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There’s More Than One Right Answer


Hey there Witches! 

So, I was chatting with Savannah the other day and she was like “Do you want to take over DUME candles? 

And I was like “Hell no 

Then she said “What about a return to sender type thing 

And I said “Oh I can do that! I do that every night for myself” 

And I do. Every night before I go to sleep, ‘I return all energy that isn’t mine from whence it came, Aho and So It Is If it isn’t mine, I don’t want or need it.

This got me thinking about how fucking blessed I am that I’m part of a powerful, diverse, creative, and accepting coven. I think it’s our diversity that makes us as powerful as we are. We’ve got Traditional, Black, Kabbalah, Chaos, Hoodoo and of course Daemonic, Magic practitioners. As well as Lightworkers, Energy and Crystal healers and more…  

Any/all members of our coven are more than capable of tackling a client’s situation. We just approach it with our unique skill set. When you start with ‘how can I help?‘, ‘what can I do?’ there are no barriers to manifestation. 

See we all come at magic from our own pathways, our own experience. There’s value in everyone’s approach and none of us feel there is a right /wrong way to practice witchcraft.

We’re able to be our authentic selves and practice our craft in a way that we feel genuinely magically connected to, inspired and empowered by. We play to our strengths. That’s why it works.

And as we grow, expanding our knowledge, that ‘way’ changes too. Who knows how what our practices will look like in 10 years? That excites me, it thrills me and it makes me hungry to keep learning! 

This was a longwinded way to say there’s more than one way to manifest your desires. If you’re doing witchcraft yourself, be creative. Think of what you’re trying achieve and what your personal skills are and use them.

So, to circle back to the beginning… while I don’t do DUME candles or baneful magic – there’s no judgement here, not from my side anyway, it’s just not my practice (so honestly, it wouldn’t work anyway) – I will do a return-to-sender candle or a release-attachments one or something that can help my client get to the deep root of the issue.

There’s always something that can be done to ease the situation, by any of us, or by you 😉

Bountiful blessings,


Gypsy is now offering a Custom Candle Burning Service on our sister website Witchucation.

Each candle is hand rolled for you and burned during your personal manifestation ritual.

For more information you can CLICK HERE to go to Witchucation


2 thoughts on “There’s More Than One Right Answer

  1. Saffera says:

    I’m new here and I’m a Norse Pagan although we do have some spells that can hurt I do would like to connect because I need to teach someone a lesson for stealing from me and then attacking me with a knife( a guy that is a bitch cause not only he punched me for calling him on that but came at me with the knife!Bitch is to good to call him that!)but enough is enough ! Thank the Gods I know how to fight and was able to defend myself! So I hope you guys made it on your trip ok and hope to connect as soon as you will have time for me . So enjoy yourself and I’m sending my prayers and blessings your way

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