Jupiter Magic Correspondences

Magic involving the power of Jupiter is strong when done on Thursday.

Ritual/Magickal Rulerships:  Luck, expansion, abundance, long-distance travel, higher education, legal matters, taxation, investments, foundations, prosperity, opportunity.

  • Jupiter rules Thursday
  • Jupiter is the element of fire
  • Jupiter rules the crown chakra

Fabulous Thursday. Who doesn’t love Thursday for MONEY magick! There is so much to read up on and remember when it comes to Witchcraft in the modern era, but if you remember anything, just always do something for money and prosperity on a Thursday. You can thank me for it in years to come.

As you may have guessed, Thursday is under the influence of the planet Jupiter. This means that it is the most auspicious time to work with the energy from this planet to try and enhance your spells in these areas:

  • Optimism
  • Opportunity, expansion, enlargement
  • Works involving religion, faith, law
  • Works against Saturn influences

Diary of a Gypsy Witch; Jupiter Money Magic

Enhance your money spells with Jupiter energy

Prosperity & Money Attraction Charged Ritual Candle

When the Moon is in Sagittarius

Magickal workings ruled by Jupiter are successful at this time.

Religion, Universities, travel, higher education, gambling, good luck, good for ceremonial magick, best for white magick, publishing, sports, the outdoors, the law. Pulling off something big.

Retrograde Jupiter is a blessing. 

Retrograde Jupiter over your personal planets, love spells, money/success, promotions and everything else can come in abundance with the proper direction. Retrograde Jupiter is where we luck out and have opportunities. Taking control of this period and directing the energies will result in our success.

Jupiter Spells

Once known as the “Greater Benefic,” this huge planet presides over luck and good fortune. The position of Jupiter in your natal chart and the aspects it makes to other celestial bodies determines your luck in this lifetime. Have an astrologer cast your natal chart to analyze what sort of fortune you were born with and how best to manifest that luck. Every person’s horoscope charts the gifts and challenges that are present at birth. An astrologer can also calculate your “Part of Fortune,” so as best to exploit luck and minimize those challenges.

Jupiter retrograde over a loved or desired one’s Venus, same with Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto concerning love; a love spell in directing these energies can be most effective.

Gods of Thursday

When working with Demonic Gods, to connect with their energy a little stronger, some people may work with the planetary elements of Jupiter. These demons, I said, to be under the planetary correspondences of Jupiter: Crocell, Belial, Andrealphus, Andromalius, Berith, Bifrons, Fucas, Marbas, Ceberus, Ronove, Valefor, Vine,

Also see:




The Pagan Gods of Jupiter are the sky gods and storm fathers.

  • Jupiter himself is a Roman god of thunder and lightning, highly identified with the Greek Zeus, the leader of the Olympians.
  • Chango
  • Kabbalah Spells – Zadkiel, ruler of the planet Jupiter, is the angel of goodness, grace, generosity, and mercy who bestows benevolence, good fortune, and justice. Burn frankincense to attract his attention and then tell him your heart’s desires.
  • To the Sumerians, Marduk led the fight against the dragon creature Tiamat, creating the world and a new age.
  • In Egypt, the god Amen-Ra, the embodiment of Ra as ruler on Earth and often depicted as a pharaoh figure, is the Jupiter archetype.
  • Egyptians saw the Sun as supreme and elder, giving sway to other figures, such as Amen-Ra.
  • Tarranis of the Continental Celts, relates to Zeus, as being a strong storm god and heavenly figure.
  • Modern Celtic practitioners also look to the good father god of the Tuatha De Dana, the Dagda as a Jupiter figure. His cauldron is ever abundant and none leave it hungry, representing the power of abundance and nurturance in Jupiter energy.
  • In Norse myth, the all-father and tribal leader is Odin, though many associated Odin with Mercury images, because he is the magician and traveler.
  • Thor, on the other hand, the God of Storm and Lightning, is strongly linked with Jupiter magic. In fact, the day of Jupiter, Thursday, originates from Thor’s Day.

Jupiter Correspondences

money magic
Sigil of Jupiter

Day: Thursday
Number: 4
Colors: Colors associated with Jupiter are blue and purple.

  • Jupiter rules royal blue. Workings using blue energy should be done on a Monday or Thursday. Spells using blue need the power of the crown and and/or throat chakras.
  • Jupiter rules purple. Workings using the color purple should be performed on Thursdays. Violet/Purple Candles are used for enhancing psychic ability, bringing wisdom, for divination, to remove curses, for healing, business success, and for influencing people in power.  For workings of black magick, purple can be used to incite tyranny, abuse of power, and for bringing sadness and treachery to others.

