Working With Olympian Spirits

Olympic spirits were first mentioned in a Latin book titled Arbatel of Magick, which was published at Basle in 1575 and translated by Robert Turner in 1655.  According to Wikipedia, Olympic spirits are seven spirits mentioned in several Renaissance and Post Renaissance books of ceremonial magic. They are spirits that inhabit in the firmament and the stars of the firmament. Their core duties are to administer fatal charms and declare destines.

Each of the Olympian spirits is associated with the seven luminaries. The Arbatel of Magick didn’t state the physical appearances of these spirits but claims that they appear anonymously.

Descriptions of the Seven Olympian Spirits

Aratron (or Arathron) the Alchemist

He rules over 49 provinces. He commanded seventeen million six hundred and forty thousand spirits.

His planet is Saturn.

His day is Saturday.


  • He teaches Alchemy, Magick, and Physics.
  • He converts treasures into coals and coals into treasure.
  • He can convert anything into a stone in a moment.
  • He gives familiars that have a definite power.
  • He causes one to be invisible.
  • He can reconcile the subterranean spirits to men.
  • He can make a man hairy.
  • He makes the barren fruitful and gives long life.


He rules over 42 provinces.

He commanded twenty-nine thousand legions of spirits.

His planet is Jupiter.

His day is Thursday


  • He rules over things that are ascribed to Jupiter.
  • He raises great dignities.
  • He reveals hidden treasures.
  • He transports precious stones from place to place.
  • He gives familiars of the firmament.
  • He reconciles the spirits of the air.

Phaleg (or Phalec, Pharos), the War-Lord

He rules over 35 provinces.

His planet is Mars.

His day is Tuesday.

He is the Prince of Peace.


He rules over 28 provinces.

His planet is the Sun.

His day is Sunday


  • He is a great alchemist, physician, and magician.
  • He governs solar things.
  • He bestows excellent spirits and wisdom.
  • He gives gold and precious stones.
  • He teaches Medicine too.


He has 4000 legions of spirits, and over every thousand, he ordains kings for their appointed seasons.

His planet is Venus.

He rules 21 provinces.

His day is Friday


In a moment, he can convert copper into gold and gold into copper.

He gives loyal familiars to the magician.


His spirits are 100000 legions.

He rules 14 provinces.

He commanded one hundred thousand legions of spirits.

His planet is Mercury.

His day is Wednesday.


  • He teaches all Arts.
  • He can also teach his follower how to convert Quicksilver into the Philosophers stone.
  • He gives familiar spirits.


He is the Lord of the powers of the moon and Supreme Lord of the waters.

His planet is the Moon.

He rules 7 provinces.

His day is Monday


  • He changes all metals into silver.
  • He cures dropsy.
  • He gives familiars of water origin.
  • He can make men live for 300 years.

The Seven Archangels and the Seven Olympian Spirits

In ritual magic, the seven Olympian Spirits are often evoked in conjunction with the seven classic archangels. However, they should not be confused as the same. Each of the Olympian Spirits is rivaled by one of the traditional seven archangels.

Working with Olympian Spirits

Working with these spirits can be easy, but only to a magician that knows the right planetary hour to consult them. In the Arbatel, the planetary hours use the Chaldean order. Sunrise marks the start of the planetary day. The ruling spirit is best consulted at this time. The cycle of the planetary hours gives the planetary attributions of the days of the week. Since we are dealing with a cycle – it is continuous – there is no hierarchy.

The Kabbalistic Tree of Life also has the planetary order in the Sephiroth from Binah to Yesod, but ritual magicians work against the flow of energy as they start from Yesod up to Binah.

Working with these spirits would require that you follow some rules like the hour of the planet, favorite incense, and colors. For this ritual, we would be working with planetary discs. This system was developed by the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. A planetary disc is a circle made of paper with 10 centimeters or 4 inches in diameter approximately. In the center, the symbol of the planet is drawn with a flashing color, while the background color is the color of the planet.

This ritual should be done in a maximum of one hour.

Items Needed:

  • Incense related to the planet.
  • Three candles in the color of the planet.
  • The seal of the Olympian spirit.
  • Planetary disc.
  • Accessories (such as curtains, clothes, etc.) in the color of the planet.

Stage one

Pre ritual preparation:

  • Prior to the day of the ritual, you are expected to purify your body and soul. Abstain from eating meat for 24 hours and take a bath before the ritual.
  • Decorate your altar and temple with the curtains, clothes, or rugs.
  • Place a candle on each edge of the triangle.
  • Place the incense on the right and left sides of the triangle.
  • Place the planetary disc inside the triangle, and over it, place the seal of the Olympic Spirits.

Stage two

Ritual procedures:

  • Start by performing the Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.
  • Light the candles and incense.
  • Cast a circle.
  • Place your both hands together and say:

In the name of [insert the name of God of the sphere], I declare this temple open and ready to receive the energy of [insert the name of the planet].”

Evoke the spirit by saying:

O Great [insert the name of the spirit], Olympic Spirit of [insert the name of the planet], ruling under the name of [insert the name of God of the sphere], and in the name of this same God, I invoke you. Appear before me right now and answer all my questions. Come without delay, peacefully and visibly. I speak in the name of the One who created all the things and to whom you are obedient. Come [insert the name of the spirit]. I invoke you.”

Repeat the evocation seven times and wait for the spirit to show himself to you. If he doesn’t appear, then repeat it seven times more.

Sometimes, the spirit may not come but send some spirits under his command to you. When you notice the presence of a spirit, you can ask for his identity.

When you are done consulting the spirit, thank him by saying:

“O Great Olympic Spirit [insert the name of the spirit], I thank you for your presence. I hope you can fulfill all I have asked from you. You can go in peace to where you came from.”

 Closing the temple:  

“I now declare this temple of [insert the name of the planet] closed.”

End the ritual by performing the qabalistic cross.


While working with these spirits, have it at the back of your mind that they are gods and can’t be ordered about. You cannot threaten them. They act according to their will and plans. When you make a request, sometimes they may give you what you want and other times, they won’t. That is just the way gods are.





  • https:// occult
  • The Ultimate Book of Magic and Witchcraft: A How‑To Book on the Practice of Magic Rituals and Spells Book by Pierre Macedo
  • https://en .wikipedia. org/wiki/Olympian_spirits

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