How to undo a spell you performed

It’s happened to the best of us. Sometimes you may have been in the mood to cast a spell for any reason, and then in the light of day you have decided it’s not really what you desire. Perhaps you performed a spell on somebody else to see what would happen to that person, only to decide the person doesn’t need, want, or deserve this certain spell you placed upon them.

Other times, when you’re learning, magic and spellcasting, you need targets to practice your magic against. Perhaps you don’t even know if your spell will be strong enough to work, and there’s one way to learn and that’s on somebody else. Whatever the reason, there comes a time where you need to try to remove what was done.

Often the spell has run its course, and you no longer want the results manifesting in your life. For example, you may have cast a spell to bring love to you … and the universe keeps delivering new potential lovers. You’ve already got the one you want, so it might be a good idea to reverse or neutralize that spell.

Maybe the outcome of the spell is more powerful than you expected. For instance, you did a weight-loss spell that worked beautifully, but now you are getting a little too thin. You have to stop that one in its tracks right away. Or perhaps you worked a binding spell on someone and now realise that it is causing them mental stress.

Again, that needs to be undone as soon as possible.

Is it easy to remove a spell you have a cast yourself?

This is a tough question to answer generally speaking. There are many types of magic as we all know and there are many different ingredients you can use to empower the spell. Plus there are various spirits you can summon to add strength to your magic. So all of these factors are important to decide how easy it could be to potentially undo the spell you performed.

KEY – some spells require repeat castings. It’s very unusual just for one spell to be performed, and you get the results you desire with satisfaction.

What Are the Options for Reversing a Spell?

  • If you have a record of the original spell, you can literally work another spell in exactly the same way but change the wording and the feeling to its opposite.
  • Maybe you can’t quite remember the original working? That’s okay; you can cast a spell to neutralize the effects of the first one.
  • A releasing spell allows someone their freedom from your influence or from a spell you cast upon them.
  • Busting a curse or malevolent spell by washing it away and replacing it with protection and well-being.
  • Cast a new spell altogether in the hope of overriding the original one. This is sometimes known as counter-casting.

Easy Chant Releasing Spell

‘Releasing’ is a fast and handy process to release a person from the influence of a spell, such as a binding or banishing.

You can do a releasing chant for yourself as follows.

This spell, I no longer need.
Please release me from its creed.
Thank you for the work you did.
Now cancel it, as I bid.

If you are releasing someone else, this may be more helpful:

  • Choose your time. As above, pick a time when shrinking and receding is the order of the day, so waning moon, Saturday, after sunset is best for conducting a releasing ritual.
  • Ingredients: a tea light or small votive candle, paper and pen.
  • Set your ritual as you normally would. For instance, you might cast a circle. Some wouldn’t, and that’s okay too.
  • Spend a few minutes tapping into the required emotion.
  • Light the candle (safely) and say something like the following:

* please remember, this is an example and you must modify your chants to be in alignment with what you’re dealing with…..

(Targets Name) I release you from this spell.
May you proceed healthy and well.
Go your own way in good time.
You live your life and I’ll live mine.

  • Read the verse out loud three times then say, “And so mote it be.”
  • Burn the paper carefully in the candle flame and as you do so, imagine the person feeling the relief of release.

How to Neutralize a Spell – Freezer Spell Style

Neutralizing a spell means rendering it null and void. One method of neutralizing a spell is by taking the original ‘left-overs’, the candle stub, any written chants, and anything else used in the working of it, and putting them in a small, strong zip lock bag and freezing them with a few words to the effect that the spell is now ‘on ice’.

The trouble with this one is that most of us don’t keep that old stuff, and disposing of it was part of the original spell. And also, we don’t really want bad juju in the freezer. However, you can use this as a short-term solution until you decide what further action needs to be taken.

Basic witchcraft style undo spell

Burn a gold and a silver candle for the God and Goddess. Perform this spell at 10 minutes before 12 at night.

“Yet in blurred time I’ve cast a spell

But now I have seen I regret what I have done

In the end it didn’t work all that well

So I ask by Goddess and God and the oldest magic in the world

Return this harm for it hurts not

Else I am the craft of the Wise not worth

Under my spell and all it’s work at 12

And let it be forgotten and by all who were harmed

except for me

In Aradia and Kamayna’s name

I ask you with all my power

Protect them who were influenced by me

Heal the wounds I caused now at this hour

As I do will so mote it be.”

Write all the names of the people you have hurt down and burn this at 12.


‘By the great magic I am aware

let all affects be turned

By Fire, Water, Earth and Air

Be like this paper.


More Advanced Magick To Undo Your Spells – Visualisation

If you are more adept, and able to visualise strongly and confidently a simple ‘stop the magick’ spell could be perfomed.

  • Light a black candle and ‘see’ the spell you worked.  As you do so visualise the original spell falling apart and breaking, dissipating into mist. You could accompany it with some words stating the spell you want to stop and cancel.
  • Then snuff out the black candle and snap it in half.
  •  Bury the broken candle or throw it in the trash.

Cord cutting

Cutting cords also works well if you have bound yourself to someone or something and then discover that the situation is now overwhelming and you want out. Again, it will depend on how you perform the spell, and if you requested for certain spiritual assistance or daemonic assistance, and if you provided offerings, such as a blood offering, or bound your spell in blood. These spells can be very tricky to undo.

This can be done with visualisation – light a candle and ground and centre yourself.  Then close your eyes and see yourself and the other person with all the cords attaching each of you together.  There may be one main cord or there might be several.  Now you need to visualise each cord cutting and breaking away so that you end up with no cords connecting you.  Finish the visualisation by saying something such as ‘I cut the cords that bind us, I release the strings that connect us, I set both of us free’.

TIP – If you are not strong on visualisation, you can perform this spell/cord cutting, using a cord as you would do in Hoodoo style of magic

Black Magick

If one of the above methods doesn’t fit the type of spell you did, you can use another spell to break it. There are many ways to do this but my favorite is to light a black candle and state which spell or spells I want to end.

You have probably summoned one of the Demons and offered, probably blood, if not sex Magik, to honour your side of whatever you requested. If this is the case, you should go back to your altar and petition, the Demon, providing another offering and request to reverse what you have done or requested.

However, sometimes, when you have put this into motion, the spirit may have already accepted what you provided as an offering, and will not appreciate being requested to stop what they are doing. It is seriously up to the Demon and not up to you at this stage.

And alternative maybe to perform another ritual to help you get out of the situation, depending on what the situation is, and if it is to harm another person, you may decide to put protection on to that person/request protection for that person. But always beware when you’re asking for opposing requests.

Paper Petitions:

If you wrote your petition on a paper, a simple way to neutralise, the spell is to soak it in saltwater.

If you happen to have written your spell in blood, or signed your petition in blood, remember not to release it via the flame. Unless of course you have already done so – as it is part of many of our rituals to transmute the mundane into the magical by fire.

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