• Venus rules Friday
  • Venus is of the element of earth
  • Venus rules the heart chakra

Ritual/Magickal Rulerships:
Love, making love, (affectionate; Planet Mars is for lust/sex), fidelity, reconciliation, beauty, youth, friendships, attraction, harmony, financial gain, earnings increases, social functions, possessions, attracting money, indulgence, pleasure.

Working your spells in the Venus planetary hour:

In the days and hours of Venus are good for friendships, kindness, love, erotic endeavours, and for travelling.

Venusian Incense:
Rose, Myrtle, Jasmine, Benzoin, Apple, Chamomile, Cardamom, Gardenia, Hyacinth, Lilac, Magnolia, Vanilla, Licorice, and Musk.

Candle Colors:

Venus rules the color green. Workings using green energy should be performed during a waxing moon on a Friday when Venus is strongly placed. Spells using green need the power of the heart chakra.

  • Green Candles are used in spells for beginnings, growth, abundance, fertility, healing, success, general good luck, harmony, and influencing generosity. In workings for health and healing, green is an anti-inflammatory.
  • Green can also be used alone or with brown for communicating with nature spirits.
  • Green is used in spells for love, marriage, and making love. Green influences affection, opposed to red, which is used for passionate love, lust, and sex. Green also influences renewal, fidelity, reconciliation, justice, balance, beauty, youth, friendships, attraction, harmony, financial gain, earnings increases, social functions, possessions, riches, indulgence, and pleasure. Green is good for beginnings and growth.
  • In workings of black magick, green is used for inciting jealousy, greed, suspicion, resentment, sickness, disease, and disharmony.

Moon in Taurus

Projects begun when the moon is in Taurus are usually permanent or long lasting, especially when performed in when the moon is in the first ten degrees of the sign. Money, finances, possessions, material things, sensuality, earth, greed, permanence, wealth, things that increase in value, loans, bankers, slow but lasting results, time delays. Do NOT have surgical procedures performed on the neck or throat at this time. Magick ruled by the Earth and Venus are successful at this time.

When Venus goes retrograde, this is not a good time for love, relationships, commitment, artistic pursuits and so on. Love spells will inevitably fail or result in disaster. Wait until the period passes.

On the other hand, retrograde Jupiter is a blessing. Jupiter retrograde over a loved or desired oneís Venus, same with Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto concerning love; a love spell in directing these energies can be most effective.

Energy from stars can be used to enhance personal traits, for example to strengthen self-discipline or for specific energies to be used use in ritual. Absorbing energy from Venus before performing a love spell can greatly assist in the desired outcome of the working.