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Any very cheap and affordable money spell ideas?


Dear BWS,
Any really cheap spell (I am broke)  yo find a good job back in my hometown?   I had to come to another city to teach because in my hometown there we’re NO jobs. Now I’m stuck here with a meager part-time job, whereas back at home, language schools (I teach English as a foreign language)  are mushrooming again. Problem: despite being in the same country, people won’t interview me cause I live at a distance of 6 hours by train and cannot drive. They want candidates already there. And having, remember, I work part-time, to mountain 3 households, as Bon Jovi would way, “Looking on a player,” I can’t afford to miss work here to go for an interview there (I live in Albacete, but want to return to Sevilla, Spain, and to my home). And I really can’t afford to get help from a real with  (a good and effective one like you). So what can I do? My life force energy is below par, so my spells  ( both conventional  and Norse shamanic (seidhr)) are crap. Any  very cheap and affordable ideas?
I love your vídeos and news letters, so please help this stranded witch/seiđkona in Spain, pretty  please
 – M


Hi M,
This is a great video for money magic tips.

And THIS ONE worked very quickly for me. It wasn’t a lottery win or anything, but it worked and it did it quickly. And it costs practically nothing!
Hope this helps.
Blonde Gypsy

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