The Watchers and The Nephilim


According to the Book of Enoch, the Watchers were the 200 fallen angels who descended to earth and sought for wives amongst humans. They lusted after the charming beauty of the Daughters of Cain and decided to have sexual relationship with them.

It was from that union that the Nephilim were born. The Nephilim were giants that populated the earth and were very war like and brutal. They attacked the children of Seth.  The Nephilim were an embodiment of the essence of the Black Flame of the Adversary. They were Godlike, wise, strong, and powerful.

What were the names of the Watchers that descended to earth?

“Then swore they all together and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it. And they were in all two hundred; who descended in the days of Jared on the summit of Mount Hermon, and they called it Mount Hermon, because they had sworn and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it. And these are the names of their leaders:

Samlazaz, their leader, Araklba, Rameel, Kokablel, Tamlel, Ramlel, Danel, Ezeqeel, Baraqijal, Asael, Armaros, Batarel, Ananel, Zaqel, Samsapeel, Satarel, Turel, Jomjael, Sariel.
These are their chiefs of tens.”

The foundation of Sorcery can be traced to the time when these angels came and had relationships with the daughters of Cain. Jeqon was said to have led others to lust after the daughters of Cain. Asbeel gave evil counsel to the Sons of God. He had advised them to go forth and copulate with the daughters of Cain and when they did, God became angry with them.

Gadreel taught humans about the blows of death and how to create weapons and armors. Penemue taught the art of ink and writing. He also taught about the good and evil, the bitter and sweet. This is the Spirit who gave humans the Book of Arte and also taught the Art of Lycanthropy.

Kasdeja taught humans the art of working with spirits and demons. He also taught them abortions and the Secret Art of Noon Tide Serpent, Tabaet.

In the Slavonic Book of Enoch, Satanail is considered as the same as Azazel. He is described as the Chief Adversarial Spirit who rejected the Lord of Light and brought wisdom and awakening to humanity. Together with other Watchers, they brought the Black Flame through the Daughters of Cain.

Azazel is represented as the Beast or Goat, with two horns, one of power and the other of illuminated wisdom. Azazel taught men how to craft weapons of wars, and according to the Witches’ Lore, he was the one who revealed the Empyrean Arcana to Solomon.  He is also a liberated and shape shifting Angel.

Semjaza is the Luciferian Witch Father and Initiator. This Watcher is associated with Azael or Azazel. He taught root cuttings and he held a power with the knowledge of the Explicit Name of Creation. This allowed him to ascend to the spirit world at will.

Kazbiel/Kaspiel was the Watcher who was able to amass quite a lot of spiritual strength that enabled him to seek greater power from Archangel Michael. He is also credited with the discovery of the oath of the secret name of creation, HVHY or YHVH. His power resides in continual self-transformation and renewal.

Simapesiel is the Angel who has charge over the day. His power resides in mundane activities. He appears as a tall male figure with medium complexion, brown hair, and dark gray eyes. He holds a serpent in his right hand which is green and black while his left hand is empty.


Magick is the art of causing change internally and externally in accordance with the WILL. Magick is also a discipline through which you become as a god or goddess.

It was from the time of the Watchers that the balanced aspects of the Angelic and Satanic Magick was found. While working with the Watchers and their symbols, you must understand that your spiritual evolution will make these things possible and successful. This is because these forces require your Spirit- Mind and Body. They will also enable you to become conscious of the powers and abilities that lie dormant within you.

The Temple of the Watchers is found within our body and mind. The Black Flame of Aciel is the torch which leads the darkened path of initiation.

The Nephilim are in symbol a concept of our initiation or rebirth into the Luciferian mysteries. The Nephilimic Magick involves the summoning of the Black Flame of Wisdom and Spirit into the conscious mind then utilizing this knowledge to empower your existence while weaving your webs of desire in this world.


Focus upon the Sigil within the Circle


Gate of desolate earth and jagged rock Which offers the cover of darkness

I charge that Dudael be opened forth

As great jaws of Tartarus’ s howl

Let the Blackened Fire of Chaos and Creation

Cast you up Azazel and all the Watchers

Abyss of Fire heed my words of desire Let my angel hear my voice and gather the Watchers to me!


I charge thee Watchers, I call upon (name of Watcher)

By the tongues of fire echo my voice into the vast abyss That you make take form upward from your element Let your palace of creation be open to you again!

Those columns of fire and portals blazing in the light of self¬deification!


Arise and gather unto me at this rite!

Dwell not at this moment in the mountains of darkness

Take form again to your desire that you shall enter into this world again by my desire!

Stars and Hosts of Heavenly Spirit

Who brought wisdom to the sons and daughters of Cain I rise forth and proclaim that I am a Temple of the Blackened Fire!

In the Name of AZAZEL, SHEMY AZA and all the Stars of the Great Heavens!







  • ADVERSARIAL LIGHT – Magick of the Nephilim: Michael Ford

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