Misrepresentation in Film

Misrepresentation in Film

First Published July 21, 2017

A few weeks ago, I decided to watch the paranormal thriller movie, “The Conjuring 2”. I’m not going to mention any spoilers, but I do want to touch on the significance of the movie. The film’s plot involves a family from the United Kingdom who is being haunted by a malevolent spirit. Janet Hodgson, the main character of the film, begins to interact with a spirit board. She begins to have a conversation with a spirit called “Bill”, and as each night passes he begins to haunt them aggressively. With each haunting, “Bill” makes it clear to Janet that he wants them to leave his home. After seeking help from their local church, the church contacts a Catholic priest in the United States who works with paranormal matters. This priest then encourages the famous paranormal investigators of the time, Ed & Lorraine Warren, to visit the Hodgson family in London. Their investigation eventually leads them to the discovery of the “demon” Valak, and the rest ensues. If you want to know more and see all the in-between, I highly recommend you watch the movie. It’s good in the sense of effects and storyline, but there is a clear, religious message in the undertone of the plot. Although Hollywood provides us with entertainment, there is an agenda behind everything they produce.


First, let me give you some background information on Valak. According to the movie, Valak is a “demon” dressed as a Catholic nun. He begins to channel into Lorraine Warren’s mind, and plays with her spirituality through Catholic imagery and paranormal activity. He is referenced as the “demon” who was responsible for the Amityville murders in Long Island in the late 1970s. There is no mention of how Valak was summoned, and why he entered this realm. In actuality, the director and/or production company adopted the name of Valak from the 17th century grimoire called the “The Lesser Key of Solomon” or “Ars Goetia”. This grimoire, or book, is a collection of 72 “demons” conjured by the biblical figure, King Solomon. In the grimoire, Valak is described as “…the Sixty-second Spirit, and is also known as Volac or Valu. He is a President Mighty and Great, and appeareth like a Child with Angel’s Wings, riding on a Two-headed Dragon. His Office is to give True Answers of Hidden Treasures, and to tell where Serpents may be seen. The which he will bring unto the Exorciser without any Force or Strength being by him employed. He governeth 38 Legions of Spirits, and his Seal is thus.” Based on this interpretation, Valak doesn’t have any negative association linked to him. Why then wasn’t Valak accurately described in the movie?


Modern society knows very little, if nothing, about Valak or the grimoire. Unless you are in the left-hand path, or have an interest in the occult, learning about the Goetia “demons” is rare. It’s strange that the director and/or production company decided to venture into a being they know very little about it. Why tap into something that can possibly react back? As a Luciferian witch who works with these energies, I have never encountered anything “demonic”, which the term itself bothers the hell out of me. According to Merriam-Webster, the term “demon” is defined as an evil spirit. Good and evil can be interpreted in many ways, depending on who’s doing the interpretation. Some “good” people do “evil” deeds, while some “evil” people do “good” deeds. See what I mean? As a result, I always feel that saying “demons” is demeaning, and thus refer to these beings as the Ancient Ones. Why do I call them this? Because the Ancient Ones existed way before mainstream religions were a thing.


Let’s revisit world history, and see have a better understanding of what I mean. Ancient Egyptians honored the Ancient Ones with statues and ceremonies, and often described them with hieroglyphic writing. The Ancient Ones were regarded as highly spiritual and powerful beings, and were often physically resembled with a hybrid of human/animal traits. Judaism, along with Christianity, portrayed Ancient Egyptians with a negative light. They accused them of idolatry, and often connected their spirituality as an adversarial act against “Jehova”. Communities in the United Kingdom during the medieval centuries also lived a similar experience. When Christianity began spreading in the region, old Pagan customs and traditions were attacked. Many Celtic Gods and Goddesses were regarded as “demons”, and anyone celebrating festivals in their names were often shunned, injured, or murdered. Christianity and its followers always have found, and to this day continue, to find a scapegoat to justify their actions.


Unfortunately, Hollywood has only encouraged more defaming of the Ancient Ones and has subliminally imposed Christianity and other mainstream religions on viewers. Within every horror-themed movie that has been made, there is always an association with “demons”. I think it all started in the late 1970s with “The Exorcist” and “The Omen”, where the film industry began to test the waters in the occult. Both movies associated some type of “demonic” nature: the “demon” Pazuzu in “The Exorcist” and the Antichrist in “The Omen”. According to these movie plots, the only solution to combat “evil” was to bring some form of Christian dominance, usually through clergymen. Of course, those movies generated a massive audience response. People began to inquire more about the spiritual world, “demons”, and anything occult-like. New movies spawned into the 1980s, 1990s. and 2000s, and more “demons” began popping up left and right. Through fear and intimidation, these “demons” would create havoc to the main characters, and the only way to combat them would be to use Christianity. Using “The Conjuring 2” as an example, The Warrens used Catholic prayer and symbols to combat Valak. Once again, the audience is led to believe that dominating “evil” is done by imposing Christianity.


