February 2020 Love Month

love magic

‘…da mi basia mille, diende centum
Dein mille altera, dein secunda centum…’
‘…Then let amorous kisses dwell
On our lips, begin and tell
A Thousand and a Hundred score
A Hundred, and a Thousand more…’

Gaius Valerius Catullus 84 BC – 54 BC (ish), translation by Richard Crashaw



Is there any month more filled with love than February? I can’t think of one. Let’s take a look at love magic and see what we want to work on/with this month.

I asked Savannah:

Me: ‘If there was one thing you want our clients and students to know about love magic, what would it be?’
Sav: “I’d have to think about it for a hot second… probably more of a warning not to experiment on someone you don’t really want lol. Thinking about the love potions I’ve created and tested on people, adding love oil’s to their personal belongings to make them crazy about me just to see if it works, then having to deal with a crazy fall out such as XXXXX guy who was overly possessive and jealous.”
Me: “Or that guy in XXXXX that you tested THAT love potion on?”
Sav: “Yep that was six months of hard work to remove the effects of that spell”

Love spells work. Love potions work. Not on everyone, nor all the time, nor always in a timely fashion, but they work. There’s got to be a seed of attraction, a connection to build on. And of course, Spirit must allow it.

So, what can you do to attract or strengthen romantic relationships? Well spells and rituals of course, but if you’re serious, a love altar is a must. Below is a VERY simple list of correspondences from my own Grimoire, BWC and all over to help you build yours.

Planet: Venus
Moon: New and Waxing to attract and grow, Full and Waning to remove issues
Day: Friday
Elements: Fire and Water
Chakras: Sacral and Heart
Colours: Green Pink Red Orange
Deities: Innana, Aphrodite, Cupid, Frigga, Eros, Parviti, Qetesh, Yue-Lau, Adonis, Luna/Seline, Xochiquetzal
Demons: Lucifer and Ashtaroth but check this list for the specifics
Botanicals: Rose, Passion Flower, Damiana, Hibiscus, Lovage, Cinnamon, Vanilla, Pomegranate, Apple, Cassia, Honey, Figs, Ginger, Clove
Minerals: Rose Quartz, Morganite, Carnelian, Orange Calcite, Ruby
Animals: Cat, Cow, Dove, Swan, Rabbit

As you know, BWC and Black Magic Witch have many of these items available, but I bet if you look in your kitchen, or someone else’s 😉, you’ll find much of what you’re looking for there.

February Moon Magic

FULL MOON in LEO – 9 February 2020

Roar, Oh Lion of the Heart and tear me open…

Rumi, (1207-1273)

This MOON is FULL of passion and courage. In astrological terms, February’s full moon is most significantly influenced by the force of planet Mars this year, making this the purrrrrrfect moment for your inner King of the Jungle to ROAR: go WILD when it comes to releasing whatever you want to be FREE of as of right now in your life! This is a fearless moon fit for shaking it all off with one mighty toss of your mane.

The Goddess arrives in all her glory on February 9th, an ideal Lunar invitation for trusting your primary instincts when it comes to naming any impediments to be shed once and for all. Time to enjoy increased charisma and personal sex appeal, taking the initiative to chase down your most audacious desires.

Your passion is waiting for your courage to catch up’ from: J’adore New York, Isabelle Lafleche)

NEW MOON in PISCES – 24 February 2020

Gonna dance in the moonlight ~ shimmy in the sea… let stars become my heartbeat, moon-dust cover me…’  Carly Dugmore

This second New Moon of 2020 falls on a Monday, moon-magic -day, an extra boost of lunar support for positive adjustments through the intentions we set at this time. Pay attention to Piscine themes of spiritual growth, healing, surrender, transcendence and idealism. Focus by aligning yourself to an approach of forward planning, endurance, long-term vision and success.

Ask yourself where are your new boundaries flourishing. Which obstacles have dissolved making room for fresh approaches to grow? And how to enjoy blending actions elementally with water to feel yourself in-flow with your intentions.

Weave your connection by working with water. Go swimming or bathe while you visualise your ideal scenarios emerging this month. Most importantly, pro-actively attend to your intentions. As I remind you every month, this can’t happen without you.

As always, I have group rituals for both Full and New magical moons as well as Private Rituals for any who wish to commit on a deeper level.

Many blessings for a juicy month of love and passion.

Goddess bless,


Tarot Readings

Tarot Reading 15 minutes

Tarot Readings 30 minutes

Tarot Readings ; 45 minutes


Prescription Consultation with Blonde Gypsy

Other Divination Services

Moon Oracle Reading

Pendulum Reading  Yes Or No Answers


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