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Calling out right hand path BS about the “thinning of the veil”

thinning of the veil

Halloween gets its roots from the pagan festival of Samhain, which celebrates the midway point between the Equinox and the Solstice. This is a time when the veil between worlds is believed to be thin, and we can access higher realms with greater ease.

Astrologically, “The Pleiades constellation”, which is also synonymous with death and rebirth, is also high in the sky at this time of year, which is also said to signify and amplify these Samhain energies.

It’s supposed to be the time of year when we are affected by the “thinning” of the veil. That’s right Halloween, October 31. The veil is a barrier between the world of the living and the world of spirit. From the end of October through the beginning of November, the days surrounding Halloween and Samhain, that veil is at its thinnest, making it the most natural time to connect with Spirit – if you are a non-practising individual! 

In recent years, in witchcraft blogs and videos, we are being told that during ALLLLLLLL October we will feel t the thinning of the veil. In this context, the spirits of the other side are about to break breakthrough – and because you are so special & witchy – you will be adversely affected. These articles discuss symptoms such as “having a hard time”;  having a hard time falling asleep and staying asleep; cats and dogs going insane; feeling sick and rundown; feeling like you’re freezing etc.

Wait! What?

It’s such a crazy concept and I think it’s all based on everyone needing to feel special and different because we are so empathic to everything around us. BUT….perhaps it’s the writers of these articles who may not be practising occultism or witchcraft so they create a new level of a non-existing problem because they do not understand the concept of casting a spell, or connecting with an ancestry, or summoning a spirit – where we are always going beyond the veil.

IF YOU ARE practising occultism or witchcraft or have psychic abilities, you are breaking through the veil all the time. 

There’s enough weird energy running around the world right now, we just have to call out the bullshit and made-up new-age crap, so as not to create more fears.

If you’re feeling weird right now, it’s probably because of planetary interactions during October…..

  • October 2: Mercury Retrograde ends
  • October 9: Full Moon in Aries
  • October 23: Sun and Venus enter Scorpio
  • October 25: New Moon solar eclipse in Scorpio
  • October 27: Jupiter enters Pisces
  • October 30: Mars Retrograde begins in Gemini

In the days around the Full Moon of October 9, there will be many uncomfortable moments. But there is a reason why these emotions can be stIrring and it has nothing to do with the season of Halloween. The Full Moon’s involvement with the asteroid/comet mashup Chiron and love planet Venus will bring up themes related to hurts within relationships.

Ask yourself:

  1. What cycles, habits, and patterns have run their course?
  2. In what ways are you ready to heal?

The Aries Full Moon carries some volatile energy that is likely to trigger healing of sorts. While the results of this healing are positive, the journey to get there may be a little confronting or perhaps even aggravating.

We also may reach a point where we begin to release the idea of healing in favour of simply getting on with things. We can sometimes reach a point where we become so obsessed with healing, that we lose sight of our journey and the feelings of calm we are trying to create. We may also realize that we need to loosen our control or expectations of how we expect this healing to play out. This Full Moon may also help us to realize that eventually, we have to let go and allow the healing to take place in its own time.

What can you do to help manage these emotions during this time?

Consciously take time for yourself during these days and try to keep stress levels as low as possible with relaxation, yoga or exercise. You may have other devices to help reduce your stress levels but whatever that is do more of that during this time. It could be helpful to add a reminder to your diary or cell phone, telling you to take 30 minutes each day for your own personal time and specifically to reduce stress/es.

When Mars in Gemini squares Neptune on October 12, you may feel tired and hopeless. Still, try to stay focused and beware of self-pity, because it’s not all over yet. Power struggles and control issues rear their heads in relationships and you’re more likely to clash with authority figures. Whatever’s been simmering beneath the surface will make itself known.

On October 23, Saturn ends its retrograde phase while trining* Mercury. Venus and the Sun enter Scorpio at the same time. Everything feels a bit clearer, more urgent and also more intense now, especially during the Scorpio New Moon on October 25, which is accompanied by a solar eclipse. The time of false friendliness is now over, and you should be ready to show your true colours. Scorpio Season can make us extra sensitive, but the more in tune we become, the greater our awareness, the greater our perception, and the greater our understanding.

Remember, Solar and lunar eclipses take place every 6 months, and each one carries a specific theme. Some bring blessings and insights, while others reveal omissions or errors that require correction. But all of them will show you what lies in the shadow of your own life and wants to be seen. The next eclipse season has begun! There is a solar eclipse in Scorpio on October 25 and a lunar eclipse during the Taurus full moon on November 8.

Power-conscious people can act accordingly now, especially on October 27, when Mercury forms a trine to Mars and a square to Pluto, just before entering Scorpio on the 29th. Jupiter also changes signs around this time, going retrograde from Aries back into Pisces. From October 28 to December 20, it will once again support the unifying aspect and perhaps bring the theme of “peace” back to the forefront.

At the end of the month, Mars begins its retrograde phase on October 30, but it’s likely we will already be feeling its effects before this day. It will be lasting until January 12, 2023. It’s this energy that could probably affect you the most versus any type of “Halloween” energy 🙂

Mars is the planet that rules over our energy levels, our ability to take action, and our feelings of motivation. With Mars entering retrograde, these areas of our lives may come into focus in some way. We may find it more challenging to manage our energy levels, taking action may feel more challenging, or we may start questioning our motivation.

Mars Retrograde can manifest for everyone differently, but it is known to be a bit of a sluggish time. It can also bring burnout or the need to really rest and recuperate.


I’ll be writing more about the season of Halloween during the month of October. I’ll talk about other places where the veil is thin, and it has nothing to do with Halloween (and more to do with natural elements meeting in some way!)

That’s All 🙂
Hail Lucifer,


*Trine (astrological aspect), an angle between planets of a horoscope




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