One of the most emotional and manipulating movies to this date is “Passion of the Christ”. Although this film is not under the horror genre, it surely can qualify for it based on the many violent scenes. I’m not going to focus on that, but rather the interpretation of Satan. Satan is portrayed in his biblical role by tempting Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, influencing “demonic” spirits to taunt Judas, and by supposedly observing Jesus during his torture at the hands of the Roman soldiers. According to the film, he is on a mission to dissuade Jesus’s plan of self-sacrifice. In these three main scenes, Satan is blatantly portrayed as the villain. With powerful imagery and symbolism, the audience immediately connects with Jesus and Christianity. In all fairness, the plot of the movie is based on the biblical events stated so it is no surprise that this is how Satan is portrayed. For decades, Hollywood has allowed Christian and Judaic films the liberty of expressing themselves and their story on the screen. With beautiful actresses and handsome actors, the audience is captivated on the messages delivered by “the beautiful people”. Nice Marilyn Manson reference huh?! 🙂 Isn’t funny though that no movie highlighting the atrocities of Christianity has ever been made? Will it ever be made?


Where to begin, where to begin… oh, and how to begin it! Hollywood can make millions upon millions if they would make films on the atrocities committed in the name of Christianity. Let’s focus only a handful and see what type of plot can be made from them. If Hollywood is very open to promote Christianity and defame the Ancient Ones, or as they say “demons”, then why can’t they be open to show the other side this religion?


–       Colonization of the Americas: European powers committed genocide, plunder, and death during the colonization of the Americas. Not only did they do it to the indigenous civilizations already living in the New World, but also to all the Africans who were shipped over during the slave trade. Christianity was used a form to eliminate the local culture, and instill fear in the hearts of many. As a result, millions of people were forced to change their spiritual beliefs and assimilate to a new form of forced servitude. I bet Jesus and his disciples would be proud…

–       Spanish Inquisition: The Spanish were truly experienced in forcing societies to believe in Catholicism. One of their most brutal ways was in the hands of torture. If you didn’t agree to convert, you were most likely killed through many creative avenues. I thought Christianity preached free-will?

–       Catholic Abuse: A very touchy subject, but a subject that cannot be ignored nonetheless. How many children and adults have been abused by clergymen? Have their stories truly been told to highlight all the pain and suffering they endured? No, not really. Why? Because Hollywood is afraid of showing the truth.

–       Christian Sects: In the United States, there are numerous Christian sects and sub-religions who live “by the good book”. They manipulate their followers, expose their weaknesses, and control them through intimidation and fear. They constantly preach about their God and their savior Jesus, and use bible stories as an excuse to commit atrocious acts. Unfortunately, incest, rape, and abuse runs rampant in these sects, and society turns a blind eye. God must be so proud, after all, they are following his orders…

–       Murder & Mayhem in the Bible: Famine, death, incest, rape… it’s all there! So many stories to choose from in the Old Testament and New Testament that Hollywood can have a field day with them. If you want a good sample with background information, go here: http://www.patheos.com/blogs/daylightatheism/essays/a-book-of-blood/.


Film is an important medium of communication. Every day we see how it affects our lives. We are constantly bombarded with propaganda, and unfortunately much of society falls under its control. Being in the left-hand path has not only opened my eyes and mind, but it has influenced the way I interpret everything I see. Although I enjoy all types of movies, it’s the ones like “The Conjuring 2”, “Insidious”, “Paranormal Activity”, and others that cause me to truly question the intention of film companies and their directors. Yes, they want to scare us with special effects and impacting “jump” scenes, but there is an underlying message behind these plots. For an ordinary viewer, this message is subliminally delivered. If you are reading this article, I request that you open your eyes and analyze the message. Much of what we see is combination of truth and false. When you see a film or show that promotes the defamation of the Ancient Ones, or the left-hand path in general, see how it affects you. Question everything, and research everything you can. Hollywood is an entertainment paradigm, but it is up to you to decipher it.


Author: LMS


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