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What Can I Do When a Poltergeist Attacks?



Today I thought I would share with you a story about a current situation in my own family.  I know this type of attack has happened to some of our clients, and some of you maybe facing this issue right now and you may need a solution. Otherwise, take a note in your Book of Shadows of what you can do in this situation – because as a spiritual worker, you just never know who or what is coming through your door!

Poltergeists and ghosts can sometimes be confused for the same type of entity, however, they are very different. A ghost was once a human. A poltergeist was never human. A Poltergeist can come and go from a home once the portal is open, however, it can be attracted and can manifest intensely by the energy of specific individuals (unknowingly). Some experts explain it as a mass form of energy that a living person is controlling unknowingly.

The word poltergeist actually means “noisy ghost” because it is said to have the ability to move or knock things over, make noise and manipulate the physical environment. A poltergeist is actually one of the rarest forms of hauntings and to many, the most terrifying. Loud knocking sounds, lights turning on and off, doors slamming, even fires breaking out mysteriously have all been attributed to this type of a spiritual disturbance.

Another frightening aspect of the poltergeist is that the event/s usually start out slowly and mildly, then begins to intensify. And while many times poltergeist activity is harmless and ends quickly, they have been known to actually become dangerous.


A Poltergeist Attacks my Own Daughter

Back in Sydney Australia, my youngest daughter spends a night alone in our beach property, which is known to be haunted by a ghost I have had a relationship with since my own childhood. This ghost sometimes makes itself known, but generally accepts the family during visits. He is not always friendly, but settles down after a day or two.

Monday morning, I awake to a call from my girl who is in complete terror. For a few minutes I hear the extremely loud noises while she is sharing her story, and asking for my help. Telepathically and while speaking to her, I try and connect to the spirit in the home. It wasn’t my usual ghost/spirit friend/s. I become angry and share my thoughts with whatever was causing my baby to be in such fear.

Secretly I was very concerned. My girl is very gifted spiritually and very sensitive, plus is alone and in fear. The equivalent to spiritual catnip. This is CODE RED for me. I knew there was little I could personally do, being 8880 miles away, but especially because I was fearing for my own girl. I connect with Andy (BWC Energy Master), while keeping my girl calm and trying to build her confidence.

Andy was able to connect with the entity and confirm that it was in fact a poltergeist. This type of poltergeist has the ability to physically move objects. He then begins a spiritual battle with the entity which takes over an hour.

In my daughter’s words……
Monday, February 11, 2019

I was on a call with my friend and I started to hear small noises around 10:30 PM. My friend on the call said he could hear footsteps behind me and at this point of time he wasn’t aware I was alone. Later on the banging got louder which my friend also heard a loud bang when I was explaining that I heard the drawers open and slam shut. I heard something break. The banging got very frequent, aggressive and loud. The wardrobe door was opened and then the front door was banged loudly on twice and scratched across the fly screen door. The banging didn’t stop until I called my mum and it immediately stopped at around 1:40 AM

My mum had Andy to do a cleansing and then I went into the room at around 3:00 AM, there was news paper shoved from the inside of the room to under the door. There was clothes thrown around and the wardrobe door was open. I thought it was much worse than I expected.

Post- Poltergeist Cleansing

The battle with the poltergeist is only the first step of the removal process. Once the clearing is complete several important actions need implementation:

  1. Removal of the portal – so there will be no re-entry and no new entity entry
  2. Individual cleansing – the spiritual effects on the individual may include cutting of cords, aura and charka cleanse etc
  3. Spiritual cleansing for 3 to 7 days on location – just in case!
  4. Protection for the individual
  5. Protection for home

If you have this situation, I must tell you that each case is different. I was able to put a plan in place immediately, and stop this poltergeist from becoming too dangerous and comfortable.

My Top 3 Tips:

  1. Call to your spiritual guides to assist you in calming down the environment and see if they can remove the entity. Even if you don’t believe you have one – you do. They don’t come help unless you ask
  2. Control your fear – If you are weak, you may become possessed or be attacked. If can leave the house, do so – don’t risk it!
  3. Confront it. If you are brave enough, then you need to tell it to leave. Be direct and firm. If the poltergeist activity is happening in a closed room try and open the door, turn on the lights, and show the entity you are not allowing this to happen. (I know – easier said than done!)

These situational tips will allow you to take back a little control – even if for the evening. To remove the issue permanently, you may need professional help.

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2 thoughts on “What Can I Do When a Poltergeist Attacks?

  1. Ellexima says:


    Do we have Spiritual Guides for real? Is there any reliable source on ur website about this subject that u truly accept all of what it provides? Also if possible please add ur own idea about this.


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