Break up magick

Firstly, break up magic just isn’t about love relationships. You could be breaking up other toxic relationships such as breaking up your son and his terrible girlfriend!

Below you will find a variety of styles and skill levels for break up magic. Remember these can be a template for you to create your own spell that could be equally as powerful.

At the base of this information, you’ll find some crystals and herbs for breakup work. So if you don’t have the suggested ingredient for the spell, you might find something else inspiring from the list.

In the context of black magic and breakup work, several demons are traditionally associated with separation, disruption, and influencing romantic relationships. Here are some notable demons that practitioners might invoke for breakup magic:

1. Lilith

  • Attributes: Often associated with independence and female empowerment, Lilith can be invoked to sever emotional bonds and create discord in relationships.
  • Usage: She is known for her strength in influencing love and can help in breaking ties between partners.

2. Marbas

  • Attributes: Marbas is known for his abilities in matters of health and transformation. He can assist in causing rifts and delivering truths that expose underlying issues in relationships.
  • Usage: He can be called upon to reveal dishonesty or hidden secrets, ultimately leading to the breakdown of a relationship.

3. Dantalion

  • Attributes: Dantalion is known as a demon of change and influence, adept at manipulating emotions and desires.
  • Usage: He can be summoned to alter someone’s feelings, creating confusion and discord that leads to a breakup.

4. Lascaris

  • Attributes: Lascaris specializes in relationships and emotions, known for stirring passion and strife.
  • Usage: He can be invoked to induce jealousy or disputes, causing partners to fight and ultimately separate.

5. Beelzebub

  • Attributes: Often associated with chaos and destruction, Beelzebub can incite conflict and turmoil in relationships.
  • Usage: He can be summoned to create intense friction between partners, harnessing negative emotions to break bonds.

6. Paimon

  • Attributes: Paimon is a powerful demon associated with knowledge, influence, and control over emotions.
  • Usage: Invoking Paimon could help manifest arguments and misunderstandings, pushing partners apart.

7. Ariel

  • Attributes: Ariel is linked to love and desire, but can also be shifted to cause separation by disrupting harmony.
  • Usage: This demon can be used to undo feelings or affection, effectively leading to a breakup.

8. Asmodeus

  • Attributes: Known as a demon associated with lust and desire, Asmodeus can also be invoked to stir conflict in relationships.
  • Usage: He may be called to cause jealousy and rivalries, compelling partners to distance themselves from each other.

Black Magic Breakup Spell with Demonic Assistance

Here is a basic spell, where you as a beginner or intermediate level, could summon a Demon to help you with your mission of breaking up two people.

Materials Needed

  1. Candles:
    • Black candles (to represent the severing of ties) and red candles (to symbolize passion and conflict).
  2. Paper:
    • Two pieces of parchment paper (one for each person involved).
  3. Pen or Marker:
    • For writing names and intentions.
  4. Demon Sigil:
    • A sigil of a demon associated with love, conflict, or separation, such as Marbas or Lascaris.
  5. Bitter Herbs or Powders:
    • Such as black salt, cayenne pepper, or poppy seeds (to signify bitterness and desire for separation).
  6. A Small Bowl or Jar:
    • To hold the materials during the spell.
  7. Blood (optional):
    • As a personal offering to the demon, symbolizing commitment to your intention.
  8. Incense:
    • Like frankincense or myrrh, to purify the space and honor the summoned demon.

Steps to Perform the Spell

  1. Prepare Your Sacred Space:

    • Find a quiet, undisturbed area where you can perform the ritual. Cleanse the space using incense or by sprinkling salt to create a protective barrier. Set up your altar with the materials you have gathered.
  2. Cast Your Circle:

    • If it aligns with your practice, cast a circle for protection and to contain the energy throughout the working.
  3. Summon the Demon:

    • Light the black and red candles, placing them on your altar. Place the sigil of the demon you are calling upon nearby. Close your eyes and focus your intention. Invoke the demon with a chant or declaration, such as:

    “By the power of darkness and the primal forces of chaos, I summon [Demon’s Name], ruler of separation and discord. Come forth to assist me in severing the ties that bind [Person A] and [Person B].”

  4. Writing the Intention:

    • On the first piece of parchment, write the name of the person you wish to separate (Person A). On the second parchment, write the partner’s name (Person B). State your intention clearly, for example:

    “I command the bond between [Person A] and [Person B] to dissolve. Let them be filled with conflict and strife, driving them apart.”

