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The Witches Ladder

BWC beauty spell

A witch’s ladder (also known as rope and feathers, witches’ ladder, witches ladder, or witch ladder) is a practice, in folk magic or witchcraft, that is made from knotted cord or hair, that normally constitutes a spell. Charms are knotted using special magic objectives in to the cable, the planned consequence based on the amount of knots and also temperament of their charms. It’s thought to be a harmful and confidential kind of witchcraft.

Whatever one’s intention is can be made into a magical spell into a witches ladder.

TIP: Any intention or force can be tied or controlled by the knot. What separates the magical knot from tying a mundane knot is the focus and intention of the one making the knot.

Black Magic Purposes

It was believed that witches of old cast a death spell over a person by tying the knots and then hiding the cord, and the only way to undo the spell was to find the secreted cord and untie each knot. I believe this to be true.

Personally, I also use this type of cord/rope spell, a.k.a. the witches ladder, for cursing spells or a nice foundational activity to death spell works. When casting this type of spell for a client, I will tell our client that I have no intention of keeping the knot so they better be sure that this spell is warranted as there is no going back!

Charles Leland documented that his investigations into German witchcraft discovered a equivalent sort of witches knot, being a “witch’s garland”, assembled using the strand with black bass feathers. A curse was uttered as every knot was tied. Next, it was set under or beneath the target’s mattress.

Image: Witches Knot as seen in Colles Article

Black Cord; Waxed Cotton

The Witches Ladder in Wicca & Witchcraft

This is often referred to as cord magick, knot magick or string magic.

One example of a modern witch’s ladder is a string of 40 beads or a cord with 40 knots. Sometimes feathers, bones, and other trinkets are braided into the string as symbols for a desired spell effect. Earlier versions of a witch’s ladder consisted of a rope or cord of three, nine, or thirteen knots. In fact in my courses I teach that you should use either 9 or 13 knots in your witches ladder spells.

The witch’s ladder can be created a section at a time or all at once. Either way, special chants are spoken during the creation process to empower the talisman to do its creator’s bidding.

According to an article, The Witches’ Ladder,[4] an example of a witch’s ladder chant and knot placement is as follows:

 “At the tying of the last knot, all the energy is directed into the cord and its knots, with a final visualization of the object of the work. The power has been raised and is now ‘stored’ in these knots in the cord.”

Once finished, the beads or knots of the witch’s ladder enable a witch to concentrate on repetitive chants or incantation without having to keep count. This enables the witch to focus will and energy on the desired goal. (2)

Knot charms could possibly be designed for functions as lowering anxiety, transmitting really like, making certain protected traveling or generating a calm environment inside your house. The series or strand might be drawn up from just about any materials, however natural fibers (for example, wool, hair, cotton and hemp) are all preferred.

Lots of Wiccans continue to keep a personal ladder for positive reasons.

Basic 9 Knot Spell

Say the incantation when you are tying of the nine knots.(1)

  1. Focus on your goal and desire, while holding a red cord in your hands.
  2. Tie a knot.
  3. Wrap it in fabric, place it in a magic box and keep it in a safe, secure location.

A Traditional Knot Incantation

By knot of one, the spell’s begun!
By knot of two, my spell comes true
By knot of three, so mote it be
By knot of four, power I store
By knot of five, my magic is alive
By knot of six, this spell I fix
By knot of seven, this spell I leaven
By knot of eight, it is fate
By knot of nine, what’s wished is mine!

Diary of a Gypsy Witch  the Importance of Banishing or Releasing Rituals

Banishing Spell

Binding Spells to Stop Unwanted People or Energy

Are you suspicious about walking under a ladder?

Talking about ladders….. many people are superstitious about walking under a ladder, and fear they have been cursed, or have drawn towards them some level of bad luck.

Walking Under Ladders Antidote Spell

Among the most common superstitions is the fear of walking beneath a ladder, and many will go well out of their way to avoid doing so. Should you find yourself forced to walk beneath a ladder there is an antidote to avoid bad luck.

This spell must be cast when you walk under the ladder. (1)

  1. Cross your fingers as you approach the ladder. (If this isn’t possible, a knot may be made instead.)
  2. Keep your fingers crossed until a dog is observed.
  3. Once you sight that dog, you’re home free.
  4. Uncross your fingers; untie your knot.


  1. Big Book of Practical Spells by Judika Illes
  2. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  3.  Guiley, Rosemary Ellen. The Encyclopedia of Witches and Witchcraft.
  4. Colles, A. A Witch’s Ladder” Folk-Lore Journal. Vol 5, No 1 (1887), pp 1–5

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