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What happens when you die?

One of the most FAQ at BWC is “what happens when I die?” or “what happens to me when I die and I’ve practiced witchcraft?”

Most of us wonder what happens when we die. Some people believe in a heaven and a hell. Others believe there is nothing after physical death.

I believe that when you die, you leave your physical body, and your soul (energy/chi/prana etc), enters into a place I call “the Grid”. The Grid is where all the “energy souls” return to after their visit to a human shell aka body. There is no judgement from others or punishment (while you are awaiting the next step. Your body doesn’t feel pain, as you don’t have a body anymore.

Now some people don’t go to “The Grid” and that is a choice. These people (energy souls) stay earth bound. They do not connect with others who are in the Grid. They continue to exist in an energetic form within the confines of the earth grid.

What do you do when you enter the Grid?

There are a few choices which I know of once you re-join the Grid.

  1. Meet up with ancestors/loved ones
  2. Receive an assignment “Job”
  3. Be Reborn

In the video I go into more detail about these 3 choices, so make sure you watch and understand what I am taking about before you share your view.

In conclusion, you are a beautiful energy being who is here to learn, so enjoy this experience, and don’t stress about death.

Music in this video:

The Dark Glow of the Mountains by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Attribution License

14 thoughts on “What happens when you die?

  1. Ellexima says:


    Well heres an old question i have to ask:
    We see the population on earth is growing like damn, where do these souls come from and how are souls (like us) made? U know when they say reincarnation I think there must be for example 100 souls and when they die they reincarnate and the population stay at 100 but we see as ppl reincarnate the numbers of souls are growing.
    One more thing is will we have our memory just like now that we have brain to save it and do we see earth as it is and is that Grid out of this universe which has Gallaxies?
    I think my questions never stop unless I make a pact with Lucifer.

    Best Regards

  2. Tem Ka Iwp says:

    Personally I am of the conviction that there is much more to death than the last physical breath we all take, or the proverbial end of life. Death is much more than this. It can be the end of a relationship, the departure of a loved one into a foreign country, it is the changing of life long habits, it is becoming a new person, it is when we hear the painful and naked truth, it is when all hope what so ever is lost, it is when all belief in the self is lost, it is the certainty of a developing Dementia, in our case it is the initiation… . We all experience death, every day of our lives, day after day. No matter how apparently small any experience seems to be death changes in one way or another our lives, makes us to different people, gives us another chance either to remain dead or to continue to live. It is existential in nature, unavoidable in reality and irreversible in consequence, and let us not fool ourselves for a moment that these deaths can be far more terrible than the cessation of the functional vital signature of the body.

    Everything we do in life as in Death involves a choice! The same applies that everything we do not do also involves a choice. We structure our life from birth to death with things we choose to dos and other things we choose not to do. There is a huge difference, however, between choosing not to do something and choosing to do nothing! Doing nothing but wishing things seems however to be a popular course of action. I am convinced that we all are creators of our present situation by the choices we have made whether we have chosen to do something, not to do something or to do nothing. Recognizing that we live in a world of our own creation means to take responsability for our choises and their consequences. Yet, responsability, is also not on the popular hit list. We are in control of our response and the values we decide to place on events in our lives, in death which follows and life thereafter.

  3. Michael says:

    Hi Savannah, thanks again for this very informative video.
    You look amazing.
    A few years ago i had a very vivid dream or ‘memory’ about this subject.
    About the time before being reborn into a new vessel on this earth.
    It was so strong, i still remember it. I was indeed in a kind of ‘collective’ with others somewhere and we were about to be reincarnated and we had some choices like ‘this time we wanted there or with who or in what kind of circumstances”, it was very weird. And then we quickly kinda ‘jumped’ into our new life…

    • BWS says:

      From what I know Not everybody comes back. It depends on Your own spiritual Growth, And if you have other lessons to learn. I believe that once you have learned your lessons, You tend to stay in the grid, And do something else – Perhaps you’re a spiritual advisor in the grid to People coming back From their earthly experience.

    • BWS says:

      Thank you for this question because it is important. Included in our type of witchcraft here at black witch coven, there are certain types of magic that work specifically with our past selves. We know that we have multiple past lives, And in these lives we can have challenges That our soul remembers in the current life, And it can effect the relationships we have with the other people who’ve also reincarnated to live this experience with us again. The Magic done to correct these issues and help heal the pain of the past in the current is complex, And definitely is not instant. Once the past is corrected, People can still have issues with each other Because of current life actions due to these past life Subconscious thoughts.

      In other areas of work that we do at BWC, We know that some people hang out on this earthly plane, because they’re not ready to move on for one reason or another. My father is absolutely included in this category. He has passed on, and he was not ready to go to the grid, as he still has too many messages to give (holding onto earthly issues after death.) In some of the work we offer at BWC, we perform rituals to help move this energy/individuals on and into the grid.

      Personally as a left-hand path practitioner, Who is always receiving guidance And wisdom From these ancient beings we like to call Demons,I know that I am constantly on a path of Ascension. The only goal is to accumulate wisdom, And apply it. The goal isn’t perfectionism, But it is purely to learn a lesson, so spiritually I mature.

      Note – When I have been shown the place they live (come from), there are NO human entities, either living or in energy form, so the only place that I SEE (where we go after death), looks like a “Grid”. Absolutely, no hell. Also, I haven’t seen the greeting place after death at all, only our Chi “hang out” place.

      • Mao says:

        Thank you so much for this! It is so difficult to explain that I have a dark path that includes so much love and light and that working with Deamons or Deavas isn’t an “Evil” thing. I absolutely love you for sharing this.

      • Ellexima says:


        Amazing subject to talk about. Actually I cant wait to have experiences beyond this life. So whats this “Hang Out” place, do we have a purpose there, what do we gain from handing out, didnt u find it boring?


  4. Halseer says:

    It is amazing that my own perspective and what my Goddess, Hel, has shown me ties to s method that all points to the same source. What I was shown and given a taste of, is when one passes and has regret or anything the failed to accomplish in their life, they go to the underworld with Hel. While barely aware of their surrondings, Hel appears in front of them breaking the black void with her light side as the only light source. She asks in a calm yet uneasy tone,” Do you have regrets?” She is capable of seeing through any fabrication thrown at her, and when one is truthful and states all of them, she nods, and makes them face all their failures, regrets, and negative states until they are finished. If one tries to flee, she blinks to where they look and traps them; their own hands even have her face on them if they try to cover their eyes. Their guilt and negatives are what makes her become mortifying and disturbing. She does not interfere in their task to breakaway from their regrets, and watches every second never abandoning them; She will stay with them for as long as needed, not saying a word but reflecting back their truth. Once the last one is done, she reflects back a vibrant light of her living side as a whole and after being begged to go back, she happily brings them into a light and into a new body to try once again. As for me personally, I have a devotional I took for her because she was the only one who came to stop me from taking my own life and making it a vainful death. I felt the need to share mine and Hel’s insight, and I am thankful for the investment given to everyone from BWC🖤💜

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