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A binding spell to stop harm

black voodoo doll

Many people are looking for a spell to block another from their life, however, they do not wish to cause the other person harm. This is a spell that you could cast that has a high chance of successfully blocking the person from your life. This will protect without causing the person any harm. It is not a dark spell but a very potent protective one.


  • Banishing oil
  • 1 black taper or black image candle (gender-specific)
  • nail or your fav engraving tool
  • Black cloth
  • Make or buy a BLACK poppet (voodoo doll). If you have Play-Doh, or another type of doll that you would like to use, that is possible. For example, I have used toy dolls (as shown in the photo), taken off the head, and stuffed the cavity with personal concerns. I have also used red dolls and if I couldn’t get black. I tend to believe the colour of the doll isn’t as important as the other objects you need to have success such as the personal concerns.
  • red ribbon or Black Cord
  • Stuffing – cotton, tobacco, Spanish moss, etc
  • needle and thread
  • A mirror that can stand by itself
  • Personal concerns –  hair or nail clippings of the target. If you don’t have that you should at least have a photo plus all the other personal details of the target. You could also write a petition of what you want to happen as a result of you casting this spell. This would be placed on the doll as well.
  • Runes: Thuraz, Isa, Eihwas

See The Meaning of Each Rune


  •  Wand
binding spell black witch coven
If you have a doll you can use this for your magic. It’s very easy to pull off the head, and stuff the body with everything you need.


  1. If you are making your own doll, do so with the black fabric. Otherwise buy a ready-made black doll.
  2. Fill the doll with your stuffing, and add any hair or nail clippings of the person. Once it is filled, sew the opening closed.
  3. If you have a picture of the person, staple or sew it to the front of the poppet.
  4. Next, carve the name of the person onto the black candle with the nail
  5. Carve the following runes: Thurisaz, Isa, Eihwas + a dark-filled in circle to represent the dark moon + bars like you will see in a jail, and a widdershins (anticlockwise) spiral. If you believe the person knows you are doing magic, you may also cover it with glitter. Glitter is to reflect and hide the magic. It sometimes works and sometimes doesn’t.A binding spell candle
  6. Anoint the candle and the poppet with the oil.
  7. Cast a circle, invoke the elements, God or Goddess you are working with. If you are in the dark arts, a circle simply means that you are carving a space from the mundane, so you can create magic in a contained area. If you are practising Hoodoo magic, then there is no need to cast a circle. If you are practising in the dark arts you may find the step unnecessary.
  8. Light the altar candles.
  9. Light the black candle and adjust the mirror so that the flame is reflected in the glass.
  10. Hold the poppet out in front of you and say: “I have created you out of nothing in the image of (targets name XYZ). I name you (name of the person you are binding). Everything I do to you cloth doll will now reflect upon (targets name). In the spiritual world I now control you xyz, and in the mundane you will respond, there is now no difference – as above so below. (Now state your request……for example…..) No more shall you do me harm. No more shall you repeat false tales. No more shall you interfere in my life, nor in the lives of my loved ones. I will release you once you heed to my request and not a minute more or a minute less…….
  11. Draw an invoking pentagram over the poppet. (do so with your wand or with your finger) – you will decide the style of pentagram you draw depending on the system of magic you follow.
  12. Now take the ribbon and begin to wrap the poppet like a mummy, leaving no space unwrapped.
  13. Say: “I bind your feet from bringing harm to me. I bind your hands from reaching out to harm me. I bind your mouth from spreading false tales to harm me. I bind your mind from sending energy to harm me. If you do so continue, let all negative energy be cast and reflected directly at you!”
  14. Tie off the ribbon and hold the poppet in front of the mirror while you visualize all the negative energy this person has sent to you being reflected back at them.
  15. Wrap the poppet in the black cloth and tie it with another length of ribbon or cord.
  16. Say: “Great Ancient Gods, I have bound this person from harming me and my loved ones. By the powers of universes; By Earth and Fire, Air and Sea I fix this spell, then set it free. By the power of the Ancient Gods and by my will, So mote it be! (or It is done)
  17. Let the candle burn out while the poppet sits at its base



You may decide that you don’t want to keep the doll until the spell manifests. If you’re new to magic or you feel uncomfortable with the doll in your presence I would omit this line …. “I will release you once you heed to my request and not a minute more or a minute less…….”, and then follow the advice below.

Take the poppet and the remains of the candle far from your home and bury it deep in the ground or toss it in the ocean and walk away without looking back. Make sure it doesn’t flow back and sit on the shore.


If you want to keep the doll until the target does what you want, then create a coffin box where you will come back and keep controlling the doll with a binding candle, until you get the desired result. The idea is that you keep annoying the target until they do what you say. This is more of the black magic option. Obviously, there are some very toxic things you can do to the doll once created, but that is out of scope for me to discuss in this very helpful blog post.

If you have questions or if you have performed the spell and you would like to give us an update, I would love to hear what you have to say in the comments below. Also if you have a photo you would like to share with us of your doll, please send it through to the normal email address.

Happy binding!



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