  5. Blood Offering (Optional):

    • If you choose to make a blood offering, lightly puncture your finger to draw a few drops of blood. Anoint the sigil or place the blood on the parchments, stating that this offering is a symbol of your commitment to your intention.
  6. Using the Bitter Herbs:

    • Place a layer of bitter herbs or powders in the small bowl or jar. As you add them, visualize the growing discord and bitterness in the relationship.
  7. Focus on the Ritual:

    • Light the candles, holding the parchments in your hands. Visualize the separation of the couple, channeling your desire for them to part ways. Emphasize the intensity of your emotions as you focus your energy into the working.
  8. Finalizing the Spell:

    • Once you have channeled your energy and feel a sense of completion, recite a closing command to the demon, such as:

    “By the power I have conjured, let the energies be set forth. I release this spell into the void, for it is done.”

  9. Seal and Dispose:

    • Place the parchments in the jar or bowl with the herbs and powders. Allow the candles to burn out completely if safe to do so. Alternatively, snuff out the candles rather than blowing them out, symbolizing that the energies are contained and not to be extinguished.
  10. Dispose of the Jar:

    • Once the spell is completed, bury the jar away from your home or throw it into running water to symbolize the severing of their bond.

After the Ritual

  • Thank the demon for their assistance, honoring their presence and the energy they have contributed to your intention.
  • Cleanse your space again after the spell to release any lingering energies and ground yourself.
  • Monitor the situation, remaining open to signs that your intentions are manifesting.

Breakup Spell in Witchcraft

This breakup spell is a powerful way to help dissolve a relationship that is causing pain or unhappiness. By combining intention, candle magic, and symbolic actions, you can create a ritual that aids in breaking bonds and restoring peace.

Materials Needed

  • Black candle: For banishment and breaking connections.
  • White candle: To cleanse and purify.
  • Picture or name paper: Of the person or couple you wish to break up (if available).
  • String or thread: To symbolize their connection.
  • Salt: For purification.
  • Fire-safe container: For burning.

Steps to Perform the Spell

  1. Prepare Your Space:

    • Find a quiet, private area where you can focus without interruptions. Cleanse the space with sage or incense if desired.
  2. Set Up Your Altar:

    • Place the black candle on the left side and the white candle on the right side. Sprinkle salt around the candles to create a protective barrier.
  3. Write Your Intention:

    • On a piece of paper, write your intention clearly, such as “I break the bond between [names].”
  4. Light the Candles:

    • Start by lighting the black candle and say:

    “With this flame, I sever the tie,
    Let their love fade, let it die.”

    • Then light the white candle and say:

    “By this light, I cleanse and clear,
    Let peace return, banish the fear.”

  5. Use the Picture or Name Paper:

    • If you have a picture or paper with their names, hold it over the flame of the black candle, allowing the smoke to curl around it. Visualize the connection between them weakening.
  6. Tie the String:

    • Take the string and wrap it around the paper or picture, saying:

    “As I tie this knot, their bond does break,
    No more love, for their own sake.”

  7. Burn the Paper:

    • Carefully burn the paper in the flame of the black candle (using a fire-safe container). Visualize the energy of their relationship dissipating into smoke.
  8. Close the Ritual:

    • Allow the candles to burn for a while longer if you can. When finished, extinguish them safely. Thank any energies or spirits you called upon for their assistance.
  9. Dispose of Remains:

    • Dispose of the ashes from the burned paper outside, ideally at a crossroads or a place away from your home.

Additional Tips

  • Timing: This spell can be performed during a waning moon for enhanced banishment energy.
  • Visualization: Strong visualization of the relationship fading can enhance the effectiveness of the spell.
  • Focus: Ensure your intention is clear and focused throughout the ritual.

Here’s a powerful incantation that you can use when performing a black magic breakup spell. This incantation focuses on severing ties and creating discord between the two individuals involved. You can recite this while holding your intention firmly in mind or while performing the ritual:

Incantation for a Black Magic Breakup Spell

**”By the shadows that lie within my heart,
I summon energies to tear them apart.
As I speak these words from deep within,
Let their love unravel, let the fighting begin.

With this candle’s flame, I set my intent,
To break the bond, to cause discontent.[Person A] and [Person B], your paths I sever,
In this moment, your connection, never.

