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How to bury a bitch: death spells, hexes, and curses

death spells

death spells

Hexing & Cursing to cause death

Death Spell
All I need to curse a target to their grave. Copyright 2015 BWC
This is a poppet I have to look over the hex I began today, on a woman who deserves to be dead. Her evil personality has caused the death of a person close to me and mentally harmed 2 others.The poppet is my magical assistant, created especially to carry on my curse, hex, or spell when I am not working on the spell. I treat the poppet with great respect and love at all times, as it is essentially me!

Does she (my target) deserve death?

Of course she does. I have no doubt this woman will die. In my mind, she has lived too long. She is 10 years past her due date – the date when she killed someone close to me. I was too sad to do this hex before. I am angry and vengeful now. I take full responsibility for my actions, and have no regret. The law does not have laws for all crimes – and justice will be done with my spell.

She will be buried in the plot of ground she has already pre-purchased for her death. I know too many personal details about her, for this hex not to work. As I have been in the USA for many years, I have not had this chance to hex her, and bury her in this style of death spell. Unluckily for her, I am in Sydney and ready to curse her to that plot.

[learn_more caption=”Astaroth”] The name Astaroth (sometimes spelled Ashtaroth) was also an early goddess among the Sumerians, known to them as the “Queen of Heaven”. Her guidance was sought out by both gods and humans alike and she was arguably the most worshiped deity of her time. By many accounts the goddess Astarte was one of the most slandered deities when more modern religions became popular in the ancient Middle East. The name “Astaroth” itself is a twisted version of Astarte, made to sound evil and shameful in the pronunciation of the old languages of the time. Humans in power at the time wanted to erase the old beliefs from existence and so they changed all of the reputations of the Babylonian gods and goddesses into those of “evil demons”.[/learn_more]
Asking for Astraroth's help with my hex. Copyright 2015 BWC
Asking for Astraroth’s help with my hex. Copyright 2015 BWC


So mote it be!





21 thoughts on “How to bury a bitch: death spells, hexes, and curses

  1. rina says:

    hi, was actually interested in cursing more than one person. need i do each one seperately, or can i kill two birds with one stone? these people are harmful to the world around them and very well deserve this.

  2. CreoleGoddess. says:

    Thank you so much for sharing. I’ve just visualized this being done to two evil threats that were harming loved ones and trying to make my life living he’ll. They are now gone forever and dead dead dead. So mote it be.

  3. Rosey says:

    Hi, I would like to know if you would do this work for me and how much would it be to do the death spell that you did in your video above? I do want to have this done on someone really bad. I’m ready for this. What do you recommend For me to do it myself or have someone do it for me? Thank you so much for the video.

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