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Dark N Dead Negative Entity

Halloween ’18 entry SP


Dear Black Witch Coven,

I am entering you Halloween contest. I also will take this opportunity to tell you guys how awesome you are! I stumbled upon your site while searching for spells to help my marriage a few years back. It was my introduction to the left hand path and Luciferianism.  I found Savannah’s narcissistic spouse spell and was amazed. I did try the spell and had amazing results. The website and YouTube channel are also full of so much helpful & amazing information.

My most significant spell to date is my first contact with Astaroth. I came to her for help revealing secrets. I had felt in my bones & soul, things were being hidden in a relationship. I had found zero proof but psychic readings confirmed there were secrets time and time again. Within hours of my spell, I received the information & proof I was seeking. Within 5 days, I literally had the answer to every question I had been wondering about in different areas in my life. The answers came in a vision, concrete proof and people just randomly talking about things they normally don’t (and shouldn’t).

The creepiest experience to date was the time I found some sort of negative spirit, entity or demon in my garage. At the time I was a gray witch. I had experience in cleansing and spirit removal. However, I was not expecting to find a demon up in my garage rafters during a routine cleansing. I had been working on clearing my partner of his attachments and I believe this was one of them. It was on all fours like an animal, it had a human face with had red eyes and was all black. I felt a ice cold energy emanating from it as it looked me dead in the eye.. Meeting it was truly a chilling experience. I stood frozen in my tracks thinking of what to do. I finished cleansing the garage demanding it leave. It didn’t seem to fight much and disappeared. I was able to remove it from my home and later my property. It spent a period of time running on my roof at night & lurking outside my windows, cursing at me, apologizing and begging to be let back in. I got little sleep and zero peace of mind during this time.

Halloween has always been a special time of the year for me. It’s dark and creepy, with costumes, horror movies and lots of treats. Now that I am older and more into my magical practices, it’s about spell work and honoring my guiding spirits and ancestors. This year will be a tribute to Nina Blanca and Lady Hecate. I will also be doing some spells to communicate with my ancestors. I also will be performing spells to further transform my life. I am well on to my new path, refining things and learning. Someday soon, I will have amazing Halloween rituals and traditions.

To enter the Halloween ’18 The Dark and the Dead competition CLICK HERE for details…

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