Greetings everyone,
This week I had a great question come through the comments section of the Black Witch Coven website. I am sharing the question and my answer with you all here, as I feel so happy to live in an age where we can socially enjoy our love for witchcraft, paganism, and all other flavors of occultism, and hope to inspire more people to enjoy witchcraft with their family and friends!
Should you have additional ideas, or have held a similar event, please share your tips in the comments section below.
“I’m treating some friends and family to a witch’s lunch in October… to help them experience the full effect of what I know will be a fabulous day….While making their hats & wands, I’ve thought of all the things that made them special in my life and how much I love and cherished each of them. I am now working on their bags; I’m stumped..and need a little guidance. What could I use in these bags to create an awesome experience for these ladies; that have accepted, without question, and given so much of themselves, without asking for anything in return. There will be 10 in all including me. Please advise if I can do anything for you for your wisdom and guidance.
Thank you
S “
(name withheld for privacy)
Hi S,
What a wonderful idea! I am so excited that we can begin to share our love for witchcraft with our family, friends and community in a more open and loving manner.
To answer your question, I would really need to know more about your budget and luncheon “theme”. But off the top of my head, here are some ideas for a general audience that could have children in attendance.
Crystals & Stones – Many people underestimate the power of crystals. In a group of people, it is always fun to have the guests hold a crystal in their hand and describe what they are feeling. Perhaps each guest can take a crystal home which resonates with them the most. You could have some larger crystals for them to touch, but smaller more affordable ones to take home.
(If you are making the wands on the day, I would wrap copper around the wand, and add a crystal to the tip. That’s just my preference)
Mojo Bags – Creating a personal mojo bag is always fun. You could even cut out and sew the bag yourselves at the lunch, or just buy cheap ready made bags and fill with a herb, curio, personal concern (a strand of their hair etc), and each person writes their own petition, before the group seals bags together with a positive affirmation and dress with a conditioning oil.
Pendulums – Since everyone is open to witchcraft, why not put a pendulum in the bag. They are also super affordable and easy to use.
Blonde Gypsy n I talk about Pendulums
Spell Kits – I asked Lady Hannah (from BWC) what she would like to receive in a gift bag, and she said a Spell Kit for something positive. Pre-made spell kits can cost around $20, but you can always pre-dress a candle for a purpose (with herbs and/or oil), wrap in plastic wrap, and give instructions (written or on the day.)
All these ideas are group friendly, affordable, and positive.
Blessed Beast!
BWC READERS – If you have ideas, please share your thoughts as well
Am a beginner to learn black magic and your YouTube videos are really helpful but I need a strong and healthier idea or a support from you to practice spell and to deal alone.. can you please teach me how to practice or loss my feareness… Please take me as your assistance so I ll learn things in live…
My Dear,
I am so grateful you are enjoying the videos. I don’t know what you mean by fearness? Do you mean your fear of the unknown or fear of demons? All I am say is that the journey onto the MAGIC or SPeLLcasting life should be done in stages. I often advice people starting with WICCA as it provides a comfortable foundation and such volumes of knowledge before dancing into the dark arts.
Believe me, you wouldn’t wish to be my assistant, you would go mad! Just ask my coven lol