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Demonic Seraphim

The Seraphim, sometimes referred to as the “angels of fire,” are, in many ways, more demonic than angelic. They have a long history of interactions with humans and mysterious rituals that can be done with their energies. As I intend to work with these ancient beings during the full moon ritual tonight, we’ll take a close look at these creatures and what makes them so unique.

The seraphim has been linked to the occult and demonology for centuries. According to ancient texts, they were said to be able to draw power from unholy rituals and summon dark entities. They had a knack for manipulating energy and using it to their advantage. In recent times, the Seraphim have become closely associated with occult practices and daemonic rituals. This is due to their strong connection to the spiritual realm, as well as their ability to bring about powerful transformation.


The history of the Seraphim dates back thousands of years, with the first written accounts of them appearing in ancient Sumerian mythology. Since then, they have been mentioned in many religious texts and are thought to be spiritual guardians of the human race. These demons are considered to be in the top hierarchy of all demons. Each level of demons specializes in certain abilities and powers.  The Seraphim” specializes in revenge/justice issues and the defeating of one’s enemies. The teaching of Astrology, healing arts, and divination; in guarding things and in defense, both here and on the astral.

See Demon Hierarchy

The first hierarchy includes angels that were or are Seraphim, Cherubim, and Thrones.

• Beelzebub was a prince of the Seraphim, just below Lucifer. Beelzebub, along with Lucifer and Leviathan, were
the first three angels to fall. He tempts men with pride and is opposed by St. Francis of Assisi.
• Leviathan was also a prince of the Seraphim who tempts people to give into heresy, and is opposed by Saint Peter.
• Asmodeus was also a prince of the Seraphim and reportedly continues to be one, burning with desire to tempt
men into wantonness. He is opposed by St. John the Baptist.
• Berith was a prince of the Cherubim. He tempts men to commit homicide, and to be quarrelsome, contentious,
and blasphemous. He is opposed by St. Barnabas.
• Astaroth was a prince of Thrones, who tempts men to be lazy and is opposed by St. Bartholomew.
• Verrine was also Prince of Thrones, just below Astaroth. He tempts men with impatience and is opposed by St.
• Gressil was the third prince of Thrones, who tempts men with impurity and is opposed by St. Bernard.
• Sonneillon was the fourth prince of Thrones, who tempts men to hate and is opposed by St. Stephen

References to the Seraphim can be found throughout the Bible and other religious texts. They are often referred to as the “angels of fire” due to their fiery-looking appearance. While they may have been created by God, they are known for having a more malevolent nature than other angels.

In modern times, the Seraphim have become associated with occult activities and magic rituals. Some practitioners believe that calling upon the Seraphim will give them power to access other realms and gain knowledge.

While not all seraphim are evil, many of them are quite malicious and use their abilities to cause pain and suffering. They can be incredibly persuasive and have been known to sway entire populations with their influence. Some even claim that the seraphim has a special connection with dark energies, allowing them to access powerful magic that other entities cannot.


The Seraphim are said to look like burning humanoids with four wings and six eyes. They tend to stand taller than humans, and their skin is typically a bright red or orange hue. Additionally, their eyes glow in colors ranging from yellow to purple.

In addition to being powerful entities, the Seraphim also have a strong symbolism associated with them. They are typically associated with fire and light, purification, protection, and transformation. Their wings are often said to represent divine guidance or ascension.

The number of wings that a Seraph has can also be significant when performing rituals. Three wings is believed to bring great power and protection while six wings can bring enlightenment and transformation.

The horned head of the Seraphim is also associated with great power and strength, often being seen as a symbol of divine authority and protection. It is thought that when invoking the Seraphim in rituals, their horns help bring in powerful energies capable of creating extraordinary change.

Finally, the colors associated with the Seraphim can be significant in rituals. Red is often seen as the color of transformation, while white represents cleansing and purification. Blue stands for protection and guidance. By combining these colors, one can invoke a powerful energy to aid them in their rituals.

Daemonic Rituals

The Seraphim are powerful entities that can be used for both positive and negative purposes. Some occultists believe that rituals can be done with the energies of the Seraphim in order to gain insight into dark secrets or summon malevolent spirits. Those who choose to perform such rituals should do so with caution, as they could potentially attract negative energies. People wrongly mistake that all daemonic entities are from the Goetia and are under the protection of Lucifer, but this is just not true. This is why you need to have lots of tools in your tool kit before you approach ANY demonic source.

The most popular ritual involving the Seraphim involves using a magical circle to create a powerful barrier between yourself and any dark entities that may be summoned. This will help protect you from any unwanted consequences of the ritual. Additionally, some practitioners use special crystals or sigils during their rituals to further assist in protection and power.

When it comes to performing daemonic rituals with the Seraphim, there are several steps that should be followed. These steps are horribly simple to understand, but, as with any Ritual, you need to take care in the preparation of your tools before asking one of the most ancient entities to stand before you and listen to your request. Still, I will share with you, how simple it can be:

First, the practitioner must create a ritual space and bring in any tools or items needed for the ritual.

Second, they must call upon the energies of the Seraphim, often by writing ritual invocations on parchment paper or speaking aloud. It is important to offer them respect and gratitude for their presence and assistance.

Third, specific rituals should be performed depending on what outcome you are looking for. These can include using candles, herbs, stones, incense, oils and even animal sacrifices.

Once the ritual is complete, it is important to offer gratitude and release the energies of the Seraphim.

As the saying goes, “with great power comes great responsibility.” By taking the time to learn about and work with the Seraphim, you can unlock a wealth of potential and knowledge that will assist you in your own spiritual journey. With practice and dedication, anyone can become an expert in invoking their energies.


Having some background training in occultism, where you learn to work with all of the elements, you can begin to handle and constrain within yourself, for example, the energy of fire can be quite consuming if you are not adept in managing your own internal fire. Should the Demon bring that element into your space, will you be consumed by the fire and spread out the other end? Or will you be able to calm your internal flames and still have the composure to put forward your petition to the Demon? This is what I’m talking about when it comes to experience. It’s easy to go through the motions of the Ritual, but it’s the energies within the Ritual that you need to learn how to contain in order to have success.

Ultimately, the true nature of the seraphim cannot be fully understood by humans – but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try. With respect and caution, we can come to appreciate the seraphim’s unique power and beauty – and learn valuable lessons in the process.

So, if you’re brave enough to take on the challenge of discovering the true nature of these mysterious creatures, arm yourself with knowledge and be ready to face whatever may await you! The rewards for facing your fears and discovering the secrets of the seraphim may be greater than you could ever imagine. Who knows what wonders await those brave enough to seek them out?

Happy exploring!

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