May bitterness grow and anger ignite,
Driving you apart, away from my sight.
With the power of darkness, I draw this line,
By blood and will, let them no longer be entwined.

So mote it be, as I will it now,
In this act of magic, I solemnly vow.
For love that is toxic, I call forth despair,
Break their ties swiftly, dismantle their pair.”**

Usage Instructions

  1. Recite with Intention: Say the incantation clearly and confidently during your ritual, focusing on your intention to create separation.

  2. Visualize the Outcome: As you chant, visualize the individuals growing apart, feeling the energy shift and the ties loosening.

  3. Combine with Ritual Elements: Use this incantation in conjunction with other elements of your spell—lighting candles, using the appropriate herbs and crystals, and creating a charged atmosphere for the working.

  4. Close with Affirmation: After reciting, conclude the ritual by affirming your intent, such as “I release this intention into the universe. It is done.”

Candle Magic to Separate a Couple

Back to Back Separation candle
Back to Back Separation Figural Candle

Candle magic is always the easiest option for a quick break-up spell. Simply grab the appropriate candle, dress it with the appropriate herbal oil, write a petition of what you are acquiring, and send it off to the spirit of your choice!

Candle Colour: Black

Oils: so many to choose from, but the most popular are called: Break up, separation, DUME

Timing:  Tuesdays (MARS energy – fighting); Saturdays (SATURN – destruction)

Jar Candle Types: these have various names and you could use: separation, Break up, snake, DUME

Figure Candles: Black Back to Back Couple or Black Marriage Candles  (looks like a candle you would stick on top of the wedding cake but the figures are black and so this indicates that you want them to divorce). For same-sex relationships, I suggest you use two single-figure candles of the appropriate sex.

The Black Back to Back Couple can be used for:

  • Separate two people having problems or causing problems
  • End your lover from being with another
  • Keep your mate from straying/cheating
  • Keep your family from breaking up
  • Breaking up/Ending a relationship

Also, review How to Use Figural Candles

TIP – Break at work is difficult so don’t lose faith in your magical skills if the couple doesn’t separate immediately after you finish the candle. The breaking up of two people is a process where each individual must make the decision to leave the relationship. Initially, the effect of your spell may cause disagreements in the relationship and that is a great first step. There are many reasons why people stay together after you have broken the love cords. You should continue burning continuous candles against the relationship for at least a period of time and then allow the magic to do its thing. 

If you’re not sure what to do next, you should consider having a psychic reading with Lily (BWC Psychic Medium) who can honestly tell you if this relationship will last. She may also have advice on what you could do next.

Divorce Candle Spell  

 Are you in a relationship that isn’t working? You might still have feelings for your partner but wish for a break up maybe because the other person wants it too. Or because you know it is for the best for both of you long term. This is a candle spell for the person who would like a divorce while the other party is resistant. This is more of a standard witchcraft/hoodoo style spell.

  1. Obtain male and female figure candles.
  2. Place them back-to-back, ready to go in opposite directions.
  3. Dress them with breakup oil
  4. For instance, burn them for thirty minutes at a time.
  5. Next day, before lighting the candles again, move them farther apart. When they are finally as far apart as space will allow, let the candle burn entirely.


You should also consider creating a “sour jar” to help cause issues in the relationship. This can be a physical bottle or traditionally inside something like a lemon. 

Breakup or Separation Magick

Cursing/Hexing/Sour Jar Spell

Hoodoo Style: To Break Up a Couple

(From Mules and Men by Zora Neale Hurston)

Take nine needles; break each needle in three pieces.

Write each person’s name three times on paper.

Write one name backwards and one forwards and lay the broken needles on the paper.

Take five black candles, four red, and three green.

Tie a string across the door from it, suspend a large candle upside down. It will hang low on the door. Bum one each day for one hour. If you burn your first in the daytime, keep on in the day; if at night, continue at night. A tin plate with paper and needles in it must be placed to catch the wax in.

When the ninth day is finished, go out into the street and get some white or black dog dung. A dog only drops his dung in the street when he is running and barking, and whoever you curse will run and bark likewise.

Put it in a bag with the paper and carry it to running water, and one of the parties will leave town.

Ritual for a break-up

Have an object given to you or strongly associated with your partner, something of yours that the partner strongly associates with you and some twine.

