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VIDEO: Chaos Sigil Magick

What are Sigils?

The dictionary defines the word sigil as “an inscribed or painted symbol considered to have magical power“. We use these symbols all the time in everyday life, in fact, it is said that major organizations use their sigils a.k.a. logos, to ensure success!

In occultism, the use of magical sigils and seals is commonly used to connect with the spiritual world. For example, each of the Goetia Demons has a sigil, and you can use that to help manifest that spirit or evoke that spirit into physical contact.

Chaos magick sigils can be defined as a basic pictorial representation of your desire. Rather than relying on a pre-created sigil, you will create your own for a single specific purpose. Here you invoke the image into your subconscious mind

Therefore, I believe both of these styles of sigils are completely different. The only similarity is the word Sigil.

Is there an entity attached to my Sigil?

This is where many people become a little confused between magical techniques. The creation of a servitor, or a magical energetic entity, is a different technique than the creation of a sigil.  When you review the basic technique for the creation of a sigil, it becomes clear that it is pointless to take the extra steps of creating a servitor and attaching it to the sigil if you’re only going to destroy the sigil at the end of the process.

Basic 5 Steps to create a Sigil

  1. Statement
  2. Design
  3. Charging
  4. Banishing
  5. Releasing


Chaos Magick Sigil Services

Chaos Cursing Ritual

Chaos Protection Sigil

Chaos Magick Ritual for Love

Chaos Magick Ritual for Money Attraction

Chaos Health Sigil



Phil Hine

Peter Carroll – Audio Version of his book


Our Site: Chaos magick

Recommended books:

PsyberMagick: Advanced Ideas in Chaos Magick (2017) by Peter J. Carroll –

Prime Chaos: Adventures in Chaos Magic 2017 by Phil Hine

Condensed Chaos: An Introduction to Chaos Magic

The Fundamental Book of Sigil Magick –

Liber Null & Psychonaut: An Introduction to Chaos Magic Carroll, P.J. (1987)

The Pocket Austin Osman Spare –


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