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What happens when you die? Part Two: Your Death Wishes

death tarot

I don’t give any guarantees when it comes to magickal outcomes or the actions of the spiritual world. Today I will guarantee you one thing and I’m sure you’re guessing already what it is. That’s right, I will guarantee that one day….you will die.

The idea of talking about your death can seem morbid, but what is more terrifying, is dying without discussing what you would like to happen upon your death. When you think about it, it is somewhat silly not to discuss what you would like to happen to your own body, upon your death. Firstly, we all know that we have a certain period of time on this earth. Secondly, if we are practicing alternative spiritual practices, we should be able to say what we would like done to our body at the time of our passing – if that is important to you.

Most people have taken the time to write a will and assign the will to an executor who upon the time of their death, will read the instructions to an audience of perhaps grieving family members and friends. People are wondering what they are going to receive from your estate. Who is getting what material possession? Perhaps family fighting has already begun, or could possibly begin as a result of what you wrote in the mysterious document!

In this article, I’m going to share with you some of my own thoughts on this subject. Everybody’s situation is slightly different, and it’s important that you consider the variations within your own family and within your own religious system when creating such a document. I will also add, that what I’m talking about below is not a legal WILL. Documenting what you desire upon your death should be a fluid dynamic documentation of your final desires. It’s to let people understand what you personally would like as your final sendoff.

My concern is not surrounding material possessions. The assignment of material possessions is straightforward. Should family members contest what they receive is beyond my concern and quite frankly, out of my control. My requests upon my death are simple…. Do with my body what you desire while respecting my beliefs.

I have detailed instructions on what to do upon my death which has been given to my youngest child who understands the reasons why this information is so important. My older two children cannot fathom the discussion of death – and, as they believe in heaven and hell, the idea that their mother be buried as a pagan is mortifying to their spiritual beliefs.

To help those around me process my request, I have added information to be read during this time.  The goal is to have these people respect my beliefs and to support those within my group who will be executing my desires. People need to respect:

  • I am Luciferian, and 100% believe Lucifer is my “God”.
  • I believe in reincarnation.
  • I do not believe in heaven and hell. Jesus is not my saviour.
  • I do not wish to be buried on Christian grounds, or on the grounds of any Abrahamic religion.
  • Do not put a cross, or any type of Christian prayer on my headstone.

I also go on to tell my family, I give permission for my youngest child (who is also Pagan), the final decision on what she wishes to do with my remains. She understands, and I have documented, my thoughts on what to do with my remains. “Personally, I don’t care what you do with my body. You can bury it, you can burn it, you can throw it in a river”. I have shared with her she can put my head on the mantelpiece. Take me to a taxidermist. Stuff me and pull me out at Halloween to scare the kids. She was not amused with these suggestions, but I find the whole concept entertaining. What a shame it is illegal!

The same can be said for the funeral, the wake, and any other celebration planned post-death. I don’t care what happens. It will be up to my loved ones to decide what they feel like doing if anything at all. I would much rather my children and my loved ones celebrate my life than cry and be miserable over the fact I’m dead.

Many on the LHP see funerals as an opportunity for loved ones to gather and share what they’ll never forget about the deceased. As many on the LHP don’t have an elaborate belief system around the afterlife, they don’t care how funeral rites are conducted, and they actually prefer to focus on how people lived, rather than how they died.

This idea that once a person dies, they completely cease to be, affects how Satanists celebrate the dead, too. According to Gilmore, “We know that such ceremonials have no benefit for us once we’ve died. Many Satanists may decide not to plan on any sort of services or memorials, leaving that up to those who survive them.”

I hope this information will inspire you to document your final requests. All of us within our group have our documents shared, so if one is to pass away, another member from our group will be able to share this document with their family and relatives.

Suicide Crisis Support Lines:

Talking about death and dying should not be confused with suicidal idealization. We are not planning on going anywhere in an untimely manner. In fact, it is one of our goals on the left-hand path, to lead a long, happy, and healthy life. The left-hand path is all about enjoying life to the maximum.

If you feel like you cannot cope with life as it is right now, it is important that you connect with somebody that can help you work through these thoughts.

USA – National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
LifeLine Australia: 1-300-13-11-14
NZ Suicide Crisis Helpline: 0508 828 865 (0508 TAUTOKO)
(UK and ROI) – 24/7 Helpline: 116 123
Argentina Suicide Hotline: +5402234930430
Telefono De La Esperanza – 717-003-717
Beijing Suicide Research and Prevention Center 800-810-1117 (landline) or 010-8295-1332 (mobile and VoIP callers)
Sneha India ( is available 24/7 on the phone by calling 91 44 24640050


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