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Blood magick spell to stop an enemy

Blood is powerful. It is the fuel of life. It has been requested from spiritual beings for sacrifice since the beginning of mankind. Catholics still drink “the blood of Christ” to confirm their commitment to Jesus or God. Some witches, such as myself, choose to use blood in our work to attract the same type of energy, commitment, and sacrifice.

Blood is especially powerful in spells surrounding protection, hexing and cursing. Still, if you are not used to talking about REAL blood or looking at blood, the topic of blood will make you feel very uncomfortable.images-18

For this ritual you will have to decide if it is better to be a victim at the hand of someone’s work (Sorcery, gossip, personal or professional sabotage, etc.), or if you would take blood from a creature as a sacrifice to your true desire. Would you be willing to kill a rodent to make it stop?

If killing an animal is uncomfortable for you, you better leave this page now. If you realize that we all kill rats and mice with traps, bait, and killing them other ways when they are in our homes, read on. Rats are commonly used in cooking in may countries and killed for human consumption.

I am not saying you should eat your rat. I’m just saying, that if you feel sorry for the rat because you have one as a pet, get over it.

rats usd in cooking

Materials & Procedure:

  • A rat
  • a knife
  • personal objects of the enemy
  • peanut butter
  • a cracker
  • a marker
  • a drop or two of black ink & red ink  or something like that
  • white cotton/linen paper

Collect any and all images, signatures, clothing, any scrap of anything the low-life human who is working against you has touched.

Obtaining a biological sample (blood, urine, hair, nails etc) would be the ultimate component but is not always possible. If this is a former lover, have sex with them first and use therr body fluids.

NOTE: Sorcery is no simple game. You will need to do the work yourself. No one else can do the work for you.

Buy a rat. Put it in a tank or box. Do not feed it for twenty-four hours. Give it only a bit of water so it will not die.

Shred the collected materials from the person you are working and mix them with peanut butter.

Put this mix on a cracker.

Using paint or a marker or nail polish or marker, write the name of your enemy on the rat’s back starting at the tail end and finishing at the top of the head between the eyes.

Place the cracker in the rat’s enclosure. Let the rat eat the cracker.cutting-behind-rat-head

Remove the rat from the tank (be careful, they bite and fight. You can use a mouse if you can’t manage a rat and consider leather gloves), and with one simple motion (I suggest a well-sharpened cleaver) cut its head off.

When the body stops wiggling, cut off the tail and squeeze a few drops into some red ink.

(BONUS: Let the tail dry for a day or so and use it as a paintbrush or writing utensil the next time you are doing a sigil or note for revenge or justice Sorcery.)

Place a few drops of your blood into the same red, rat-blood ink and add one drop of black ink to the mix.

With your quill write the following on pure white cotton/linen paper:


“I am no longer affected by you,

I am in control of you,

as I am writing the very words you read,

with ink of your remains.”


When the ink dries, bury the note on the ground your enemy lives on or walks over every day.

If there is any remain­ing ink, keep it refrigerated and use it the next time you wish to do this sort of sorcery on someone and cannot get any of their belongings. It is better than not having anything to work with. As an added bonus, and if the opportunity arises, show the rat tail to the enemy without saying one single word.

I am looking forward to your questions and to hear your success stories.



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