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The Unknown Variables when Casting Spells

Spell casting can be frustrating sometimes! You take two steps forward, and then a huge step back. And if you are paying for someone like me to cast your spells, it can be expensive. Hence why I like to encourage people to learn magic and DIY. Still, this isn’t always possible, and for most of our BWC clients who are professionals and busy in their own careers etc, there is no extra time in their week to learn or to perfect something like witchcraft or black magick.

This week, I wanted to talk about the challenge and complexity of casting successful love spells. As such I would like for you to challenge your definition of success as it pertains to love spells. Should a single love spell give you “happily forever after”? I suggest love spell castings be viewed as a “discovery” process. Like peeling the layers off of an onion. With each layer removed you find another tear jerking fact! If you discover a NEW fact about your relationship through spell casting, can this be classed as a successful spell casting?

For me personally, love spells are especially challenging to cast for clients, as I have two people I don’t know, an hour or two to work on connecting with their energy, and then my clients story which could be subjective at best! As a spell caster, I can only believe that my client is telling the truth to the best of their knowledge. What we all don’t know is what is in the mind of our lovers. We may think we know them and their thoughts….but this is not true. As soon as you believe this, your relationship is the decline.

In this video, I discussed why love spells don’t always work. Then keep reading, and I will share with you a client’s email about her experience as to why her love spells achieved limited success.

BWC Client Situation

My client “JB” was achieving some success with love spells, but not achieving the relationship she desired with the target. Why? As you will read below, the truth was her target was married!

J.B from the UK says …….

Dear Coven,

I wanted to thank you for your hard work and support over the last few long months.
The obsession spells worked, so did the Kabbalah love spell. Reunite me and J******, and remove his ex was more tricky but kinda worked (and now I know why it was so hard to remove his ex).
Sadly, I discovered the part that Blonde Gypsy saw in one of my readings… Few months ago she said that there’s something between J— and his ex, some piece of paper, some promise or something he feels he needs to keep. 
Ready for a bombshells…? J—– and J——a are actually married… They signed proxy marriage for his visa needs… that’s why she was coming every now and then to the UK. Also, when me and him were on a break in March, they slept together and he got her pregnant- she’s due in the next few weeks…
I feel… I don’t know how I feel but I thought I’ll let you know how things pan out. He’s all loving towards me but let’s face it, there’s no future for me and him now, even if he doesn’t love her…

Thank you all

Kind Regards

The options now are:

  1. Begin casting break-up spells
  2. Move on

Moving on is the best option when it comes to this situation because the target has messed with your head and heart for so long, that the only thing keeping you in the situation is ego. Whether you don’t want to back down out of hurt or a fear of being alone etc is normal. Still, if I cast a spell to break this couple up, then you will be left with a person who has NO problem fucking with your head now and in the future. No spell can change a personality permanently. 

The third option is to practice your hexing and cursing spell casting on this douche bag.  If this jerk wants to play you, then he is now your perfect target. The easy option is DUME candle work or a feces spell. Or create a servitor to make his life hell. The choices are endless.

If you want to take this action then only do so for a limited time before you then move on to swifting or cut and clearing this negative energy from your life. Spend time rebuilding and cleansing, in preparation for abundance work.

Blessed Beast!


3 thoughts on “The Unknown Variables when Casting Spells

  1. Bernie Kuprionas says:

    Thank you so much for the guidance.
    However, I desperately seek a spell that can be considered to be a love spell, as the target is a loved one. Target has stopped taking her meds for bipolar disorder and is not even close to acting or thinking like the woman everyone loved.

    We cannot reason with her about how much better life could be for her. She is using drugs to self medicate.

    I am pleading for you to please point me in the right direction to get a spell out into the Universe and get my loved one back to normal.

    Thank you for everything.

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