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BWC Spell Grimoire

Study, Education, & School Spells

Magic to help Students

Magic definitely helps students study more effectively, and have more luck in passing exams.

We have performed many spells and magic from different traditions for our clients, and have found that the only time the magic fails is if they don’t study at all! Unfortunately, spirit doesn’t provide a free ride for anybody, but they will help someone that chooses to also help themselves.

Went on a budget, we suggest you follow some of the ideas we will share with you below. If you would like us to cast and affordable spell to help you succeed, we recommend either the Setting of Candles or a  Wish spell 


Some of the key herbs are red clover, sage and Rosemary. Most people would have these herbs in the kitchen cupboard at home. Celery seeds, when burned with orris root powder, enable deep concentration.

You may wish to burn any of these combinations while you are studying to help you focus, and reduce nervousness.

Verbena is another helpful herb. Verbena may be used in overcoming addiction, breaking bad habits, communication, divination, eloquence, intelligence, mental powers, psychic powers, self-improvement, study, travel, and wisdom.
Amazon sells Verbena Essential Oil – Click this link

Using Vervain Leaves in a spiritual bath will help to boost your grades.  How to do this – first bathe as you normally would. Drain the water, refill the bathtub, and add vervain leaves (prepare by pouring hot water over them in a cup – and let stand till cool) to the bathwater. Soak for fifteen minutes, while praying for better concentration and good grades. Step out of the bath, dry off, and start studying!

Ideas in Candle Magic

We recommend you always burn a series of three candles, as candle work should be done in odd numbers. I recommend three because you want to have the candles burning as you study leading up to the exam, and as each candle takes around 4 to 7 days to burn, this is going to give you a lot of time to prepare and optimise your chance of success.

Plain jar candles

  • You can use a blue jar candle, and dress it with some success oil. You can add a pinch of these herbs, sage and Rosemary, and while you’re studying you may wish to burn some success incense.
  • To control your situation, use an orange candle and dress it with controlling oil adding the same herbs as in the blue candle

High John the Conqueror Candle

John the Conqueror Is renowned to help people overcome some of the problems and challenges they are currently facing, and it is no exception when it comes to helping a student study for exams and passing. The colour of this candle is normally purple, and it is suggested you add some of the John the Conqueror oil, and a pinch of red clover.

Cross of Caravaca Candle

  • This candle can sometimes be hard to find, so we like to hang the Cross of Caravaca onto the side of the candle during the burning.
  • You should dress the candle with success oil
  • Write your name onto the jar
  • Add one Tonka bean.

If you like to say prayers from the Bible, these Psalms are recommended to say before you study and before your exam.

  • P: 19, 119, versus 9 to 16 of both
  • To pass the exam say psalm 134


How to Use a Stone – To program a stone for school help, hold it in your dominant hand and picture yourself studying hard and getting straight A’s. Then, carry it with you in class and when studying.


Dumortierite is a stone of the mind and of confidence. It is a stone whose energies tap into and strengthen the bearers’ mental acuity and memory – especially in those areas related to Math and Language. By sharpening focus and acuity this stone can help strip self-doubt and heighten the bearers ability to stand up for themselves.

Dumortierite enhances mental acuity. Employ this stone as an instrument to keep you focused on achieving your goals. Be it for business acumen or academia, this stone boosts your brainpower.

Dumortierite’s energy can help support those who feel mentally foggy, unable to focus or concentrate, or are energetically blocked.

Find Beautiful Dumortierite Jewelry on Amazon

White calcite is particularly favoured by students for its ability to boost concentration and make it easier to learn new things.

Dumortierite is a stone of the mind and of confidence. It is a stone whose energies tap into and strengthen the bearer’s mental acuity and memory – especially in those areas related to Math and Language. By sharpening focus and acuity this stone can help strip self-doubt and heighten the bearer’s ability to stand up for themselves.

Citrine is a type of Quartz and is like the sun when it comes to new beginnings! Known as the stone of abundance, prosperity and positivity, used in Feng Shui for these reasons. Citrine is the manifesting stone that may also help you with creativity, protection from negativity, happiness, joy, confidence, positivity, study and learning, removes fear, nightmare prevention, psychic awareness and good for relationships. Citrine is a projective energy working with the Sun, with its element being Fire

Opalized Citrine is a beautiful stone that was grown with a higher concentration of water in the mineral, causing amazing visual as well as energetic effects. Each piece will be unique and the opalizing creates some sparkle and rainbows. Citrine is the manifesting stone that may also help you with study and learning, good for relationships, and new beginnings.

Clear quartz, can improve memory, aid concentration, and be programmed with your specific needs.

Carnelian is a great cleansing stone that works with the Sacral and Root Chakra. It is a powerful supporter of the female reproductive organs, as well as eliminating toxins from the body and increasing metabolism. It is a great grounding stone that helps with focus, study, creativity, and memory.

Emerald was mined in Egypt 4,000 years ago and is still prized today for its beauty and healing abilities. Emerald may reveal truth, encourages honesty, enhance intuition, strengthen love, cleansing, purifying, helps with hidden fears, and will help with focusing.

Hematite is highly prized for its ability to help ground energy, protect, and balance flows of energy. It is effective in pain relief, focus, mental clarity, concentration and makes a great blood cleanser

Jasper Zebra carries a strong connection to the Earth’s energy, making it a beneficial stone for grounding. It brings about a positive attitude, instills confidence, and stabilizes energy.

Aragonite is attuned to Mother Earth and resonates with the Root, Solar Plexus, and Sacral Chakras. Aragonite aids in concentration and brings tolerance and flexibility to the mind. It teaches acceptance and patience and helps provide insight with problems. May also assist with strength, support, helping to combat anger, emotional stress, and blockages along the route to your highest good. Aragonite element is Earth and its zodiac is Capricorn.

Banded Agate is a healing stone for the mind, body and soul. It can be helpful when used for concentration, honesty, memory, psychic attacks, and negative energy




Third Pentacle of Mercury  -The use of a pentacle can be helpful when sitting for exams, And studying for exams. It is known to be helpful so you can be more eloquent in your writings and when you want to impress others with your skills.

Fourth Pentacle of Mercury Assists in gaining knowledge & understanding in all things, and to penetrate the hidden thought of others

Easy way to use – Print out; write your desire on the back of the seal and wear or carry it with you.

How to use Solomon Pentacles in Spells

Folk Magic Solomon Pentacle Activation

Seal of Solomon Pentacles Set


Chant For Good Grades 

This is a spell to help you do well on tests. You still have to listen to what the teachers say and do your homework, but this should help you from making careless mistakes. Don’t expect the god/dess to do all the work for you!

You can draw a pentacle on your paper if you want, but you don’t have to. Throughout the day before taking the test say the following:

“On this test I take today
I will receive no less than “A”.
Earth, Wind, Fire and Sea
As I say so mote it be!”

Now take the test and you can even say it a few times while taking the test. Say it in your head so others won’t be disturbed.


If you find it hard to focus, professional hypnotherapy can help you achieve personal success come up quite simply by planting specific seeds in your subconscious. If you can’t get to a hypnotherapist, here are recommended hypnotherapy sessions for you to try:

Fear of Tests and Exams

Failure Phobia

Test Result Anxiety



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