Athame, Dagger, Sword, Blade, Knife, Boline


In this video I’m going to discuss one of the key tools across all of the traditions, and that is the use of the blade in magic. I will discuss the various uses for the blade, and the various types of blades, each of them having a unique purpose.

The dagger’s primary use or symbolic meaning, is to channel and direct psychic energy, generally conceived as etheric fire.


  • Air – For ceremonial magicians we typically place the dagger into the element of air. It’s also common placement for those practising Wicca, However this will also very according to the tradition.
  • Fire – Some witches will place the dagger in the element of fire.

There is something I want to say about this tool before I begin. This tool is designed for creating change. It’s an aggressive, and assertive tool, designed to transform. Whether it’s transforming life into death, or Cutting into the magical world from the mundane, it is not a passive tool.

Are you ready to use the dagger?

In my opinion, when you pick up a magical tool such as the dagger, you are ready to make a change. You’re not asking for  permission, you are taking action. In magical use, you may not see the other side, into the astral world, or into the spiritual plane, where entities may be looking at you while you’re performing the rituals. Just because you don’t see them, doesn’t mean that they don’t see you. When you step up to perform with a dagger, your audience is the spiritual world. The action you take is in their realm. So my point is that you better mean what you are doing!

You wouldn’t step onto a battlefield with a sword, and just declare to the other side that you’re “just testing this out!” My advice is to take it seriously, no matter what you’re doing, or get off the field.

I’m going to be a little bit catty for a second. (And if you are a light worker you are probably going to be offended with what I say.) I do hear things like this for how to use a athame, dagger, knife i magick.

“Place this knife on your altar for grounding and protection; and hold it in meditation as you explore your shadow aspects.”

What? According to these spiritual professionals, I can just buy a dagger place it on my altar and BOOM! Magical effects happen! Or I can just hold it in my hands, and BOOM, my spiritual ritual is complete! Not only is it is painful to my ears and my eyes, but I just feel like vomiting a magical unicorn Sunday with sparkles. Furthermore, nothing truly happens other than making your altar space pretty.

When I’m in magical groups that say this type of statement, I want to start with the teacher and give him or her an awkward 60 second hug, and then hand them my business card, “Call me!” Next, to the class, I’ll let my business card rain like dollars in a strip club, telling everyone in the room just to pull up their socks and get real. (Actually, I would never disrespect the class, or a teacher leading a group, but it still offends my ears!)

Now, my clients who are in this category have told me, they are not ready to be aggressive. They’re not ready to slay and/and open and demand and command. And that is okay, there is no pressure here to do anything. However, the dagger/athame is a tool that commands action, and if you’re not ready for commanding action then I honestly recommend for you to use the wand. At least until you are ready to be assertive. (And softly, if this is you, remember this is not a race but a journey.)

On the reverse, I also think these teachers are being very shady and taking advantage of people who are not ready to wield the tools of magic. These type of teachers and spiritual practices/schools are selling positivity. It’s like handing a first place reward to the kid in the running race who came in last. The truth is that there is no prize for last place in life, and no benefit to the witch if she/he just looks at the tool!

BTW – If you are in one of these classes and you notice that everyone is sitting around for years and years and nobody is actually feeling any better, or has the inability to change their lives through magick, this is just called a support group and not a magical group.

You can’t just put something on your altar and expect it to work its magic just because it sitting there. You just can’t hold a dagger and hope everything else around you changes. The dagger may be the magical tool, but you are the wielder of that tool, and unless you have the confidence to pick up the tool, Stop kidding yourself. Just put it down, and go and hug your friend.

Okay, I will now retract my claws.

Additional information on daggers: The Athame, Dagger, Boline, Rune Knife

Products seen on this video:

Book suggestion for Ceremonial Magic and Dagger Preparation:

Amazon Link to the Lesser Key of Solomon

BMW – Lesser Key Of Solomon (hc) By Joseph Peterson (ed)

Boline – Druidic Boline With Leather Sheath

Rune Knife – Binding Rune Athame

Black Handle Dagger – Pentagram athame

White Bone Daggers:  Bone athameBone Renaissance athame

Product Link: Athames for sale on Black Magic Witch


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