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The Trans-metamorphosis Ritual


2019 has been a very crazy year for me. When I started my magickal journey “way back when” in 2015 I never thought I would be able to reach the level of knowledge that I have now. Most people tell you that it takes a while to learn enough magick to effectively use not only in every day life, but in complicated rituals as well. The are right. It took me until my fourth year of magickal practice to understand how the Universe/Divine/etc…, tie into this physical plane. But now that I have reached this level and am currently writing my sixth grimoire, I feel as though I have a pretty solid foundation and creativity for experimentation with many magickal processes.

Seeing as I am only 16 (seventeen in March) I feel out of place in a world where older people (both dead and alive) pioneer the magickal field. However the guides that I have been led by directed me here to this page so I am going to share a tiny portion of the knowledge they have bestowed upon me. To set the scene, the spirits who taught me were His divinity Heka (Egyptian god of magick), an Angel, a Djinn, and a Nymph.

Before we begin the ritual, lets establish a context for this ritual. When working with servitors, does anyone else feel uncomfortable with the programming process? While I do understand that servitors are not technically alive or autonomous, I feel wrong forcing them to submit or return to the energy that created them. Also when working with them the energy always feels off. Not in a charging aspect but in terms of their energy, it is similar to the difference between a human and an A.I. They cannot think for themselves or create meaningful experiences, as psychologist Sigmund Freud would phrase this. With their inactivity spell-work always feels off, and it was not until I realized that I looked at them as living creatures instead off programmed energy, that this was the reason why. While a good portion of us have instead turned to spirit binding to empower spell-work, I once again felt as though I was taking advantage (Also, in case you did not know, Spirit binding takes a lot of time and energy, which I do not have).

So I pleaded and begged with the guides to reveal .a way to create living entities to help with this matter. They led me to develop two things:
– Grid magick
– The trans-metamorphosis ritual.
They are as follows (with my notes/commentary):
Grid Magick: an advanced form of sigil magick that connects energy fields together through grid magick. I used the principles of energy, sigil magik, the componenets of the Axis Mundi, and other aspects to create this magick form. It is far too complicate to explain so if anyone wants to learn contact me.

Trans-Metamorphosis Ritual:

This ritual uses the chemistry law of conservation of mass and energy (matter can not be created or destroyed, only converted), Grid magick, and other fields to create a living spiritual entity.

* At this point if you do not believe in what i am about to teach, turn away, otherwise read on.*

I would classify this as a high magick ritual, and if you have no experience with high magick rituals, just be informed that they normally require a lot of energy. While most people call on guides,deities,and other spirits to help them with big spell-work, they cannot be called upon for this work. This is because their energy will be infused within the entities and then it would be the guides’ influence being pushed into the world instead of yours, which is the opposite of what we are trying to do here. So to compensate for this loss, we use magickal batteries. Batteries are easy enough to make. Just gather in energy and ground it to the object and then release it when needed. This spell required four large batteries to make an intense entity. So naturally, less batteries mean less energy, weaker and less intense entities, which in turn means that your influence is weakened. That does not mean that your intentions are not pushed into the world because they are, it is just not as strong.

From this point, go collect the raw materials (plants, crystals, herbs, sigils, etc..) because they will be used later. Pretty much anything with a matching correspondence can be incorporated. Draw a sketch or visualize the entity but just so you have a clear image in your head.
Now, after performing the Banishing Ritual of Heka (Again contact me for this information), place the grid in the center of the circle. place the batteries on the four corners and open them. Afterwards, place the Transfer grid below the Life grid, and place the raw materials on the transfer grid. Initiate the transfer sequence, and if the grids are constructed correctly, the energy will transfer to the Life grid. Once you see the energy travel to the center of the grid.hold it in place. Construct the body of the entity from the energy, then bind it to an object.

Build up your own energy and push it through the aspects, and back the center, conjoining it with the entity created. After orating it’s birth, orate their features, abilities, personality and nature, and anything else you feel necessary. Bind the spirit to a sigil and declare their name.

When you assign it a task, do not verbally speak it. instead focus this thought into energy and merge it with the spirit. Then state: ” This will is not your purpose to explicitly complete. Only by your existence with no intention of yours will my will be accomplished. Go forth into the world and be fruitful. So mote it be!”
*Please note that this is only the soul of the entity not the physical form. They may chose to manifest in the physical plane or not. Your influence will be pushed into the universe to be made manifest through the entities existence, not by them actively accomplishing your goal. This also will increase your energy vibrations and power for reasons explained in Tholomism.

Any information not explicitly stated is to complicated for this one articles so please contact me for the more in depth explanations and processes. Many blessings on your spiritual journey.


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