Metals: Lead


  • Amethyst
  • Lapis Lazuli

Incense: Cedar, Nutmeg, Honeysuckle, Mace, Lemon, Saffron.

Jupiter Plants

Balm of Gilead
Barberry root*
Barley stem*
Bayberry bark*
Beet, White
Beet root*
Bell pepper fruit*
Bitter aloe leaf*
Black walnut nut*
Blessed thistle*
Blood Root
Blue cohosh root*
Brazil nut seed*
Buchu leaf*
Buckbush stem*
Bull Bay
Butcher’s broom root*
Carrot root*
Cascara sagrada bark*
Chamomile* (seed, herb, essential oil)
Chinese borage
Chinese cornbind root*
Chinese ginseng root*
Chinese magnolia vine fruit*
Chinese red pine
Chinese tulip tree
Cinquefoil (seed, herb)
Clove Pink
Coconut nut*
Comfrey root*
Common thyme leaf*
Coneflower root*
Corn kernel*
Couch grass*
Crampbark bark*
Cucumber Tree
Curly dock root*
Damiana leaf*
Dandelion root*
Devil’s claw root*
Dong quai root*
Dyer’s Broom
Dyer’s Chamomile
Echinacea root*
English filbert seed*
European mistletoe leaf*
European nettle leaf*
Pennyroyal (seed, herb, essential oil)*
Fennel seed*
Fenugreek seed*
Field horsetail*
Garlic bulb*
Ginger rhizome* (essential oil)
Gobo root*
Goldenseal root*
Gotu kola leaf*
Grape stem*

Grapefruit fruit*
Grey Sage
Hart’s Tongue
Hawthorne fruit*
Helen’s Flower
Hops (seeds)
Ilawarra flame
Indian chocolate
Irish moss*
Juniper berries*
Ladyslipper root*
Lamb’s ears
Lamb’s tongue
Licorice root*
Lion’s ears
Lobelia (seeds, herb)*
Ma Huang*
Maple Tree
Marshmallow root*
Marsh woundwort
Milk thistle
Mullein leaf*
Native Wormwood
Noble fir
Oak Tree
Olive Tree
Pau d’arco bark*
Peach bark*
Pecan nut*
Peppermint leaf*
Psyllium seed*
Pumpkin seed*
Red clover flower*
Red silky oak
Roselle flower*
Safflower bloom*
Sage leaf*
Sage, white
Sarsaparilla root*
Saucer magnolia
Scarlet Sage
Scurvy Grass
Shagbark hickory seed*
Siberian bugloss
Slippery elm bark*
Smooth hydrangea root*
Spanish bayonet root*
Spotted dog
Stevia leaf*
Sweetgum (seed)
Tonka bean
Tulip Tree
Tulip Poplar
Unicorn Root
Valerian (seed, herb, essential oil)
West Indian lemongrass*
White oak bark*
White sage (herb, seed)
White sagewort
White willow bark*
Wild daggah
Wild yam root*
Yellow gentian root*

Jupiter Magical Ideas


  • PRIMARY COLORS: green and gold
  • PRIMARY NUMBERS: 2, because it encapsulates the concept of doubling
  • PLANETS: Jupiter, because it’s the planet of good fortune; the moon, because it’s the planet of magic and fulfilled wishes; and Mercury, because the Roman god whose name it bears is involved with prosperity and finance
  • MOON PHASE: Spells for financial growth, to increase money or business, should coincide with the waxing moon

Our Witchy Favourite – Basil and Bergamot Money Drawing

  • Write the precise sum that you require on a square of brown paper.
  • Carve your name, identifying information, and the sum onto a green candle.
  • Dress the candle with essential oils of basil and bergamot.
  • Place the candle over the paper.
  • Burn the candle for increments of fifteen minutes daily until the candle has finished
  • Chant or Petition a God
    • chant: Money grow, money flow Candle burn, watch me earn Money grow,  money flow Flame shine What I want is mine!
    • Petition: Be specific with what you want to achieve to the god of the goddess that you’re working with to hear your call and to help you on your journey. Be specific with what you want to achieve and leave an offering.
  • Do this again each Thursday until you see change

Jupiter’s Lucky Charm

The metal associated with luck is tin, as it is the one under the rulership of Jupiter.

1. Cut out a small piece of tin.

2. Engrave it with lucky words, numbers, or phrases.

3. Place in a mojo bag and keep on you at all times

The lodestone may as well be known as the luck-stone. Few things are as associated with the acquisition of good fortune.

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