In this section of the site we will add different types of rituals – from the basic to common high high rituals.
Smudging Your Space
by Blonde Gypsy
Smudging your home is simple –
Create a ceremonial mood by lighting a candle and taking a few minutes to gather your thoughts and quieten your mind.
Open a window for so that the smoke can chase any negativity away.
Light the sage bundle (or whatever you’re using, I prefer sandalwood as I love the smell) stating what you want to do, something like “I light this sacred fire to banish negativity and protect this sacred space”
Walk around with awareness, mindfulness and purpose saying something like “With this burn I banish negativity and protect this space” over and over.
When you’re done give gratitude to/for spirit/ual assistance and stub out your bundle then take the bath/shower.
Here is a great video about cleaning your body –
After you bath/shower maybe you want to try this?