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Trimasel, Demon of Deceit

Trimasel is a demon mentioned within the Grimorium Verum although he is not ascribed to any hierarchy. The demon also goes by the name Trimasael although this title hardly appears within the context of practice. He is only mentioned to be under the government of Satanachia thereby giving him something of a lofty ranking. There are no mentions of this demon within any other major grimories contributing to a discernible lack of detailed information regarding him. Lack of information regarding a demon’s history is a common theme throughout the Grimorium Verum.

The Grimorium Verum states the following regarding this demon: “Trimasael teaches chemistry and all means of conjuring of the nature of deceit or sleight-of- hand. He also teaches the secret of making the Powder of Projection, by means of which the base metals may be turned into gold or silver.” The office of this demon involves knowledge of chemistry as well as transmutation. He can thus be called forth to provide counsel on these matters whenever the need arises. Not much is known regarding this demon as consistent with the other demons mentioned in the Grimorium Verum.

Like the other inferior demons found within the Grimorium Verum, there is a general lack of detailed information regarding Trimasael. There can be no way of conclusively knowing his true nature thereby creating a risk of sorts. The lack of specific information regarding him means that there can be no knowing his true motives. The demon could be malevolent, benevolent, or even indifferent towards human beings. For this reason, it is advisable that conjurors with modest to zero experience do not try to summon him and instead opt for friendlier entities.

This demon is summoned using the same ritual outlined in the Grimorium Verum for calling forth inferior demons. It is a relatively difficult ritual which asks the medium to avoid all forms of biblical sin nor have any sexual contact for a period of three days. After this, the last steps in the process of the invocation of the demon can be conducted by the medium. Despite its seeming complexity, it is the most basic ritual for invoking the inferior demons and quite practical. The entire ritual is detailed within the Grimorium Verum for conjuror’s convenience.



The first time that this demon is mentioned within recorded history is during the publication of the Grimorium Verum in 1817 whereupon he was listed. Not much is known regarding Trimasel as consistent with the other demons in this grimorie. Ancient Middle-Eastern mythology or early Graeco-Roman narratives do not make mentions of this demon further adding to the mystery surrounding him. Trimasel was quite likely an early pagan god who was demonized with the spread of Christianity throughout the early civilizations in the Middle Ages.



Rank: Serves under Satanachia



There are no credible reports of this demon’s physical manifestation within the major grimories that make mention of him. Even the Grimorium Verum does not make mention of Bucons’ looks. It is quite plausible that this demon is invisible when he manifests and the conjuror should expect to feel a rush of demonic energy at the height of the ritual.


The Demonic Enns of Trimasel

Liftoach Pandemonium, et germinet Trimasel

Veni, veni, o comitis Trimasel

Similar demons to Trimasel

Attributes of Trimasel

  • This demon is under the servitude of Satanachia as reported within the Grimorium Verum– this gives him something of a high ranking and a corresponding high potency.
  • In addition to alchemy, he also teaches the nature of deceit and how to make the powder of projection – he is thus referred to as “Demon of Deceit”. These can come in handy for any person looking to increase their portfolio within demonology.
  • Not much else is known regarding Trimasel as consistent with the other demons in this grimorie. The Grimorium Verum’s lack of specific detail is a recurrent theme with almost every demon listed within.


When to summon Trimasel

The demon can be summoned whenever need arises for counsel on matters regarding his office.


Ritual Time: It is not known whether he is a day or night demon.


Items Required

  • The seal of the demon
  • Virgin parchment
  • Quill
  • Holy water



  • As with every other demon, it is necessary to accord this demon its respect. This not only prevents / reduces malevolent intent but also increases the likelihood of desired outcomes.
  • Care should also be taken by the conjuror to protect themselves from otherworldly energies. This is done through mentally envisioning a protection circle and entering it.
  • Over-reliance on demons’ energy is not advisable as it has been posited to affect one at the psychological level.



  • The conjuror should prepare by engaging in power meditation to first balance their energies.
  • They should then state the following prayer as they wash their arms and face with the holy water: “Lord God, ADONAY, who hast formed man in Thine image, I, the unworthy and sinful, beseech Thee to sanctify this water, to benefit my body and soul, cause me to be cleansed.
  • The conjuror must stay without doing any form of sin and have no sexual contact for the next three days, whilst praying five times in the day, and four times at night.
  • At the conjuror’s chosen time and hour, the virgin parchment should be prepared containing invocations and the Seal of Trimasel.
  • The following conjuration should then be said: “I conjure thee, Trimasel, by the name of the Great Living God, Sovereign Creator of all things, that thou appear in human form, fair and agreeable, without noise or inconvenience, to answer truthfully in all the interrogations that I shall make. I conjure thee to do this by the power of the Holy and Sacred Names.
  • After completion of the ritual, the demon should be dismissed through reciting the following prayer: “Go in peace, Trimasel, whence you came, peace be with you, and come every time I shall call you, in the name of the Father + and of the Son + and of the Holy Spirit + Amen”.
  • The character of the demon – contained on the virgin parchment – should then be burnt because he can only serve you once according to the Grimorium Verum.




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