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What is the difference between Lucifer and Satan?

Ask Savannah:

What is the difference between Lucifer and Satan, if any? Also, why is the image of Satan and even demons so often “scary”? Maybe it’s just me? I have no problem calling on anyone but feel their physical image ( should they appear) would in itself be “too much”. So I don’t call on them …. But I would like to!!!!! Is it just a deep rooted fear shoved down my throat by early Christianity? My upbringing consist of a natural blend of Christianity and Magic. Spells are considered as normal as attending church on Sunday…… Can you please give me some insight? Thank you.


Helpful Links and Resources


The Satanic Bible

by Anton Szandor LaVey (Author)

The Satanic Bible was written by Anton LaVey in 1969. It is a collection of essays, observations and basic Satanic rituals, and outlines LaVey’s Satanic ideology. It contains the core principles of LaVeyan Satanism and is considered the foundation of the philosophy and dogma that constitute Satanism.


The Satanic Rituals: Companion to The Satanic Bible 

by Anton Szandor LaVey (Author)


The Satanic Scriptures Paperback

by Peter H. Gilmore (Author),

The Satanic Scriptures hands down the wit, wisdom and diabolical perspective of the Church of Satan’s High Priest, Magus Peter H. Gilmore. These essays, articles and diatribes have been collected from over twenty years of the High Priest’s writings for his infernal cabal, some first issued in the pages of publications available only to insiders. From the magic of toys to techniques of time travel, Magus Gilmore leads the reader down a Left-Hand Path where few will find what they expect.

  • Why is Satanism the Feared Religion?
  • Is it Satanic to be a fascist?
  • Same-sex marriage–would it be acceptable in a United Satanic America?
  • What do Satanists think about terrorism, and where do they lay the blame?


At Satan’s Altar: A Collection of Prayers, Chants, Affirmations, Hymns, and Rituals 

– February 28, 2018

by Marie RavenSoul  (Author)

Marie RavenSoul, a disciple of the Devil for more than 30 years, presents the reader with a fascinating collection of her personal and heartfelt devotionals to the Lord of Darkness. Those who have been searching for a serious and practical guide to religious rites in honour of Satan will find what they seek in this volume. Written with the explicit religious worship of the Devil in mind, At Satan’s Altar provides a wealth of liturgical material to aid both the novice practitioner and the seasoned Satanist alike. Whether your path is a solitary one or you are looking for something to add to your Coven’s rituals, this book will not disappoint.

Michael W Ford Luciferian Books


Apotheosis: The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Luciferianism & the Left-Hand Path Paperback 

– June 6, 2019

by Michael W Ford  (Author)

APOTHEOSIS is the Definite Primer on Luciferian Philosophy and the practice of Magick specifically for the beginner or those curious about what Luciferianism is and how this path is similar and different from other traditions. Michael W. Ford has authored this book to offer a concise philosophical foundation for the neophyte seeking the specifics on Luciferian initiation. Edited by Timothy Donahue and forward by E.A. Koetting. 11 Points of Power & 4 Pillars of LuciferianismThe Sorcerous Words of Power of the Adversary3 Magick Keys to Ascent on the Left-Hand Path, How to summon & incarnate your Daemon, How to undergo the Test of the Devil’s Mask, Key symbols & Deific masks of Luciferianism, 12 core tools & initiations of Luciferian Magick, 9 most powerful ritual circles & triangles, The Origins and Truth about Lucifer, Satan, Yahweh & more

3 thoughts on “What is the difference between Lucifer and Satan?

    • NewOne says:

      If Satan and Lucifer are different why did u say Satan’s Enn is “Renich Tasa Uberaca Biasa Icar Lucifer” in the video called “PACT INFORMATION_Helpful information for BWC Clients” ?

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