happens in the material world, then you can understand everything that happens in the spiritual world.

This principle is an auxiliary of the mind that allows us to understand what happens in the rest of the universe knowing only one of its parts. If the functioning of a star is studied, the functioning of the galaxies will be understood as a consequence.

If you study the behavior of an inhabitant of a society, you can get to understand how that society works. In short, studying a part of the whole allows us to understand the rest. This is the principle of analogy that gives us the possibility of understanding the present relationship between the different planes of existence.

When we take this principle to the human level, we can modify the words and say: “As it is inside it is outside, as it is outside it is inside”. Everything that happens around a person reflects what is happening inside.

If you analyze the living conditions that surround a certain person, you can know what he has in his mind. This principle serves to detect lies. When a person is lying, the body generates some discomfort that generally takes the form of itching on the face. Children tend to put their hands to their mouths after telling a lie; adults also put their hands to their faces to fix their hair, eyebrows or scratch their noses.

Although, while narrating an incident a person might have itching on the face even when he isn’t lying.  You should be able to differentiate the liars from the non-liars.  The key is this: when a person is promising or affirming something important and then he scratches his face … he is lying.

According to this principle, lie detector machines work. Lying produces a kind of internal “short circuit” which is reflected thus creating a discomfort in the body; usually, an itching on the face.

The movement of the eyes also accompanies the sequence of thoughts. When the eyes look up … you are working with images. If you look up and to the right … then the creative part of the mind is activated and new images are created. On the contrary, when the eyes move up and to the left … the memory is activated and then images are remembered.

When a person is asked a question and looks to the right … he is inventing an answer. But if, on the contrary, he looks to the left … he is remembering something he did. If you are going to hire a person to work with you and ask him if he already has experience in a certain type of work, you will know if he is telling you the truth or not according to the movement of his eyes. If the individual looks up and to the right before answering … he is trying to create an answer and has no experience in that job.

You can activate a certain brain function intentionally. When you need to remember something in particular, you can move your eyes up and to the left. This will help you to recall the information you want to remember more easily. When you do not find the solution to a problem, you can move your eyes up and to the right to activate your creative part; in this way, you can imagine new solutions.

According to what we carry inside, we attract people and situations. This means that “Everything that happens to us, good or bad, is reflecting thought patterns stored in our mind.” Good people, who love us and help us, reflect the most favorable part of our conscience, while those who generate problems, envy us or fight us are reflecting the darkest part of our own conscience. In other words, people who are more negative only come into our lives to “do us the favor” of reminding us that we have certain mental patterns to heal.

The Correspondence Principle is also useful in times of crisis. If at any given time you feel depressed, anxious or worried, a quick adjustment and improvement of your external personal appearance will immediately influence your internal state.

To grow, you must first accept responsibility for your own life. In this way, you will avoid finding an external culprit to your own problems. Nor is it necessary for you to feel guilty about what happens to you. You just have to feel responsible, to know that some erroneous thought patterns are leading you to choose poorly. “Once you change your Thoughts … you will change your Life”.

From now on, whenever a problem arises it is convenient that you ask yourself: “What does this mean in my life? Why or how am I creating this situation?” In this way, you will discover the belief that has led you to live in such a situation

If your life is very chaotic and problematic, start by putting your desk, your wardrobe or your bedroom in order. The order in the exterior will help you to find the order internally.


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