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Ask BWS: What is the law of polarity/balance in the universe?

Ask Savannah

Hi Black Witch S,

Can you share your opinion on law of polarity/balance in the universe?

That is, if you cast a money spell for example are you creating more abundance or taking away from someone/somewhere else? If you cast a spell for health, are you taking away health from somewhere else? I’ve gotten mixed reviews from different practitioners.

Thank you



“Every adversity, every failure, and every heartache carries with it the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit.”

– Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich

That pretty much sums up the Law of Polarity, and its purpose. In more of a definition-style, the Law of Polarity states that everything that exists has an equal and exact opposite. To put it even stronger: for anything to exist, there has to be an equal and exact opposite. For example: you cannot experience sadness without having an idea about happiness. Light cannot be experienced as such if you don’t know what darkness is. To feel successful, you must have a sense of what failure is. Keep in mind that for everything “bad” there must be something “good”, and find it!

I know many people will pull in the idea of “karma” or consequences into the conversation. I believe, these concepts are based in ones limited beliefs. Also, the idea of having a negative consequence for wanting to improve your own life, comes from the need of external people and concepts looking to control and limit our power. For example, the idea that casting a love spell is negative as this action desires to control another individual, does not take into consideration the free-will of the other individual and where they are currently seated with the law of polarity. In Alivia’s question, her concern was for other people who maybe in more need of money or better health, and by the casting a spell for her own betterment, she was hurting these people. Not true.

Let me talk about the casting of a love spell. When you cast the spell (desiring you to move from (A) a state of feeling lost/unloved/lonely etc, to (B) a state of feeling connected/desired/happy/loved etc), not only are you asking for the love of a person, but you are petitioning the universe to move you from point A to point B. Each time you cast the spell, you are moving a step closer towards your desired outcome. Allow the universe/energy/spirit to give you what to need, and stop worrying about consequences and karma. Trust that there IS a greater force that BALANCES everything, and that your spell casting will not take from others just to give to you. There is an abundance for everyone…and then some!

In the dark arts, we look at self mastery as the key to enlightenment. Everyone has the RIGHT to ask for whatever you want to ask for! Ask for the removal of cancer from your friend; Ask for your ex to leave their current partner and return to you; Ask for a better job etc. Allow the Law of Polarity to work out the details. Allow your deity/spirit/guides to open your mind to wisdom so you can align yourself better to the concepts of change!

Once WE are happier and more successful (as whatever that is for the individual), we have more choices. Perhaps a choice is to then help others from an elevated position. Accepting that we are constantly in a process of balancing both sides is part of our human condition.

Your witchcraft journey should be one without the same controlling beliefs. Dump all negative concepts that do not SERVE you. The UNIVERSE has your back.

Ask Savannah:


More Advice on Polarity:


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