Australian Spirits, Demons, and Ancients took the girls from Hanging Rock, as a human sacrifice, for the invasion of their sacred land…..
Believe me? Well I am not Aboriginal, but I am Australian and I am familiar with the stories of Australia’s original inhabitants – the aborigines. The stories are well documented. They are passed down generation after generation, for thousands and thousands of years. It easy for us European settlers in Australia to discount the stories and legends of Australia’s original people. Yet you only have to spend a night in the Australian bush to know how sacred, scary, and uninhabitable the outback truly is for any visitor.
The aboriginals connect deeply with the spirits. They know that if they make the spirits angry, the spirits revenge is swift and deadly. Because there are many tribes throughout Australia – hundreds in fact – treading on land that is not yours can bring about dire consequences. If you were an aboriginal venturing onto the land of another tribal, you would insure that you met with tribal leaders ASAP to safeguard you, and in some cases your family, from peril.
As a demonologist myself, one has to understand how to respect spiritual forces, and this respect extends to not only Demons, but also human spirits,animal spirits, and ancients. I wouldn’t venture onto a sacred space without giving an offering to the spirits who own that space. For example, if I was heading into a graveyard to collect graveyard dirt, I would leave an offering at gate of the cemetery, and also on the grave of the person whose dirt I collected.
The argument for Australia’s early settlers ignorant lies in their arrogance. With little respect of the aboriginal people in the 1900s, or their land, and the pushing of Christian based religions onto the tribes, I can totally understand why ancient spirits took their revenge whenever they seen fit. While there are many legendary dreamtime stories in aboriginal culture, a common story lives around the rainbow snake. It is known both as a benevolent protector of its people (the groups from the country around) and as a malevolent punisher of law breakers. The Rainbow Serpent’s mythology is closely linked to land, water, life, social relationships, and fertility.
To read more about the Rainbow Snake see this Wiki Link

So what is the point of this blog post? A few things actually:
- Understand the spirits, demons, and background of the land you are living on
- Understand the spirits, demons, and background of the land you are practicing magic on (or spell casting on)
- Know and understand the ability of an angry spirit
While the movie Picnic at Hanging Rock is an Australian Cult classic, not only for its beautiful production, and mysterious storyline, but also to capture the innocence of youth, masked with the souls deep desire for love, the erotic, and the unknown simple sensual pleasures of everyday life. There is no doubt in my mind, that the Australian ancient spirits of that land, put those girls into a trance, and lead them into self sacrifice.
However, you be the judge……
The Movie – Picnic at Hanging Rock
This FREE video of PICNIC AT HANGING ROCK is not uploaded by BWC, but you can get an idea of the story (if still up on YouTube) before buying or renting it elsewhere. If it is not showing above you can get a copy from:
- The Novel – Picnic at Hanging Rock
- Rent from Amazon – Immediate watch
The Final Last Chapter
The author of the Book agreed to release the final chapter, and released the mystery of picnic at hanging Rock, after her death. True To her request, the final mystery was released to the world three weeks after the author died.
“It was well known that Lindsay became tired of people writing to her asking about the ending, but she continued to guard the secret of the last chapter until after her death.”
So what did the final release say? He also stated that the girls did meet a very mysterious and supernatural death. The exact details were still left to the readers imagination.
- Titled “The Secret of Hanging Rock” the last chapter finally solved the mystery for all.
Plot Summary
The chapter opens with Edith fleeing back to the picnic area while Miranda, Irma, and Marion push on. Irma looks down and compares the people on the plain below to ants. When the girls walk past the monolith, they feel as if they are being pulled from the inside out and get dizzy. After they leave it behind, they lie down and fall asleep.
A woman suddenly appears climbing the rock in her underwear shouting, “Through!” and then faints. This woman is not referenced by name and is apparently a stranger to the girls, yet the narration suggests she is Miss McCraw. Miranda loosens the woman’s corset to help revive her. Afterwards, the girls remove their own corsets and throw them off the cliff. The recovered woman points out that the corsets appear to hover in mid-air as if stuck in time, and that they cast no shadows. She and the girls continue together.
After the women experience dizziness, the group encounter a strange phenomenon described as a hole in space that influences their state of mind. They see a snake crawling down a crack in the rock. The woman suggests they follow the snake and takes the lead. She transforms into a small lizard-like creature and disappears into the crack. Marion follows her, then Miranda, but when Irma’s turn comes, a balanced boulder [the hanging rock] slowly tilts and blocks the way. The chapter ends with Irma “tearing and beating at the gritty face on the boulder with her bare hands”.
Wikipedia – Hanging Rock /Secret of Hanging Rock
Darke Childe’s Picnic at Hanging Rock Information
Pegasus Book Orphanage – Joan Lindsay, The Mystique of Hanging
Hanging Rock is open to the public visit their website
You can also visit Joan Lindsay’s house at Langwarrin on the Mornington Peninsula
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Lady Hannah
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