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Using the Grimorium Verum to summon demons, and other occult questions

Questions this week include:

Dume Candles

Jade asks…..

When I am lighting a DUME candle, and I need to put it out, is there a specific way I should do it? Can I put it out? And does putting it out break the spell? I saw on a blog that you can use a snuffer, or wet fingers, but how many times can I do this and relight it over the span of 5-8 days? And if I am a beginner in magick, can I use a DUME candle?

Learn more about setting candles 

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Choosing a demon

Alaina asks…..
Hi I was just wandering if there are any demons that give you control over other people and is there any demons that can help make your spells work and for you to believe in yourself/love again?



The Grimorium Verum

Joe asks…..

Hi Savanah, i’m a little baffled/confused. Having read the Grimorium Verum, in parts it refers to using holy water, it speaks of the holy spirit and jehovah. Surely these do not need to be used or spoken in any prayer, in regards to father Lucifer and his many entities??? also the sigils/characters of Astaroth and Ba’al/beelzebub are different to the ones that i use relating from the Goetic Demons

GV Demons

About the Grimorium Verum

Drawn on the Greater Key of Solomon and written in French, this book probably was written in the mid-18th century. Its full title is Grimorium Verum, or the Most Approved Keys of Solomon the Hebrew Rabbin, wherein the Most Hidden Secrets, both Natural and Supernatural, are immediately exhibited, but it is necessary that the Demons should be contented on their part.

Waite classified this work as one of black magic.

The Grimorium Verum nearly copies the Key of Solomon in instructions for preparation of the magician and his tools, but it provides different instructions for the preparation of the virgin parchment and for the evocation and dismissal of spirits. There is an entirely different hierarchy of demons, who number 30 and who report to three leaders, Lucifer, Beelzebub, and Astaroth, who have among them six deputy chiefs.

The material also shows influences from Lemegeton. It includes the “Admirable Secrets” of the pseudo-Albertus Magnus, or Little Albert (see below), which appear in other later grimoires. The Grimorium Verum covers the “Genuine Sanctum Regnum,” or the true method of making pacts.

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