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Understanding black magick

black magic

Most basic things you need to know first before you begin

– The source of magick is your mind. That is why the learning of magick is equal with learning how to control yourself, your mind, your emotions, your reactions. If you are not patient and consequent enough to induce change in yourself, magick isn’t for you.

– If you want to learn magick, you need to learn that you are not the slave of conditions and you can react differently to them if you want to. You control yourself not conditions outside so forget about excuses like: someone hindered me, it’s other’s fault, I couldn’t react differently under this circumstances (they are to blame), I was born into this so I can’t reach this or that, etc.

– Although the prime source of a change (prime mover) is your mind as pointed above, because your mind reacts on the conditions outside as if they were part of a mind (and they are), changing those physical conditions deliberately can induce change in your mind, hence ritualistic elements of many magick types. In other words you can influence yourself from within (direct magick) or by changing outside conditions (ritual magick). Both techniques are equally valuable and powerful. Even if you prefer to make change from within, you still seeks results on physical plane, so you can’t divorce your mind from it. Your life is mirroring your mind.

– Strength of your belief matters! The more you believe that magick is real, the more you expect results and react stronger emotionally opening yourself in a proper way for the results of your magickal actions. There are various levels of beliefs. As a magick user you need to learn at least how to suspend your doubts (state of suspended disbelief) and/or certain convictions . Preferable state is to believe in the power of magick to such degree, that it no longer a belief but a certainty, a knowledge. But that comes with practice so I won’t encourage you to believe in it blindly, check it out for yourself.

– You need to be a good observer of yourself and your surroundings, preferably have affinity for psychology, because only then you will be able to understand how magick works and see patterns between psychical state and the physical result. However if you are not, you can have the same results with a pure belief in power of magick, but then it needs to be exceptionally unshakable. Those who question it, prefer to know all about it, where does it come from, how does it work in order to believe in it fully. Understanding how magick works is not necessary, however if you know that, you can be more flexible, creative and efficient.

– Because magick is dependable on mind, all our weaknesses and strengths are mirrored by magick. It means that if you have some troubles in certain areas of life, you may have some hardship to obtain magickally success as well (also despite being lame in one area, you can be masters in other). However it doesn’t mean that magick isn’t helpful, it can work as a bypass or a safety net so thanks to it you can reach your goal more easily then by ‘normal’ means. But because magick depends on your mind and it shares its strengths and weaknesses, it can’t be seen as a quick and easy fix of one’s problems. You need to be ready to put some work in order to reach your dream state.

– There is no limits to magick beside those in your mind (and those always exist).

– Magick doesn’t mean you are sitting and waiting for result. Magick shifts occurrences (that you would have no conscious influence over anyway) into your favor and impact subconsciously some of your decisions toward your goal but most likely you still must act (except situations when you can do nothing physically, magick works then as well) toward your goal.

– There are certain dangers involved with magick practice that you won’t see coming but that’s a topic for another article, just know that if you are balanced, stable and grounded personality (satanists rarely are…) you will be fine, otherwise some extra work needs to be done.

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