Author: Savannah
I love the purity of a wishing spell. The wish is one very strong thought or desire. It can almost feel a little far away or even improbable for the wish to manifest. But you find yourself daydreaming about this wish coming true frequently. I believe the keyword for a wishing spell, is ONE. It is one clear desire.
Anyone can make a wish: all you have to do is think or articulate it. In fact, you don’t have to be a witch to have this type of spell come true. There is great power in the spoken word, and you can speak your desires into manifestation. New age gurus talk about this frequently, and this is something we witches have known for centuries.
Have you ever made a wish with a dandelion flower? I remember as a young girl, I would pick a dandelion flower almost every day as I walk through the park on the way to school. I would take a moment to close my eyes, think of my desire, and then blow off all the flowers(seeds) into the wind in one breath. It was said that if you could blow off the white seeds in one breath your wish would come true. To this day, should I find a dandelion flower along my path, I will close my eyes, think of my wish, and blow every seed off that flower.
When you’re living a magical life, you do so many small actions in your day-to-day life that you tend to forget why your life is so “blessed”. It’s only been through the request of my clients and people watching my videos, that I realise I need to share a little more on my own journey.
Back when I was growing up in the 80s, witchcraft wasn’t heavily documented and we didn’t have Google for references, but I knew that I connected with the energies of all objects both in nature and in the animal world. I didn’t think this was special, or that I was special. I was just fascinated and curious. Above all, I knew that I was not alone in this world. I organically and intrinsically knew I had an effect on my environment, and that the environment had an effect on me. It is the connection between the environment and my own energies which I began to manipulate for my own benefit. For example, and pertaining to wish magic, I would say the classic star wishing spell every night when I could see stars in the sky. You may have heard this “nursery rhyme” yourself….
First Star Spell
Starlight, star bright
First star I see tonight
I wish I may, I wish I might Have this wish I wish tonight
The idea is to make a wish upon the first star you see that evening. When you see the star, you simply say that verse written above. And yes, even today I will still say this same rhyme when I look up into the night sky. It’s an automatic thought.
Magic should be performed consistently. It is small actions over time that will give you a magical existence in this lifetime. Still, magic spells and techniques enhance the chances of success, helping transform hopeful wishes into concrete reality.
Remember: Magic doesn’t work along with a time frame, and so keep your single desire clean and pure while you’re manifesting your wish into existence!
Wishing Stones
Make a wish upon a…stone? Certain stones are believed to have the power to help you achieve your wishes. Preserved in charm bags, they may be taken out as needed, to enhance all wishes and increase the odds of success.
How to use a wishing stone
- Hold the stone in your left hand while concentrating upon your wish and visualizing its success.
- Rub it with your thumb in a clockwise motion.
- Keep the stone in your pocket and rub it with your thumb as desired to reinforce this wish.
As suggested, you could also keep your stone in a mojo bag. This is a great little suitcase for your stone, but unlike the Mojo bag, you would not seal the bag because it’s important that you physically touch the stone.
Full Moon Wish Rituals
- Stand naked in the light of the Full Moon, & feel yourself bathe in the moonbeams. A strong visualization is important as you need to bring the energy down into your body.
- Sometimes I would like to play music to raise the energy, to dance, and even sometimes I will use drumming.
- If you’re in a group you could use chanting, or even dancing around the cauldron/fire to raise the energy.
- Why am I naked? This is just my own personal thing I like to do when addressing the moon. I like to be one with nature when and where I can, and so it feels natural and Pure to be naked. The idea of being vulnerable, and submitting to the “truth” within my mind body and spirit, is important to me during Ritual.
- I like to talk out aloud to the moon, and what I say will change from month to month. I like to be quite organic versus reading Wicca style versus. Nothing wrong with it if you do, I just change what I say depending on what I need. Sometimes I will assign a specific God or goddess for that evening, and that will depend on the time of the year.
- Have prepared your wish/request on petition paper or on a Bayleaf, and when ready, make whatever petition you please.
- Release this petition into the flame, and when you do so see it as being forwarded to the spiritual world for consideration and manifestation.
- I always think the spirits in attendance, and also the moon itself. And then it is done.
Watch for the Feedback: Personally, I don’t read the signs from the moon or the sky during my ritual, but other authors have suggested the following….
Watch for an immediate response: if the Moon remains clear, it’s a positive sign. If the Moon brightens and the light intensifies, this is an extra auspicious sign. If a cloud passes across the moon, you can anticipate some difficulty in achieving your desire. Take some further magical steps or perhaps reassess your desire. Work on it until the next Full Moon and repeat.
The Four Leaf Clover

Finding a four-leaf clover is said to be incredibly lucky. And if you are to find one you are to make a wish! Finding a four-leaf clover was also popular with my friends during my childhood and teenage years. Sitting around in the grass talking for hours on end, one becomes quite creative with the things you find sitting under your feet.
Admittedly I never found a four leaf clover, even though my friends claimed they had. Still, I have seen Friend’s pick off each leaf while they ask for a wish in each of these areas:
The first leaf to the left of the stem is for fame
The second leaf to the left of the stem is for money
The third leaf to the left of the stem is to wish for love
The fourth leaf to the left of the stem is good health
Did you know…..
Yarrow is a magical plant that can grant you one wish. Hold the bloom in your hand and make your wish. That night, sleep with the plant below your pillow.
Curios for wish magic
- Knob Candles – knob candles (also known as wishing candles) can be thought of as analogs to knot magic – either building or releasing energy or the intent of the spell or ritual as each knob is burned through.
- Job’s Tears – Job’s Tears are seeds that have been known for their powerful assistance in Wish magic, particularly within the hoodoo spiritual tradition.
- Bay Leaves – we love using these to write our wishes on and other information and then release it via the flame during moon rituals. Write your wish on the leaves and burn them to help them come true!
- Bat Head Root – Used to enhance the achievement of Life Missions, it is also used in divination to receive vision and revelations. Also for Magic Wishes.
- Nuummite – Nuummite has gained a reputation in metaphysical circles as the stone of sorcery. It is considered to be an extremely protective stone to the wearer as it reverses any ill wishes, hexes, curses and negative energies directed at them. It is also a very powerful aid to personal spiritual growth, accelerating psychic development, luck, clairvoyance, intuition, finding one’s true self, and will help release trapped energies in the subconscious. Nuummite works with the third eye, solar plexus and root chakra.
- Lucky Horseshoe – for prosperity, wishes, money, steady work, success, fast luck and more. Hang horseshoe with points up, above your door going into your home or business. This will attract good luck to you.
- Mojo Beans – Mojo Wish Beans also called African Wishing Beans is believed to possess the power to make your wishes come true. In some beliefs, they are distributed for luck or carried in a flannel bag to obtain desires. Carry 1 Mojo Bean for each wish and watch them come true.
- Dandelion Leaf or what is known as Taraxacum Officinale, Lion’s Tooth, or Wild Endive. In magic practice is can be used for summoning spirits, healing, negativity, purification and to help make your wishes come true