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What happens when we die

astral traveling

When I am asking spirits to help me with my spell requests, I don’t spend additional time chit chatting, asking How was your day? or What happens when you die? or Is there heaven or hell? Spirits say and do what they want. They know how you feel. And when you become close to them, form a relationship, they begin to share information on topics which they know you hold interest.

What I have been told, time and again, is a consistent message which seams totally logical to me. From my scientific and logical brain, I know the universe is made up of energy and matter (dark matter). We are energy and energy can not be destroyed. We can change, we can funnel ourselves into another body if we choose, but we continue on. I have recently read Deepak Chopra’s “Life After Death” and his thoughts are basically the same. As we live now, so will our life afterwards be…what we envision now, is what we can expect.

Our energy, and that of every living object and creature is recycled back into the grand scheme of our universe. So when the spirits share their reality, it just makes scene.

Here are the top lessons of the after life shared by spirits:

  • There is no magickal place of punishment or reward. Heaven and Hell are man made concepts that do not exist. This insight garners strong emotional reactions from many people. Most of our world religions are built on the idea that regardless of the plight of our lives, we are destined by our actions to spend everafter in torment or joy. Again, what the dead indicate is that what comes after is based on our perspective in life. How one behaves in life is what one experiences after life.
  • Everything lives on. In some guise, form, or unform, the essence of every thing remains and becomes some other manifestation of itself and All Things – meaning everything !
  • Spirits aren’t wise or moral just because they are out of form. Our culture perpetuates a myth that upon death souls become penitent and/or enlightened. In my experience, wise deceased were so in life. Souls that were confused, frustrated, angry, etc, are so in death.
  • What we don’t heal in life stays with us in death. Thoughts, habits, or beliefs that don’t support us or undermine us, such as lying, using others to further ourselves, or denying our true natures do not magickally vanish when we leave form. For this reason, when we seek to release harmful dynamics from our lives, we are also assuring peace in death. We assure ongoing tranquility.
  • How we live now is the state of the afterlife. While the body ceases to be, the mind and soul carry on. The state of our consciousness in life is the state of our consciousness in death. If we foster worry and anxiety now, that’s our mode of operation after. By focusing on negative or hurtful aspects of life, we stew in them in death, causing consciousness to stagnate. If we are mindful and live in the present in life, in death we continue to broaden consciousness, further opportunity to make choices to support that awareness.


Many students and readers connect with spirit directly, and if this is you, what messages have you heard or received about our afterlife?



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