Ask Savannah: Sacrifice, Salt, Spirits, and Pacts


  1. Is it possible to sacrifice a body to a powerful demon and have them possess it?

2. ….i was wondering i have been using Sea Salt instead of sand when i burn incense and my question is i have heard that The demons dont like salt or is that just a abrahemic invention. A want to do everything right when i work with The demons?

3. Spirits used in candle work

I’ve ordered a few candles from you before but I have a specific question about how exactly they work spirit-wise.See, I currently need 2-3 things done that are being denied to me by my own guardian Angels.

So, my question is…Are the candle petitions picked up by:

a) Savannah’s own Guardian Angels and Spirits who frequently assist her.

b) The Guardian Angels and Spirits who frequently assist the querent

c) Third party neutral Spirits who are not affiliated with either Savannah or the querent

4. Pacts Offerings to Clauneck

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