If we’ve spoken before you’ve probably heard “…in magic, you must say thank you before you say please”. Coming off the back of the expansion ritual of 8/8, I wanted to touch on this a bit, as I believe down to my core this is the key to working with Spirit AND being happy.
Practicing gratitude, daily or otherwise, isn’t only for fluffy, new-age, white magic practitioners. All the successful witches of any paths I’ve come across practice it.
It’s linked to the second hermetic principle ‘as above, so below’, sometimes interpreted as ‘as within, so without’ It means what happens inside, will be reflected without. If you are grateful, you’ll have things to be grateful for. Make sense?
Gratitude acknowledges what you’ve already been blessed with. Shifting your focus/attention from what you don’t have, lack, to what you do have.
Gratitude raises your vibration and has you buzzing at a higher frequency. This radiates outwards allowing those same high vibrations, energy and power to be attracted to you. Simply, what you send out, you get back.
If you want to be kicking back on your yacht, sipping champers and feeling ‘how lucky am I?’ Then it would behoove you to be grateful for what you already have or are experiencing, however modest it may seem in comparison. Consider it practice (pun intended), or groundwork for the big dreams you’re trying to manifest.
So how can you do this?
Spoken words – speak your gratitude. Tell Spirit and yourself what you are grateful for right now and every day.
Written words – journal your gratitude. It doesn’t matter if you wax lyrical or just make a list of what you’re grateful for, it’s about making sure your vibrations stay high.
Ritual – perform a gratitude ritual. Your particular magical pathway will have ideas about how to do this, so you may need to do your own research. Just remember, doing the ritual is more important than doing it ‘properly’.
Altar – create an altar solely for gratitude and tend it often. This is not the place for please but for thank you.
I’d love to hear how you give gratitude to Spirit so comment below and share what you know