DID YOU KNOW…… The witches’ bottle was meant to be used against a witch and her magic!
Witch-bottles were primarily anti-witchcraft tools used as white magic spell-charms in physical form. The enclosed concoction of urine and nails would supposedly prompt great distress to the witch when she or he passed water. Witch-bottles were used to counteract harmful spells or to protect buildings from malice through the concept of sympathetic and apotropaic magic.
Primary ingredients were urine, nails and nail clippings or human hair. It was said, the nails would travel along the urine tract and reverse the pain back onto the witch. Later magical ingredients instilled more complexity with combinations of wood, bark, thorns, grass, heart-shaped cloths with pins and small animal bones (Hoggard 2004: 172). However, urine and sharp metal items were the principal elements.
Modern witches use the witches’ bottle in a very different way. Watch the video and see if you like this protection style of magic.
“Hoodoo – Conjuration – Witchcraft – Rootwork” (HCWR) is a 5-volume, 4766-page collection of folkloric material gathered by Hyatt in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia between 1936 and 1940. Supplementary interviews were conducted in Florida in 1970.
Harry M. HyattThe “Hoodoo” collection consists of 13,458 separate magic spells and folkloric beliefs, plus lengthy interviews with professional root doctors, conjures, and hoodoos.
The Orphic Hymn to Mars
Mars is the God of violence, war, valour and virility.
Suitable offerings to Mars include spelt / wheat, meat and wine.
Magnanimous, unconquer’d, boistrous Mars,
In darts rejoicing, and in bloody wars
Fierce and untam’d, whose mighty pow’r can make
The strongest walls from their foundations shake:
Mortal destroying king, defil’d with gore,
Pleas’d with war’s dreadful and tumultuous roar:
Thee, human blood, and swords, and spears delight,
And the dire ruin of mad savage fight.
Stay, furious contests, and avenging strife,
Whose works with woe, embitter human life; 10
To lovely Venus, and to Bacchus yield,
To Ceres give the weapons of the field;
Encourage peace, to gentle works inclin’d,
And give abundance, with benignant mind.
Savannah - Born & raised in fabulous Sydney, Australia. Currently enjoying the magickal city of New Orleans. My beliefs are more Theistic Luciferianism, and based on dark pagan, left hand path, black magic, and occult traditions. My skills are in witchcraft; Chaos Magic; Sorcery; Hoodoo; and of course, working with the "demons".