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Usumgallu: The Golden Cobra Demon


Usumgallu is a great Sumerian Dragon mentioned in Akkadian mythology. He is one of the three-horned serpents. The other two are Basmu and Musmahhu. The term “Usumgallu” is derived from the word usum which means “Prime Venomous Snake”.

He is known as a ferocious dragon often written in association with the Mus-usurn. This demon is regarded as a derivative of Basmu and that makes it an extremely poisonous serpent. Usumgallu is associated with some fierce kings and serves as a symbol of authority, strength, and power. The name of this demon became a royal epithet when Aššur-nāṣir-apli II placed golden icons of Ušumgallu at the pedestal of Ninurta. According to the Enuma Elish, Marduk is seen riding with this dragon serpent.


When conjured, this demon appears in the form of a winged golden serpent. He is often described as a lion dragon demon with four legs, and wings. Sometimes, he appears as a royal cobra with a crown on his head.

Working with Ušumgallu:

While performing the rite of evocation, this demon could appear as a royal cobra that dances, writhes, and hypnotizes the practitioner with his mesmerizing red eyes. This cobra bites the third eye of the practitioner thereby merging his personal essence into him. This results in the activation of his spiritual center and the practitioner may feel intense pain and visions bleeding from the third eye. He inspires visions of ancient temples with Egyptian drawings, golden altars, and ritual tools and with ornaments depicting cobras. Sometimes the cobra may divide into smaller silver and golden snakes and enter into the flesh of the conjurer.


When invoked, the spirit of Usumgallu fills the body and mind of the practitioner and causes the aura to glow with golden radiance. Emblazed by the spirit’s essence, the practitioner will be able to assume the form of a golden dragon. With this mask, he can travel through the astral plane and if he encounters an obstacle, he will be able to fight it.

This demon is a determined killer and is known to frighten even gods. The practitioner may invoke this spirit as an epithet of self. He endows the practitioner with the ability to use golden magical fire for both protective and destructive purposes.


How to Invoke the Spirit of Usumgallu

Items Needed:

  • The sigil of Usumgallu
  • The practitioner’s blood
  • Ritual blade
  • Image of the Key of the Night
  • Parchment


  • Draw the demon’s sigil on the parchment with few drops of your blood.
  • Use the blooded ritual blade to trace the Key of the Night in front of you, above the altar.
  • Envisage how it shines as golden fire.
  • This light will illuminate the temple with a golden radiance.
  • Stare at the sigil for some minutes while chanting the demon’s name in a low vibrating voice.
  • Visualize how the glyph becomes activated by the energy of this spirit and glows with a golden radiance.
  • When the Temple is fully charged, and you are ready to begin the invocation, speak the following words.

By the Blood of the Dragon which is my own Essence,

And by the Key of the Night,

I call you, Usumgallu!

Prime Venomous Serpent!

Royal Cobra with scales of gold!

Come in tongues of golden fire,

Swaying and writhing,

Entranced in serpentine rhythm,

And let your flames consume me from within!

Dissolve the flesh with your sacred venom and free the soul,

So that I could rise on the wings of the Dragon,

In sacred communion with your fearsome essence!

Hear my call and come to me!

Enter my body which I offer you as Temple,

And grant me protection against those who wish me harm!

Fortify me with your powers,

And fill me with your impenetrable radiance!

Confuse the minds of my enemies,

Take away their health and sanity,

Poison their minds and feast on their souls!

Enter this Temple of Flesh,

Spread your golden wings and lift my soul in an ecstasy of senses!

Bring me dreams of knowledge, wisdom and understanding!

I invoke you in the name of the Dragon!

In Nomine Draconis!

Ho Drakon Ho Megas!

Going further

Burn the parchment with the sigil and as the smoke arises, it shall carry your petition to the planes. At this point, let your consciousness merge with the essence of this demon in sexual ecstatic communion.

Offer yourself to be enflamed with the fiery energy of this spirit. Visualize that the golden serpent moves up to your spinal column and arises to your third eye, where it becomes the dragon. He spreads his fiery wings and lifts your soul beyond the flesh. Visualize that you are flying on these fiery wings and enjoy the ecstatic feeling.

At this point, continue to explore the powers of this demon which are now yours. Let your focus be on your goal. You can use the energy of this demon for protection, empowerment, and destructive purposes.

For example, if you intend to harm a specific target, visualize the individual standing in front of you, then spit liquid fire on him. He would experience aura poisoning, or burning sensation. Gradually, the sensations shall spread throughout his whole body. When your victim collapses and groans in pain, be ecstatic, and enjoy this feeling.

You can also take some flames and cast them into his eyes to cause blindness. Whatever is your intention, just visualize it and it will be done. End the process when you wish, and return to your mundane consciousness. Finally, thank the spirit and close the ritual.


Rituals open the gateways of the soul and those doors can never be closed again. For that reason, I strongly advise that casual experimentation with these rituals should be avoided. Due to the complex nature of this ritual, I would suggest that you have some experience before practicing this ritual. Also, whether you are experienced or not, kindly tread with caution because these are not designed for dabblers. They are designed for serious pathworking.


  • Grimoire of Tiamat by Asenath Mason
  • Maskim Hul Babylonian magic by Michael Ford


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