Hey, Black Witch S here. I’ve had so many questions on “What happens when I die” – so I’ve made a quick video for you.
2:00 – The soul & aura on death (and why people have Near Death Experiences)
3:28 – where I talk about when you die a violent death (that includes suicide)
4:30 – What happens to your soul when you are ready to die
5:06 – What is our purpose on this earth
5:36 – What if you were a bad person….will I go to hell when I die?
7:48 – Soul Reassignment
10:01 – What about Heaven & Hell?
11:39 – The concept of eternal hell
12:11 – Death is just the reassignment of the soul
12:36 – where I talk about why you should not take your life.
If you need more information on YOUR PAST LIFE – https://blackwitchcoven.comproduct/past-life-clearing-and-healing/
If you want to talk with me personally – https://blackwitchcoven.comproduct-category/private-consultation/
Q: what about people who commit suicide??
Hey, check out 12.36 where I talk about why you should not take your life. And check out 3.28, where I talk about when you die a violent death (that includes suicide)
Excellent Knowledge shared in the video with a great transparent explanation. 27th August is my Birthday, and you have given me a precious gift by posting this video on the same day. As I did need several clarifications in regards to the spiritual plane, which have been resolved in this video. In the month of Nov 2008 there was an instance of NDE (accident) in my Life which led to a transformation in my beliefs. Henceforth, I practically experience all instances/situations and take decisions in my Life accordingly, rather than believing in religious books. I acknowledge the hindu diety Shiva who imparts discipline in the lives of His followers. Well said: “Each Religion has put the fear of hell and the hope of heaven as a marketing strategy to align us to their philosophy.” And if I’m correct, isn’t the re-birth similar to the concept of Karma which constitutes the lessons we need to learn in Life? Keep Up the Great work you are doing!!! I’m always eagerly waiting for the next video from your end. Stay Blessed and Peace be with You.
Hello and thank you for your comments and questions. I enjoy the power of the Mighty Hindu gods and have honored them for a few decades. My thoughts on karma, centers around our soul Learning the life lesson or not. Meaning if that you do not understand your life lesson, If you can’t achieve your life lesson then karma Will reassign you too have that same life lesson again. The infinite creator, or our supreme provider of source energy, does not Judge us, as source energy knows of our humanly life challenges as limitations of our human existence. The human experience is about inter-relatedness and connection. Therefore if we can’t connect with others, due to one reason or another which could be perceived as evil (ie murder) then we would get reassigned to have that human experience and lesson again. Of course, this is not clear-cut. Many people who die a violent death , get stuck on this current plane.
I agree 100% . This is not the first time I’ve heard this and I’ve also researched A LOT . Thank you again. Blessed be.
Awesome. Feel free to add anything important I’ve overlooked and blessed be xox
What happens to your soul if you die from a drug overdose? Btw….Love your videos I learn so much from them. Thank you
Many times, the soul will hang around the body for much longer, not wanting to move on, as it feels as if there was a purpose they didn’t achieve.
What are your thoughts on the demons in the grave within the islamic traditions? I was told stories of the jinn by my grandmother when I was young. What would you say about someone who might have taken their own life?Love your videos x
The Jinn make connect with us when we are in the physical body ONLY. It doesn’t matter what religion we follow in the physical body, the end result for the soul is the same. I’ve heard the Jinn stories too, and my Moslem ex husband had a large black Jinn visit him when we were together in our bed. I was asleep , and the Jinn just hovered over him as a read the Koran. About Suicide – check out 12.36 where I talk about why you should not take your life. And check out 3.28, where I talk about when you die a violent death (that includes suicide)
Hello this is Amber thank you for all the info, I had an NDE, last july 2016.. i was dead 2 1/2 minutes, my heart stoped , but fortunately i was next to a defibulator, I was given CPR then shocked back… in a coma for a day, etc… I am pagan,
But I didn’t not see the light or convers with the ancestors.
Ive been physically recovering, from this, and now currently seeking out answers as to why. Thanks Amber