Tie a bit of the twine around each object, so there is some string distance between the two.

Think about your relationship with this person, about the reasons you want to leave and how you would like your life to be without this person.

At the most emotional peak, cut the twine between the two objects.


“With love did we begin this, and with love do I end this.

What connected us is no more, so mote it be!”

Take each object and bury it far away from the other object, while you do this say:

“I plant your heart that new love and direction may grow! So mote it be.”

Set Me Free Break Up Spell

Below is an example of a break Up spell that would begin to set you free from every force binding you to that relationship. You may wish to perform this spell on a Saturday or even a Tuesday. I suggest you perform this spell each week for a complete moon cycle (4 times).

You will need:
• A small square of paper
• A fountain pen filled with black ink (a black ballpoint will do, but a fountain pen is best)
• A white taper candle
 A fireproof dish


  • Write the name of the person you don’t want to be involved with on the paper.
  • Once the ink is dry, light the candle and hold paper in its flame until it starts to burn.
  • Hold the paper in front of you, trying to see the fumes curling round the person and wafting him or her away from you.
  • When you can no longer hold the paper, drop it into the fireproof dish, still seeing the smoke carry him or her away.
  • Take the dish outside to as high a place as possible and with the ashes clasped in your right hand, say some suitable words, such as:

Wind of North, Wind of East,Wind of South, Wind of West,
Take these feelings to where they best be appreciated.
Please let ***** see,That his/her love is not for me.
And let it be done, that it harm no one.

  • The words spoken, unclasp your hand and watch the ashes blow away with the breeze, wishing your old love well as they go.


See  Black Magic Break Up Spell 

 More often, you just need to flush the old feelings, to be able to move forward. Energy cleansing work is also recommended for both people (if not just for yourself.)

Break Up – Links

When performing breakup magic spells, certain herbs and crystals are commonly used due to their associations with separation, disruption, and emotional release. Below are some of the most effective and traditionally utilized herbs and crystals for this purpose:

Herbs for Breakup Magic

  1. Cayenne Pepper:

    • Known for its fiery properties, cayenne pepper is often used to incite conflict and drive people apart. It symbolizes bitterness and can represent the desire to break a bond.
  2. Black Salt:

    • Often used for protection and banishment, black salt can create barriers and remove negative influences. It’s frequently included in breakup spells to ward off unwanted relationships.
  3. Basil:

    • While typically thought of as a love herb, when used to bring about a breakup, basil can signify the end of affection and bring about change.
  4. Garlic:

    • With its strong purifying properties, garlic can be utilized in spells to ward off relationships and stop unwanted connections.
  5. Poppy Seeds:

    • Associated with sleep and dreams, poppy seeds can also symbolize separation and can be used to drive a wedge between partners.
  6. Sage:

    • Commonly used for cleansing, sage can help to clear negative energy from a relationship and create a break in emotional ties.
  7. Rue:

    • Rue is often associated with protection and can help in severing ties and causing a rift between individuals. It has a long history in various magical traditions for breakup work.

Crystals for Breakup Magic

  1. Obsidian:

    • A powerful protective stone that can absorb negative energies, obsidian is often used in breakup spells to block harmful emotional ties and protect the individual from backlash.
  2. Black Tourmaline:

    • Known for its grounding and protective properties, black tourmaline can help free one from toxic relationships and encourages emotional healing.
  3. Amethyst:

    • While typically associated with love and compassion, amethyst can also help in emotional detachment and can be useful in breaking harmful bonds.
  4. Malachite:

    • This stone is associated with transformation and can help facilitate change by breaking up stagnant or unhealthy relationships.
  5. Carnelian:

    • Carnelian is a stone that encourages confidence and can help one release emotional ties; it is often used to inspire action toward separation.
  6. Labradorite:

    • Known for its protective properties and ability to ward off negative energies, labradorite can aid in distancing oneself from unhealthy partners.
  7. Clear Quartz:

    • As a powerful amplifier of intentions, clear quartz can be programmed to assist in breakup spells, enhancing the energies of the other herbs and crystals used alongside it.

Suggested Use

When incorporating herbs and crystals into breakup spells, you may choose to create a sachet with the herbs, place the crystals on your altar while performing the spell, or use them in conjunction with candles and ritualistic elements. Enhancing your intention with personal energy, visualization, and focus is essential for effective spellwork.

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